Best 256 quotes in «contradiction quotes» category

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    I hold that a long poem does not exist. I maintain that the phrase, "a long poem," is simply a flat contradiction in terms.

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    I'm aware that I'm kind of a paradox, and at times a bit ill-suited to my profession. But there's something that brings me back. There's something in me that feels like I have to do this, that this is what I'm meant to be doing. If I didn't feel this way, I wouldn't do it. But it's full of contradictions, for sure.

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    I'm not interested in a good man's life. I'm interested in contradiction.

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    In our inherent contradictions as humans, and in order to validate our own pain, we deny the pain of others. But it is in acknowledging the pain of others that we achieve fully our humanity.

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    In matters of faith, inconvenient evidence is always suppressed while contradictions go unnoticed.

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    I like both slapstick and contradiction. Like philosophers.

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    In politics there are so many holes, so many contradictions, you don't know what's happening.

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    I see no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity ... I intend to become as good a Buddhist as I can.

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    I see a bit of a contradiction between the fight against the Islamic State and the desire to remove the Assad regime. And even if you work with Russia, I'm just not sold that working with Russia is an effective way to hasten the end of the Assad regime or to enact any type of punitive measures.

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    Inventing is the resolution of technical contradictions.

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    I spoke without fear of contradiction. I simply did not suffer self-doubt.

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    Isn’t everyone’s life a mass of contradictions?

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    I think [audiences are] more aware now of the contradictions in mainstream culture, the phony piety that permeates society, the inhumane hypocrisy.

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    Is it not a species of blasphemy to call the New Testament revealed religion, when we see in it such contradictions and absurdities.

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    It is absolutely without contradiction that when women are encouraged to participate in the formal economies of their societies, the economy grows.

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    I think George Washington owned guns. I've never seen any contradiction with that.

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    It is madness and a contradiction to expect that things which were never yet performed should be effected, except by means hitherto untried.

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    It is not necessary to conceal anything from a public insensible to contradiction and narcotized by technological diversions.

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    It is, at the most basic level, a bundle of contradictions: a desire for power that strips you of all power. A gesture of strength that divests you of all strength.

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    It is art's task to make manifest the contradictions of Being

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    It’s important not to be embarrassed by your past. The contradictions are part of what we are.

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    It was so much easier to be angry. Being angry made him feel strong, even though-- and this contradiction did nothing to diminish his anger-- he was angry only because his position was so weak.

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    It must be obvious...that there is a contradiction in wanting to be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity.

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    It is not that I love contradictions: life is contradictory. Existence itself is possible only through contradictions.

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    It would be a contradiction in terms if the oppressors not only defended but actually implemented a liberating education.

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    Jesus said that I am the only way. So it is illogical to say all religions are true, but it is not illogical to say all religions are false. All religion could be false but they can't all be true because there are direct logical contradictions.

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    Kant thinks we can show that there is no contradiction in supposing we are free.

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    Leadership without mutual trust is a contradiction in terms.

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    I write to keep from going mad from the contradictions I find among mankind - and to work some of those contradictions out for myself.

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    Life involves maintaining oneself between contradictions that can't be solved by analysis.

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    I wrote to make sense out of all the contradictions I experienced and to deal with the pain and loss I was undergoing.

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    Love is a contradiction.

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    Man can never stand still. He must find solutions to this contradiction, and ever better solutions to the extent to which reality enables him.

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    Like the rest of us, Tom Paulin is a bundle of contradictions. At its finest, his work is brave, adventurous, original and wonderfully idiosyncratic.

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    Many men go into the ministry not only for the power trip involved, but also so that they will never have to be interrupted or contradicted.

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    Love not pleasure; love God. This is the Everlasting Yea, wherein all contradiction is solved.

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    Love resolves all contradictions. Without love, man cannot make sense of his existence.

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    Maturity brings - among other things - the ability to sustain and survive enormous contradictions and disappointments.

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    Massive immigration brings with it cultures that are sometimes in contradiction with our values.

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    Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to what we know of nature.

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    Man is an embodied paradox, a bundle of contradictions.

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    Millions of Christians can and do go through life attending church, listening to sermons, reciting the creeds and never confront the seeming contradictions, redaction and myths passed off as verifiable history.

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    Moderate Islam? That's a contradiction. It's going to be a long time before we see a new Koran, an equivalent to the New Testament. Attacks don't happen in the name of Buddhism or Christianity; nor do homosexuals get beaten up, as happens daily in Amsterdam.

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    No legislative, administrative or judicial activity in the Hong Kong SAR is allowed to contradict the Basic Law, let alone to go against the Basic Law.

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    Only by learning to live in harmony with your contradictions can you keep it all afloat.

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    Paradox implies that stating a contradiction disposes of it.

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    Paradox likes contradictions with exits.

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    One must live in the middle of contradiction, because if all contradiction were eliminated at once life would collapse.

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    No human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?

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    Physicians are like kings- They brook no contradiction.