Best 17 quotes in «indirect quotes» category

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    My knowledge of myself is direct, synthetic, from within outwards; my knowledge of other persons is indirect, analytical, from outside inwards. My knowledge of myself starts at the core; that of others at the crust.

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    Everything direct is positive, everything indirect is negative.

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    It has yet to be shown by direct biochemical methods, as opposed to the indirect genetic evidence mentioned earlier, that the code is indeed a triplet code.

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    Abuse is an indirect species of homage.

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    I take a lot of inspiration from the nature of the universe and visualize my work as a direct or indirect reflection of life, inside and around us.

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    Some international relations scholars would posit that interest in zombies is an indirect attempt to get a cognitive grip on what U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously referred to as the "unknown knowns" in international security. Perhaps, however, there also exists a genuine but publicly unacknowledged fear of the dead rising from the grave and feasting upon the entrails of the living.

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    Sense-perceptions can only be indirect knowledge, and not direct knowledge. Only one's own awareness is direct knowledge.

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    So long as the serpent continues to crawl on the ground, the primary influence of woman will be indirect.

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    Note, besides, that it is no more immoral to directly rob citizens than to slip indirect taxes into the price of goods that they cannot do without.

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    Persecution is a bad and indirect way to plan religion.

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    There is an overwhelming mass of authentic evidence which can be cited as: direct observation, indirect observation, and supporting evidence or indication.

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    The most important pathological effects of pollution are extremely delayed and indirect.

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    There are direct paths to a successful career. But there are plenty of indirect paths, too.

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    there is a law of retribution in all things, direct or indirect, visible or invisible.

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    Very little mathematics has direct applications - though fortunately most of it has plenty of indirect ones.

    • indirect quotes
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    Saying indirect Thanks, or something, change not its precision and value, so thank You; love You.

    • indirect quotes
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    When you are looking for corruption, you should look at the entire stratum of the society, while some forms of corruption are direct, others are indirect.