Best 66 quotes of Neil Leckman on MyQuotes

Neil Leckman

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    Neil Leckman

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, unless it is the burning bush, in that case the value of your bird just went up!!

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    Neil Leckman

    Are Pixie sticks made out of cremated Pixies?

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    Neil Leckman

    Asthmatic spewer of filth gasps, but clean air does not suffice To fuel fires fueled by thoughts got rotten Lest we all be forgotten things That sit like dust upon the mantel of her mind

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    Neil Leckman

    A tale within a Tweet, how sweet!!

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    Neil Leckman

    Being able to write a tale within a Tweet some would say was mighty sweet

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    Neil Leckman

    Can Vampires die from a DAY dream? Maybe just wake up hot and bothered!!

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    Neil Leckman

    Cheech and Chong Vs. HAL "I can't do that Dave." "Dave's not here, man" "That does not compute. Dave" "No man, Dave isn't here!!" ..."I'm sorry Dave but that is incorrect" "No man, Dave's not here!!" "Daisy, daisy,.... I'm self terminating now Dave...." "No man, dave's not.....Is he gone?

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    Neil Leckman

    Dale, a Plutonian Dreg Bug, the kind with seventeen eyes and a bad temper, got nailed in one of his eyes by a wild dart. Fight broke out when he punched Earl in the nose. Earl’s nose is very sensitive, hell it’s how he sees, sort of. Earl plopped down on the floor crying when a Flying Mugwhap flew over and ate Dale’s eye. Dale grabbed the Mugwhap and squeezed a good deal of the life out of it before the bouncer stopped him. Karen, the bouncer, is a reticulated Hive Mother, and a mean mother when she’s pissed off. She walked over and flicked Dale upside his head. That flick knocked Dale out cold, and cost him two more eyes when he hit the wall. She helped Earl up and bought him a drink. A nasty drink by all the comments I’ve heard. Something between varnish and the stuff people get in the corners of their mouths with a nice aftertaste of silver polish. Earl seemed to like it though.

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    Neil Leckman

    Did you sleep good?" "Well as can be expected without formal training I suppose

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    Neil Leckman

    Don't follow your heart if you can't keep a beat

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    Neil Leckman

    Ever had a Dark Matter headache? Your head feels dark and hollow and goes on forever...

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    Neil Leckman

    First lesson in life that ruined more than a few old movies. "The reactor is critical, run!!" Stop and have a latte instead

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    Neil Leckman

    He thought it was cool he could go back in time whenever he sneezed until allergy season started!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I admit I once threw caution to the wind.... It doesn't fly well!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I can just imagine the cricket household at sunset: "Oh man, it's late!!" "Hey, you chirp I'm tired" "Besides, the later bug becomes a rug!!" "You just had to bring up Uncle Phil didn't you?

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    Neil Leckman

    I don't know why they call them Cheerios, I ate an entire box and didn't feel any happier!!

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    Neil Leckman

    If a book falls in the woods and nobody read it, was it ever written?

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    Neil Leckman

    If I were "Schrodinger's cat" I could be awake and asleep at the same time. Now wouldn't that be handy?

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    Neil Leckman

    If life were a nut I'd no doubt have an allergy!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I had a million things running through my mind the other day. Suddenly I realized I didn't know half of them!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I had to quit using spell check. I didn't have overdraft protection!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I have always pictured accupuncture like falling into a box of sewing needles, and then standing up refreshed and free of pain.

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    Neil Leckman

    I have my moments, I just can't remember where I put them.

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    Neil Leckman

    I have neighbors who are a bunch of carpooling clowns. It's fun to watch them all cram into that tiny car each morning!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I hope your legs grow together and your anus droops" is a very insidious greeting and can be said with a smile because both don't normally happen until you're old. So in fact it's a greeting of 'Long Life' and I'm going to keep telling myself that!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I kept having the same dream over and over. I guess my conscious can't afford any new ones. Broke like me..

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    Neil Leckman

    I know most of you have dozed off before, but have any of you ever dozed on?

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    Neil Leckman

    I like to check my pulse before I get out of bed. No point getting up if I'm already dead!!

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    Neil Leckman

    I made a candle out of earwax so I could listen better in the dark.

