Best 90 quotes in «mathematical quotes» category

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    When I give this talk to a physics audience, I remove the quotes from my 'Theorem'.

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    Algebraic to the limit!

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    Without troublesome work, no one can have any concrete, full idea of what pure mathematical research is like or of the profusion of insights that can be obtained from it.

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    Words are a pretty fuzzy substitute for mathematical equations.

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    The importance of C.F. Gauss for the development of modern physical theory and especially for the mathematical fundament of the theory of relativity is overwhelming indeed; also his achievement of the system of absolute measurement in the field of electromagnetism. In my opinion it is impossible to achieve a coherent objective picture of the world on the basis of concepts which are taken more or less from inner psychological experience.

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    Beaming into the thick of a tree without becoming a lifelong tree hugger was a tricky business. A precision job. Scrooby’s job at the Time Saving Agency was a tough one. Billions of lives depended on him not screwing up. Literally billions and billions. Once, he’d screwed up in only a very small way and people wore those little yellow smiley faces on t-shirts for decades afterwards – and that was just a small screw up. He sighed. Here he sat, in the branches of an apple tree in an apple tree orchard – and without a single apple in sight. Below him, Isaac was waiting to get bonked on the noggin with an apple so that he could fulfill history by toddling off to invent gravity and shape scientific and mathematical principles for generations to come. Only one problem – no apples.

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    In the life of mathematics two plus two makes four; but in the mathematics of life two and two can make five or even three sometimes

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    Besides the mathematical arts there is no infallible knowledge, except that it be borrowed from them.

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    We are mathematical equations where your life is the sum of all choices you've made until now. The good news is you can change the equation so that you start making a difference in your life.

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    Yes," I continued, "I discovered this model recently and her style never fails to be mathematically perfect. She seems to come by it naturally. As if she were born resonant. I notice Japanese models tend to do this. Like I said, they seem to have resonance somewhere deep in their culture. But Yuri Nakagawa, she's the best I've ever seen. The best model, with the most powerful resonance. I need her to probe deeper into this profound mathematical instinct, which I call resonance.

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    Absolute, true and mathematical time, of itself, and from its own nature flows equably without relation to anything external.

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    A mathematician who is not also something of a poet will never be a complete mathematician.

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    A number of aspects of mathematics are not much talked about in contemporary histories of mathematics. We have in mind business and commerce, war, number mysticism, astrology, and religion. In some instances, writers, hoping to assert for mathematics a noble parentage and a pure scientific experience, have turned away their eyes. Histories have been eager to put the case for science, but the Handmaiden of the Sciences has lived a far more raffish and interesting life than her historians allow.

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    A physical law must possess mathematical beauty.

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    A pure mathematical series would be one in which each term is derived from the preceding term by a rule.

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    As a purely mathematical fact, people who sleep less live more.

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    Asked for a testimony to the effect that Emmy Noether was a great woman mathematician, he said: I can testify that she is a great mathematician, but that she is a woman, I cannot swear.

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    Before one can generalize, formalize, and axiomatize, there must be a mathematical substance.

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    Being a mathematical genius doesn't do you any favors as far as having something to say in music. You see every style as equal, and you want complicated music to devour.

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    All the standard equations of mathematical physics can be separated and solved in Kerr geometry.

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    Everything that is written merely to please the author is worthless.

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    Can the existence of a mathematical entity be proved without defining it ?

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    Democracy is not a mathematical deduction proved once and for all time. Democracy is a just faith fervently held, commitment to be tested again and again in the fiery furnace of history.

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    Economists who speak the English tongue are strangely intimidated by mathematical symbols.

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    However gemlike mathematical truths may be, research is but a human endeavor.

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    Ex-Professor Moriarty of mathematical celebrity... is the Napoleon of crime, Watson.

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    God ever arithmetizes.

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    Has the mathematical abilities of a Clydesdale.

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    Homeopathy seemed . . . both mathematical and poetic.

    • mathematical quotes
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    I actually wanted to be an astronaut, but I don't have a mathematical brain.

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    I believe there are 15, 747, 724, 136, 275, 002, 577, 605, 653, 961, 181, 555, 468, 044, 717, 914, 527, 116, 709, 366, 231, 425, 076, 185, 631, 031, 296 protons in the universe and the same number of electrons.

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    I became more and more convinced that even nature could be understood as a relatively simple mathematical structure.

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    I confess that Fermat's Theorem as an isolated proposition has very little interest for me, because I could easily lay down a multitude of such propositions, which one could neither prove nor dispose of.

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    If all art aspires to the condition of music, all the sciences aspire to the condition of mathematics.

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    It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment.

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    If one has really technically penetrated a subject, things that previously seemed in complete contrast, might be purely mathematical transformations of each other.

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    If there was some sort of mathematical equation for beauty, I don't know if I would be the algorithm. I've always been OK with that. I'm not a supermodel. That's not what I do. What I do is music. I want my fans to feel the way I do, to know what they have to offer is just as important, more important, than what's happening on the outside.

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    If you had done something twice, you are likely to do it again.

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    I feign no hypotheses.

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    In [great mathematics] there is a very high degree of unexpectedness, combined with inevitability and economy.

    • mathematical quotes
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    In many cases, mathematics is an escape from reality. The mathematician finds his own monastic niche and happiness in pursuits that are disconnected from external affairs. Some practice it as if using a drug.

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    In short, I do not write for mathematicians, nor as a mathematician, but as an economist wishing to convince other economists that their science can only be satisfactorily treated on an explicitly mathematical basis.

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    Instead of the animistic, mechanistic, or the mathematical universe, we see the genetic, organic, holistic universe.

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    I tried reading Hilbert. Only his papers published in mathematical periodicals were available at the time. Anybody who has tried those knows they are very hard reading.

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    I've always had a more spatial mind, mathematical, than literal.

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    It seems that jazz is more cerebral and more mathematical in a sense.

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    It seems to me that all the evidence points to Apollonius as the founder of Greek mathematical astronomy.

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    Mathematics is written for mathematicians.

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    Mathematical Analysis is... the true rational basis of the whole system of our positive knowledge.

    • mathematical quotes
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    Mathematical Reasoning is not only exact; it has its own criteria of reality.