By AnonymTimothy Rogers
If we did not feel the bitterness of his anger, we would not so sweetly relish His love.
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By AnonymTimothy Rogers
If you saw a wounded person, torn and mangled, on the highway, the sight of so deplorable an object would fill you with compassion; the sight of your friends under the disease I am now speaking ought to move you much more, for it is tearing them to pieces every moment. Every moment it preys upon their vitals, and they are continually dying, yet cannot die.
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By AnonymTimothy Rogers
In all other evils people take for granted what others say, and sympathize accordingly with them; but in this one people are apt to contradict and oppose those who are distressed—and as long as they do so, they cannot pity them as they ought. This makes the grief of such to overwhelm and strangle them within, because, when they disclose it, they find it is to no purpose. In this case, do as you would have others do unto you. Suppose that you have a toothache or a headache, and, when you complain of those ailments, people were to tell you that it was nothing but a fancy; would you not think their carriage to be full of cruelty? And would it not vex you to find out that you cannot be believed?
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By AnonymTimothy Rogers
Many persons will say to such people,"Why do you so pore and muse and gratify the devil?"―whereas it is the very nature of the disease to cause such fixed musings. They might as well say, "Why are you diseased? Why won't you get well?" Their so musing proceeds from a violent pressure on their spirits, which they are not able to remove. Some think that melancholy persons are pleased with their distemper, but I believe that they are as pleased as a man who is lying on thorns or briars, or as one who is thrown into a fiery furnace. It is vastly painful to them to be in this condition, and they cannot be supposed to hate themselves so much as to be fond of pain.
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By AnonymTimothy Rogers
Pain, indeed, makes the time seem to go on very slowly; an hour seems like a day and a day like a week.