Best 13 quotes of Dee Henderson on MyQuotes

Dee Henderson

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    Dee Henderson

    A romance book is designed to tell you something about love–its ability to endure, forgive, go the extra mile, care about someone, put someone else first.

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    Dee Henderson

    Can I do anything for you? Bake you cookies? Walk your dogs? Throw snowballs? Just generally be a distraction?

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    Dee Henderson

    Curiosity was a bad character trait for a private investigator to have. It created work.

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    Dee Henderson

    God decided to create a world where free will was more important than no one ever getting hurt. There must be something stunningly beautiful and remarkable about free will that only God can truly grasp, because God hates, literally abhors, evil, yet He created a world where evil could happen if people chose it.

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    Dee Henderson

    God was just. She held on to that knowledge and the hope that the day of justice would eventually arrive.

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    Dee Henderson

    If he didn’t love so deeply, he couldn’t grieve so deeply. But he’s drowning in it.

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    Dee Henderson

    I loved the fact there was a God who had made me, who had created everything around me. Jesus made sense to me. He’s real. He’s personal.” “He likes you,” Bishop remarked gently. “Exactly…I wasn’t smarted than He was. I adored Jesus for that fact. Every question I had, Jesus knew how to answer. That was such a relief. Not that He would always answer, but I knew I could search for an answer and find one, and it often felt like God was helping me go the right direction with my search.” “I’d bump into something cool God had made, and I’d promptly tell Him all about what I’d found and bombard Him with questions about it.

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    Dee Henderson

    Please understand something. God didn’t create evil in the world, but He did create free will, which allowed for the possibility of evil. Science isn’t like that. What you explore and find, God did create. It already exists. When you find it, you are discovering something God made. And everything God created is good. God said so in Genesis. He looked around at everything He had made and said, ‘It is very good.’” “How men use science can be evil, I’m with you a hundred percent on that,” Bishop added. “People can misuse items God created. But that has everything to do with man’s free will and tendency to evil, not science. What God created is good. So do what you were created to do. Break new scientific ground. Help us understand the dynamics of what God created. “You can’t protect the world from itself, Gina. You can only give good men the tools necessary to do their jobs. We need to know what is possible.

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    Dee Henderson

    Quinn hesitated, then said what his heart demanded."Lizzy, even if you don't believe, I will still be your friend. Nothing is going to change that. I'm loyal to my friends for a lifetime. There are no qualifications." She just looked at him for a long time, and then the smile that could make his heart roll over appeared. She got to her feet and lightly tapped his arm with the sombrero. "You're forgiven for asking me out fourth." She would have passed him but he snagged her hand. "Lizzy." She stopped. "I saved the best for last.

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    Dee Henderson

    Sometimes love comes easily, and sometimes it's the most challenging decision a person ever makes. That reality doesn't make one way right and the other wrong, it just is. The love underlying marriage is more than an emotion, more than a set of facts adding up to a decision. It's the choice that this is the person I'm going to stay with for the rest of my life. It's something you have to make with your head and your heart . . . .

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    Dee Henderson

    The sun appeared over the hillside. "I'm tired, Tom." "It's okay to go home,' he choked. "Hold my hand?" His arms tightened around her and his fingers interlaced with hers. She closed her eyes against the brightness. "I love you." "I love you too," he whispered. Jennifer died feeling the warmth of the rising sun

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    Dee Henderson

    Think of normal as being what God intends for your life,” Mark said. “Un-normal is everything that’s something other than His plans for you. Life gets easier that way, Gina. Go ahead and stress about what you should care about, but ignore the rest.

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    Dee Henderson

    You need time for the grief to heal, for the memories to fade in sharpness, time to adjust your expectation for the future. Be gentle with yourself, you'll make it.