Best 5 quotes of Ross Wetzsteon on MyQuotes

Ross Wetzsteon

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    Ross Wetzsteon

    Finally, when someone asked [Pollack] how he knew when a painting was finished, he replied, “How do you know when you’ve finished making love?

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    Ross Wetzsteon

    Hans then asked him about painting from nature; Jackson...bluntly offered a phrase that entered Village lore, “I am nature.

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    Ross Wetzsteon

    It might be said of Miss [Djuna] Barnes,” [T.S. Eliot] wrote, “who is incontestably one of the most original writers of our time, that never has so much genius been combined with so little talent.

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    Ross Wetzsteon

    [I]t was [Barnett] Newman who made the famously wry remark, “Aesthetics is for the artist as ornithology is for the birds,

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    Ross Wetzsteon

    There is only one thing left for you to do,” John Sloan advised one artist. “Pull off your socks and try with your feet.