Best 283 quotes in «aviation quotes» category

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    Santiago de Cuba has the Antonio Maceo Airport (MUCU/SCU), which was home to the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces. Shown in the photo is a Cuban Mig 21 inside the VT-45 hanger. Santiago de Cuba had 12 of these Russian built fighters situated at the San Antonio de los Baños Airfield in Cuba. Now the airport is essentially a turboprop hub, however it can also accommodate mid-sized jet aircraft. There are about twenty international flights each week, but most arrivals are by domestic airlines. The eastern location and the international status of MUCU/SCU has spurred the interest of foreign airlines as a promising future destination. All in all, Cuba now has ten international airports, capable of serving long-range commercial flights. Follow the daily blogs by Captain Hank Bracker posted exclusively on Facebook, Goodreads & Captain Hank Bracker’s Webpage. He also has frequent Tweets and weekend commentaries headed “From the Bridge.” His dual award winning book “The Exciting Story of Cuba” is available from and other leading book vendors. Soon to come are his books “Seawater One” & “Surpressed I Rise (Revised Edition).

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    Mine is a quest, for a mouthful of skies. !

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    This is our foxhole, and in foxholes, sometimes faith is all you've got.

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    You are supposed to know how to fly or you would not be here. You will now learn to fly all over again. Our way. I have examined your logbooks. They contain some interesting and clever lies. If you are lucky and work a good solid eighteen hours a day in this school, it is barely possible that a few of you may succeed in actually going out on the line-that is, if the company is still in such desperate need of pilots that it will hire anybody who wears his wings in his lapel and walks slowly past the front door.

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    A bird is an instrument working according to mathematical law, which instrument it is within the capacity of man to reproduce with all its movements.

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    It is the professional pilot's bounden duty to know the idiosyncrasies of each type (of airplane), for he must spend a large proportion of his active career exploiting its qualities and compensating for its faults. These secrets cannot be discovered in a ground school.

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    So there we were, in the middle of the night, on our hands and knees with scrub brushes, steel wool, sponges, scouring powder and buckets of water making the old shop look spic and span. We secured from the task at 0400. I should have hit the rack but instead went topside and out to the canoe, the sacred spot where Lieutenant Goldberg and I had sat together contemplating the why's of life. I was saying farewell in my own way. I wanted to experience the Oriskany for the last time on the high seas. It was still dark – the dark that comes just before dawn. The waning moon, merely a fluorescent nail clipping, hung near the horizon. The night air was crisp; the sky a deep, cold black with pinpoints of stars shimmering through the earth’s canopy. Above me was the endless universe; below me, the deep mystical sea. Large undulating swells gently rocked the ship like a babe in its mother’s arms. Mother Ocean. Father Sky. I meditated upon this new life that I am now obliged to live. I thought about youth. I thought about old age. Apparently bad memories fade away with time and only the moments of goodness and joy remain. Those who are nearing the end of their lives revel in the bliss of yesterday but we the young have this day and tomorrow to contend with. Today, we see the world naked, exposed before our eyes. We see hatred, misery and pain. We find it difficult to live for today. Only the desires for tomorrow’s better world can alleviate the suffering that is today. Only tomorrow can offer us hope that glimmering moments will again materialize. So we continue to exist for a dream, a wish that tomorrow we can say: “This is a day worth living.” Excerpted from God, Bombs & Viet Nam: Based on the Diary of...

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    The only characteristic all airliners share is that upon proper urging they are normally capable of leaving the earth's surface.

    • aviation quotes
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    Welcome to my Goodreads author page! Thank you for stopping by. My new thriller, THE DEVIL DRAGON PILOT is now available. If you are new to where aviation meets espionage, this is an excellent place to begin. I have also created a website, complete with a Group Readers Guide and Photos at ColbyAviationThrillers and hope you will stop in. While visiting, you can sign up for my newsletter and receive a special Devil Dragon gift. Thank you for all of your support!

