Best 6 quotes of Abraham Ruiz on MyQuotes

Abraham Ruiz

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    Abraham Ruiz

    Emotion it self is blindfold. So one second of your life control by emotion it's the definition of selfishness.

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    Abraham Ruiz

    I find funny that altho no one is perfect, we constantly compare ourselves to others. Judging others by their appearance and wealth, assuming that they're happier than us. History shows that human's will never be fully satisfied. Even those who seem perfect eventually break down in tears, because everyone has their own struggle, regret, and war within to face each day. So why waist your time comparing yourself to those around you?

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    Abraham Ruiz

    It's sad to know how blind we are when it comes to appreciation. We have to lose something to gain knowledge of its worth. The best gift of life is love, the second is health. Most of us have both but will never be satisfied.

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    Abraham Ruiz

    Love is a choice. That's why love it's one of gods commandments. People love because they trust. People trust because of faith. Love does have expectations. What we expect by love is eternity. We expect eternity because love is a choice, and you can choose to have it forever. The expectation of having love is a purpose to live, and a purpose to die. With out expectations, why would you love. The natural gift of love it's a purpose to live and happiness. That's why love it's worth dying for. With god or with out god in the picture, that's why love it's worth dying for.

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    Abraham Ruiz

    The easiest decision u could make is judge, it takes courage to search for the truth.

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    Abraham Ruiz

    The easiest decision you could make is judge, it takes courage to search for the truth.