By AnonymI. Alan Appt
All of material and All of any services can be purchased, with the exception of, Love, Peace and Joy, they are not for sale at any price
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
Excerpt from "The Strength in Knowing" Doubt is the archenemy of the purity of thought and it inhibits the essence of all that is
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
Hatred and disdain do harm to the donor not the intended recipient… The Strength in Knowing ----- by I. Alan Appt
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
INTEGRITY IS: Empirical knowledge is one of the critical ingredients of integrity, followed by truth, which is not necessarily moral, hence the evaluation of the truth. Empirical knowledge, coupled with the evaluation of truth for determination of its morality, equals factual righteousness and subsequently perpetuates integrity. Perceptions can at times influence our evaluation of truth, which may ultimately influence our identification of a subject’s morality. Our perception of what is truthful and righteous is not necessarily others interpretations. Assumption and credulity is the archenemy—the nemesis, if you will—of truth and ultimately of morality. We sometimes have an unwillingness or aversion toward researching a subject before formulating an opinion. But the more knowledge we learn about a subject, the more beneficial it will be. Understanding based on factual data will enable a more realistic and enhanced resolution of questions about a subject’s morality. Do some investigation of facts, situations, ideology, and belief systems for your empirical knowledge. As you do so, the truth shall be brought to the surface. As you analyze empirical knowledge, the truth and its morality will determine the factual righteousness of the subject, and ultimately, its integrity. Integrity Equation: Empirical knowledge + truth + morality = factual righteousness = INTEGRITY
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
In true love, one has no reservations.True love is unquestionable,indisputable and totally recognizable.
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
I thought you might appreciate this..... “Excerpt from my lecture Sunday February 22, 2015 at Soul-Esteem Center 10 Commandments - God knew when he gave us choice some would make the wrong choices, but God wanted his creation, man, to have free will and felt later it necessary to write the 10 Commandants as a reminder of how God wanted his creations to perform. The 10 Commandants contain 5 positives and five negatives” ― I. Alan Appt, The Strength in Knowing tags: motivational, philosophy, psychology, self-help Peace to all, Alan Appt
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
Quotations from ‘“THE STRENGTH IN KNOWING” *** Convey to others more compassion, sensitivity, understanding rather than judgementalism” To find pity shall enable forgiveness to surface There are good bones in everyone’s body, what varies are the number Cause and effect from the very smallest act by one individual can change mankind for all time Devastation can be a reward, and a path to regeneration Emotions May Inhibit our Ability to Find Peace One must conquer One’s insensitivity to sensitivity True peace maintains strength and calm in the face of discord and tension Wisdom is not guranteed to be achieved with age but rather realized with ones sensitiviy to man and the universe Opposites create duality. The ego creates opposites. Therefore, the ego creates duality One should not permit his or her life path to be influenced by the expectations of others. Doubt is the archenemy of the purity of thought and it inhibits the essence of all that is Our, emotions and perceptions determine our attitudes and ultimately our choices Don’t do it later; do it now. True love is unconditional and everlasting and it cannot cease. Reframing from negative speech is a path to reduction of negative thought Uncontaminated understanding and awareness is the purity of essence and the essence of purity
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
The future depends on what choices we make....
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By AnonymI. Alan Appt
To a certain degree, We all seek, life’s purpose and meaning, love, peace and joy, and knowledge, wealth and power…