    • aviation quotes
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    When I worked on the 13,796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea we were advised to only use the medical oxygen after the daily headaches appeared and that just 15 minutes use was all that was needed to clear up the headaches for a while before we would need it again. We were not advised to use medical oxygen continuously as the Federal Aviation Regulations advises pilots to do. We were not advised to use pulse oximeters to monitor our blood oxygen levels or that the company medical oxygen should have been routinely administered only with our doctors prescription.

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    Where the world saw 'nothing'; And called it 'empty'.. I saw an Ocean of Air; Filled with opportunities...!

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    Workers must root out the idea that by keeping the results of their labors to themselves a fortune will be assured to them. Patent fees are so much wasted money. The flying machine of the future will not be born fully fledged and capable of a flight for 1,000 miles or so. Like everything else it must be evolved gradually. The first difficulty is to get a thing that will fly at all. When this is made, a full description should be published as an aid to others. Excellence of design and workmanship will always defy competition. (1894)

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    Aggressiveness was a fundamental to success in airtoair combat and if you ever caught a fighter pilot in a defensive mood you had him licked before you started shooting.

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    [Airmail was] an impractical sort of fad, and had no place in the serious job of postal transportation.

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    Air Canada. That's a good name for a Canadian airline.

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    Ah hell. We had more fun in a week than those weenies had in a lifetime.

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    Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset - its flexibility.

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    Always carry through an attack when you have started it.

    • aviation quotes
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    All attempts at artificial aviation are not only dangerous to human life, but foredoomed to failure from the engineering standpoint.

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    All agreed that the sensation of coasting on the air was delightful.

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    All the calculations show it can't work. There's only one thing to do: make it work.

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    Always keep a sharp lookout. "Keep your finger out"!

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    Always keep an 'out' in your hip pocket.

    • aviation quotes
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    Always keep your eye on your opponent, and never let yourself be deceived by ruses.

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    America, the land of the free, is turning itself into the land of the free ride. [U.S. airlines] are operating in protected markets. They are hoovering up public funds and they still can't make a profit.

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    Always turn and face the attack.

    • aviation quotes
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    An aircraft which is used by wealthy people on their expense accounts, whose fares are subsidized by much poorer taxpayers.

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    An airplane might disappoint any pilot but it'll never surprise a good one.

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    A man who is not afraid of the sea will soon be drowned, for he will be going out on a day when he shouldn't.

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    Anyone who's not interested in model airplanes must have a screw loose somewhere.

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    A modern, autonomous, and thoroughly trained Air Force in being at all times will not alone be sufficient, but without it there can be no national security.

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    And let's get one thing straight. There's a big difference between a pilot and an aviator. One is a technician; the other is an artist in love with flight.

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    As long as I look into the muzzles, nothing can happen to me. Only if he pulls lead am I in danger.

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    As soon as we left the ground, I knew I had to fly.

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    A recession is when you have to tighten your belt; depression is when you have no belt to tighten. When you've lost your trousers - you're in the airline business.

    • aviation quotes
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    As you know, birds do not have sexual organs because they would interfere with flight.

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    A pilot who says he has never been frightened in an airplane is, I'm afraid, lying.

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    At sea let the British their neighbours defy — The French shall have frigates to traverse the sky.

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    Aviation records don't fall until someone is willing to mortgage the present for the future.

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    A very friendly boom, like a pair of gleeful handclaps.

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    Aviation, this young modern giant, exemplifies the possible relationships of women with the creations of science.

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    Aviation is for the common man. My goal is to enable everyone to fly. It shouldnt be only for the rich.

    • aviation quotes
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    Aviation - and space travel, in particular - have always been especially captivating.

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    Beware the lessons of a fighter pilot who would rather fly a slide rule than kick your ass!

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    At the same time, as you know, unless you are a comic book reader, Daredevil is not a known thing.

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    But accuracy means something to me. It's vital to my sense of values. I've learned not to trust people who are inaccurate. Every aviator knows that if mechanics are inaccurate. aircraft crash.

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    Bankruptcy as a solution in kind of un-American.

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    Can build plane... Delivery about three months.

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    Because operators are based thousands of miles away from the battlefield, and undertake operations entirely through computer screens and remote audio feed, there is a risk of developing a 'PlayStation' mentality to killing.

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    Even the most eminent persons are subject to the laws of gravity.