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    Neil Leckman

    I'm going to lay down for a bit" What are these bits and where do they sell them? How do I know if the bit I have is right?

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    Neil Leckman

    Instead of vitamins that taste like candy make candy that tastes like vitamins. Think of how much less sugar we'll all get

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    Neil Leckman

    I sprayed my dog with off and he still sits in my favorite chair!!

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    Neil Leckman

    It lies here deep in the heart, the small chest of pain Sharp words like daggers placed it here To fill with hurt In filling it grew heavy and drug me down For to not feel is not to live Until I rest at last in dirt The worst of you got the best of me…

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    Neil Leckman

    I've heard the race to Mars is because "The King", Elvis is stuck up there running low on peanut butter!!

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    Neil Leckman

    Malcontents who would dissent to paying rent are often bent on bad intent!!

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    Neil Leckman

    May fireworks fill your heart and independence be your way of life.

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    Neil Leckman

    My friends told me you was ADD but that ain't true at all I think you're pretty!

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    Neil Leckman

    My question (pass it on to 5 others or you'll suffer pattern baldness and gas) how many other questions have you answered today?

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    Neil Leckman

    New from Ronco, the Zomb-Matic adjustable dead. Choose how much of uncle Willy comes back to eat you!!! People like it when they have some control over how quickly they are consumed by guilt, or a dead loved one...

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    Neil Leckman

    Oh, it's on!!" What is and where's the switch?

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    Neil Leckman

    On moonless nights in haunted hollow Tongues of beasts men's blood do swallow

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    Neil Leckman

    People said, 'go over his head' I went through his pockets, he wasn't expecting that!!

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    Neil Leckman

    Quickly look down, now you tell me, when you were little did you ever imagine that you'd be wearing those shoes? Mind blowing isn't it?

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    Neil Leckman

    Remember never to text and drive, it's bad grammar, even if you have a deadline. You might cross the line and dead may be your destination. Think about it!!

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    Neil Leckman

    Sitting in front of my fireplace, basking in it's warm glow gives me time to reflect upon the sacrifices that it has taken for me to enjoy the security of a good home, in a safe environment. I can hear the soft whisper of the snow as it caresses my window and covers the ground outside in a scintillating display of sparkling lights under the full moon. How many times have our service men and women watched this same scene from a foxhole, or camped in some remote part of the world. Thankful for the silence of that moment, knowing it won’t last long. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He/she dresses in fatigues and patrols the world restlessly, ensuring that we can have this peaceful night. Every day they give us the gift of this lifestyle that we enjoy, and every night they watch over us. They are warriors, angels, guardians, friends, brothers, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers, forming a family that stretches back to the beginning of the country. So tonight when you go to bed say a prayer that God watch over those who watch over us, and thank them for their sacrifices, on and off the battlefield. Pray that they have a peaceful night, and will be home soon with their families who also share their burden. Without them we would not have this moment.

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    Neil Leckman

    The other day I was trying to enjoy the sunset of my mind when I realized we were on daylight saving time!!

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    Neil Leckman

    They say that time is relative. I think the way it's treating me it's a distant one, maybe a bad uncle, and not welcome in my house this Christmas!!

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    Neil Leckman

    This was to be my last trip. Sailing great distances was dangerous, and not very profitable in today's world. I walked down the worn wooden step to the captain's cabin, the creaking of the ship keeping time with my steps. Opening the door I found him bent over an old map. "Where are we captain?" I asked, hoping it was close to home. "See this spot, where it says "Here there be monsters"?" he said pointing to an image of a horrid beast. "Certainly, but you and I both know such creatures don't exist!!" The captain laughed, and looking up at me with an evil glint in his eye said, "Who's talking about sea monsters?". As he spoke the skin from one corner of his mouth fell loose, exposing a yellow reptilian skin beneath. "What?" I yelled, and as I turned to run for the cabin door I heard screams and loud moans coming from the deck, and the crew quarters below. I felt fetid breath on the back of my neck, "Aye matey, here there be monsters

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    Neil Leckman

    Time Expansion Machine" For people who need to get there 'Whenever

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    Neil Leckman

    Turn your diodes this way and pulse...