Best 314 quotes in «photograph quotes» category

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    Ideals are like an image of reality at a given time from a given reality. Just like no photograph of a person can truly describe him, no ideal can represent reality as it is.

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    Father Sams, a mirthful shaman, looked at a nighted photograph of actress Lar Park Lincoln beneath his glass of bourbon con hielo.

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    How many times have I photographed this glorious seascape? . . . The late-afternoon rusted tones of the Saudi Arabian mountains on the opposite side of the Red Sea; the view from the Devil’s Head, which is eternally splashed by crashing waves. Like an arrow pointed toward Saudi Arabia’s unexplored secrets, the cliff stands erect just before me.

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    I kiss her ghost, and sleep with the dust on her photograph, next to my bedside.

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    I knew that my husband was a song that I had forgotten the words to and I was a fuzzy photograph of someone he used to love.

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    I found a photo of Mom standing between Mick and Dad, who were both wearing basketball uniforms. Mom was perfectly groomed, of course, and looking very ladylike. I said I must have been adopted. Ma-ma-oo laughed and said that when Mom was a little girl, she was always doing things like tying two cookie sheets to her shoes and attempting to ski because she'd seen one of her movie star idols in a magazine, elegantly poised on the slopes of Switzerland. Mom flew down the hill, hit a bump and crashed into a bush. She broke her leg and earned the nickname "Crash.

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    I'll remember you... I remember everyone I've lost.

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    În spatele fiecărei fotografii, în afară de plăcere și bucurie, se află teama, teama de timpul care trece, de vremelnicia lui, teama de a vedea și apoi de a nu mai vedea, de a trăi și apoi de a nu mai trăi, de a fi trăit fără să lași vreo urmă doveditoare, vreo amintire tangibilă; în spatele fiecărei fotografii se află teama de a muri și dovada morții noastre.

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    If her fingers touched the photograph it was hers. If it was out of her reach then it belonged to the room.

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    It is only through self-knowledge that we can understand reality 'as it is'—a living force which is dynamic and changing with time. Bookish knowledge is like a photograph. It helps to identify the person amid many other human beings but does not have the quality of the ‘real’ person—because a living person has feelings and flexibility.

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    În ziua de azi, odată cu apariția aparatelor digitale, fotografia și-a pierdut o parte din suflet. Pozele nu mai au acel caracter crucial și definitiv pe care-l aveau cele clasice. Bună sau proastă, o fotografie este irevocabilă și rămânea fixată pe peliculă. Developarea unui film scotea la iveală în mod implacabil și cronologic imagini reușite și imagini ratate; imposibil să scapi de verdicte și de statistici. Chiar dacă puteai să multiplici fotografiile și să schimbi filmul, fiecare imagine captată avea o valoare unică și reprezenta un mic miracol. Ultima fotografie avea un statut special, o savoare deosebită. Era adeseori făcută la repezeală, doar ca să se termine filmul mai repede; dar uneori, dimpotrivă, amânai s-o faci, erai atent, calculai, voiai să fie o încununare a întregului film. Abia atunci puteai să-l rebobinezi.

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    Listen to the sunset...see its pretty hue... When you see it, think of me...and I'll think of you...

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    I stare past her at the inspirational kitten posters. There's one of a soaking-wet kitten climbing out of a toilet with the caption "it could be worse!" "Just tell me whatever it is you're thinking," Mrs. Paulsen says. "Whatever is going through your mind right now." "I hope they didn't actually drop a cat in the toilet to get that picture," I choke out. "...Pardon?" "Nothing. Sorry.

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    Our photographs are our best proof to others that we lived the things we lived in the past!

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    I used to be lost in us. Blurred were the lines that separated us. But now, I see our togetherness in our separateness. I see the you in me and the me in you. We are two independent beings who complement one another like photographs that are beautiful on their own but are enhanced when juxtaposed, creating an altogether new photograph.

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    Seeing old photographs, we get enamored by the memories we made which will keep tugging at our heart-strings forever and ever...

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    Now there are elements of our dynamic coming slowly into view, like a photograph in a darkroom.

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    People remain same in photographs only

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    There are photographs of people you don't recognize and photographs of you in ways you don't wish to be remembered, but they each contain elements of places or times you do not wish to forget.

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    Photoghraphic projects can be as short as an afternoon or as long as a lifetime.

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    She lost me when she tried to send a screenshot by taking a photograph of her phone screen with another phone.

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    The photograph, then, becomes a representation of a representation of a disease that represents. In other words, in order to produce the most perfect images of hysteria, the hysteric – a woman whose illness simulates the symptoms of other diseases – was transformed, through hypnosis, into an artificial hysteric who perfectly simulated the simulations of hysteria. The medical photograph becomes a copy of a copy of a copy, a representation so far removed from the original that all duplicitous traits, were easily erased, leaving the deranged and chaotic nature of the original far behind. The photograph succeeded in turning the hysteric into a wholly artificial being, literally a flat, framed, unmoving image.

