Best 5 quotes of Peter Wohlleben on MyQuotes

Peter Wohlleben

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    Peter Wohlleben

    A good upbringing is necessary for a long life, but sometimes the patience of the young trees is sorely tested. As I mentioned in chapter 5, "Tree Lottery," acorns and beechnuts fall at the feet of large "mother trees." Dr. Suzanne Simard, who helped discover maternal instincts in trees, describes mother trees as dominant trees widely linked to other trees in the forest through their fungal-root connections. These trees pass their legacy on to the next generation and exert their influence in the upbringing of the youngsters. "My" small beech trees, which have by now been waiting for at least eighty years, are standing under mother trees that are about two hundred years old -- the equivalent of forty-year-olds in human terms. The stunted trees can probably expect another two hundred years of twiddling their thumbs before it is finally their turn. The wait time is, however, made bearable. Their mothers are in contact with them through their root systems, and they pass along sugar and other nutrients. You might even say they are nursing their babies.

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    Peter Wohlleben

    Si de verdad somos la especie más inteligente de este planeta -algo que presupongo-, ¿entonces por qué la ciencia no recorrió hace tiempo el camino inverso? ¿Por qué esforzarse durante años en enseñar tediosos signos a animales de laboratorio, animales cuya capacidad de aprendizaje, de acuerdo con el estado actual de la investigación, es inferior a la nuestra? ¿No sería mucho más sencillo que nosotros mismos empezásemos al fin a aprender el lenguaje animal?

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    Peter Wohlleben

    So many questions remain unanswered. Perhaps we are poorer for having lost a possible explanation or richer for having gained a mystery. But aren't both possibilities equally intriguing?

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    Peter Wohlleben

    Unfortunately, researches are only peripherally interested in the thousands of species discovered so far and given unpronounceable Latin names. Countless more species are waiting in vain to be discovered.

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    Peter Wohlleben

    V jediné hrsti lesní půdy je víc živých bytostí než lidí na naší planetě. Jedna plná čajová lžička pojme víc než kilometr houbových vláken.