Best 9 quotes of Christine Riccio on MyQuotes

Christine Riccio

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    Christine Riccio

    Here is hurting me, Pilot … I can’t choose us because I need to choose me. I’m not ready for this. Here, I’m still in school and I’m still dependent. I can’t break from my shit path. But in 2017, maybe I can do something. I have some money saved, and I’ll break up with Melvin and start over or something. I can figure something out there.

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    Christine Riccio

    I guess they always end up making me feel like I’m not welcome to be myself.

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    Christine Riccio

    I suck in a deep breath as I plop one foot over the line and then exhale, knowing I’m standing on both sides of the world at once.

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    Christine Riccio

    It’s weird how we have to get a little older to realize that people are just people. It should be obvious, but it’s not.

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    Christine Riccio

    I’ve been trying to make you happy for six years now, hoping somehow that would make me happy too, but I don’t think it’s working. You’re not really happy with me because I’m not happy with you because I’m not happy with me.

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    Christine Riccio

    Pilot nods with a small smile. "I've noticed." "Noticed what?" I ask with a smidge of attitude. "You're bolder than before.

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    Christine Riccio

    So—why didn’t something happen?” Because of me. Because I let fear make decisions for me. Because I’ve chosen to let the world push me around instead of pushing my way through the world.

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    Christine Riccio

    This is for all the teens/young adults/adults who feel like they’ve been left behind. You’re not behind. You have time to find yourself and love and adventure. It’s all out there, and when you’re ready to push yourself out of your comfort zone and look for it, you’ll find it.

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    Christine Riccio

    You can always count on Percy to be awesome. You can always count on Jason to be knocked out.