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    There, there, best to bring it all up,' she said. My memory was in shreds. Imagine a photograph cut into narrow strips then jumbled up. Everything is there, but you can't see the whole picture and even the strips have no bearing on reality. I did know I had consumed a large amount of alcohol. But I must have done something crazier than just being found drunk to have a nurse sitting by my bed. I thought it would be a good idea to say something and planned it for several seconds. 'She's all right,' I said. 'Who is?' asked the nurse. 'Alice. I'm all right now.' As I spoke I wondered if I had said something wrong. didn't sound like me. There were so many voices muttering in the background it was hard to tell.

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    The task of a philosophy of photography is to reflect upon this possibility of freedom - and thus its significance - in a world dominated by apparatuses; to reflect upon the way in which, despite everything, it is possible for human beings to give significance to their lives in the face of the chance necessity of death. Such a philosophy is necessary because it is the only form of revolution left open to us.

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    There is something particularly fascinating about seeing places you know in a piece of art - be that in a film, or a photograph, or a painting.

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    They say a picture tells a thousand words, but photographs reveal only a small part of the real story about a person.

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    We photographers are a despicable bunch. We take photographs. The best of us do not show people as they wish to be seen, instead, we show people as we imagine they really are.

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    The sight of this woman infringing on the privacy of others so aggressively and casually sent revulsion through my entire being. What was she doing? Hunting big game? Were the people in this small village home just a quarry to be stalked, a trophy later to be mounted on the wall? It was one of those moments when I felt ashamed to be linked with this thing we call photography. We photographers “shoot” and “capture”. We may insist that we “make” a photograph, but everyone knows we really take them.

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    Unlike Ronan, Adam's Aglionby jumper was second-hand, but he'd taken great care to be certain it was impeccable. He was slim and tall, with dusty hair unevenly cropped above a fine-boned, tanned face. He was a sepia photograph.

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    Were they waltzing, at that fleeting moment which the camera seized and tossed on into the future? Her feet seem scarcely to touch the dance floor.

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    What do we feel when we look at a good photograph? We just want to be there, right at the exact moment that photo taken!

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    Whenever we look at a photograph, the memories in the photograph become our memories as well!

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    Yeah, you’re right about having entire rooms full of film and photos… in that Sydney Mines house I have a darkroom, I have boxes of film and home movie footage… I have a few projectors, I have piles of Kodachrome slides… I like photographs. The world is always running away from society and the only way to keep the stuff that’s happened in the past is by taking photographs, I can keep memories of things alive with photographs,” Alecto responded. “People say that a time machine can’t be invented, but they’ve already invented a device that can stop time, cameras are the world’s first time machines… The steel mill, the coal mines, the train tracks, the smog in the sky, I’ve been able to rescue it on super-8 and Kodachrome, and no one can remediate those photographs, I can keep them as long as I want to.

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    Up past the old lime kiln built into the side of a hill we take a hard right at a clearing lined by brittle apple trees still willing to bear fruit. I snap sticks beneath my feet and steal pictures of the view while you reach for something sweet, as much as it bows to you.

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    Who made the concept of smiling for camera a social norm? It's not required for one to smile unless you really are smiling while photo us being clicked.

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    Why hoard away so many back-issues of People Magazine? Fashion magazines are just empty promises. You can go bankrupt blowing all your cash on expensive beauty products, but the only way you’ll ever look just like the people on those glossy front covers is if you know how to use computer editing software for photographs. Besides, people who think they are ugly, are never really all that ugly anyway. People who think they are pretty, are rarely ever all that pretty.

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    About shadows: do we see shadows? Loads of people don't. A camera will notice a shadow, but how many people have got a shadow in front of them when they take a picture and don't notice it, and then they see it in the photograph because the photograph will catch the shadow.

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    We weren’t happy together but we lived in a state of easy, mild contentment. We shared everything except the stupid fucking secret hanging round your neck. I imagined tiny photographs: portraits in sepia of your parents, their faces partially obscured by goitres. Meanwhile, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next year, maybe not even in a decade from now but one day: the planet would fall apart.

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    A Company should be viewed as an unfolding movie, not as a still photograph

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    A good nude photograph can be erotic, but certainly not sentimental or pornographic.

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    A great photograph needs no explanation; it functions by suggestion. There is no need to be explicit.

    • photograph quotes
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    All colors made me happy: even gray. My eyes were such that literally they Took photographs.

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    All photographs are far more important than any painting.

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    All alone - shorn of context, without captions - a photograph is neither true nor false.... For truth, properly considered, is about the relationship between language and the world, not about photographs and the world.

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    All photographs are self-portraits.

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    All photography is propaganda.

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    A good photograph will prove to the viewer how little our eyes permit us to see

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    All my photographs seep through EMOTION , through the relationship I establish with the place I am portraying. Whenever I see something that captivates me, I start turning around it to find MY OWN frame. I work on myself and on the city at the same time.

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    A lot of my hair and makeup, and everything I pull for inspiration, is [drawn] from old photographs.

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    A photograph gives us the naked truth,which has to be clothed by the imagination.