Best 8 quotes of Leonie Swann on MyQuotes

Leonie Swann

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    Leonie Swann

    Cordelia loved his explanations. She loved knowing words that belonged to things she'd never seen, even to things you couldn't see at all. She remembered those words carefully. "Magic," George had said, "is something unnatural, something that doesn't really exist. If I snap my fingers and Othello suddenly turns white, that's magic. If I fetch a bucket of paint and paint him white, it isn't." He laughed, and for a moment it looked as if he felt like snapping his fingers or fetching that bucket. Then he went on, "Everything that looks like magic is really a trick. There's no such thing as magic." Cordelia grazed with relish. "Magic" was her favorite word - for something that didn't exist at all.

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    Leonie Swann

    Cordelia was thinking how human beings can invent words, how they can line up their invented words side by side on paper. It was magic.

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    Leonie Swann

    Die Schafe schwiegen beeindruckt. Übernatürlich! Noch natürlicher als natürlich! Gras was natürlich, Kraftfutter nicht ganz so natürlich, und Plastik was gar nicht natürlich und fast ungenießbar. Etwas Übernatürliches hingegen mußte eine wahre Delikatesse sein!

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    Leonie Swann

    Es war ein brillanter Plan. Die Sache hatte nur einen Hacken: den Haken an der Futterkammertür. An diesem Haken hing ein Schloss. Ein Schloss, das man nur durch Zählen öffnen konnte. Die Schafe konnten nicht besonders gut zählen, aber einen Versuch war es wert. ‘Drei!’, sagte Heide. ‘Acht!’, schnaubte Othello. ‘Vier!’, blökte das Winterlamm. Das Futterkammerschloss zeigte sich wenig beeindruckt von ihrem Zählkünsten.

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    Leonie Swann

    Maple thought optimistically that human beings, on their good days, weren't much dimmer than sheep. Or at least, not much dimmer than dim sheep.

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    Leonie Swann

    No, little one, George's ghost won't come back. Human beings don't have souls. No soul, no ghost. Simple." "How can you say that?" protested Mopple. "We don't know whether humans have souls or not." "Every lamb knows that your soul is in your sense of smell. And human beings don't have very good noses." Maude herself had an excellent sense of smell, and often thought about the problem of souls and noses. "So you'd only see a very small ghost. Nothing to be afraid of.

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    Leonie Swann

    No sheep may leave the flock," he said to anyone who would listen, "unless he comes back again.

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    Leonie Swann

    Sie waren in einen Irrgarten immergrüner Hecken eingetaucht, und hinter jeder Hecke wartete eine Ecke, wartete eine Ecke, wartete eine Ecke, und dann noch eine Hecke. Nichts als Ecken und Hecken. Unnatürlich.