Best 446 quotes in «boundaries quotes» category

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    The oppression of women knows no ethnic nor racial boundaries, true, but that does not mean it is identical within those boundaries.

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    The photograph contains and constrains within its own boundaries, excluding all else, a microcosmic analogue of the framing of space which is knowledge. As such it becomes a metaphor of power, having the ability to appropriate and decontextualize time and space and those who exist within it.

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    The point of marriage is not to create a quick commonality by tearing down all boundaries on the contrary, a good marriage is one in which each partner appoints the other to be the guardian of his solitude, and thus they show each other the greatest possible trust.

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    The premise of Kiss has always been to not live within the confinements and boundaries other people set for themselves. We set our own limitations, and those are no limitations.

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    The problem with paparazzi is that it makes you question your boundaries, like, how do I say, Thats enough guys?

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    The pursuit of truth in science transcends national boundaries. It takes us beyond hatred and anger and fear. It is the best of us.

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    The question of boundaries is a major question of the Jewish people because the Jews are the great experts of crossing boundaries. They have a sense of identity inside themselves that doesn't permit them to cross boundaries with other people.

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    There are always generic terms like 'Americana', but there are no boundaries as to where it can go.

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    There are no separate systems. The world is a continuum. Where to draw a boundary around a system depends on the purpose of the discussion.

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    There is a higher form of patriotism than nationalism, and that higher form is not limited by the boundaries of one's country; but by a duty to mankind to safeguard the trust of civilization.

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    There are no boundaries-only possibilities

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    There are no boundaries or borders in the digital age.

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    There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe and what can be more special than that there is no boundary?

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    There's something quite magical that can happen when a secret is no longer a secret - or is a shared secret or a common secret. By allowing those boundaries to be porous, certain forms of oppression may be lifted.

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    There's nothing that defines who you are more than boundaries, whether you cross them or not, in every aspect of your life, and horror is a really great boundary.

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    The time is coming when we will go beyond narrow religious confines and embrace a spirituality that will include the best of all religions and transcend narrow boundaries.

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    There would seem to be a limit, even for an art preoccupied with boundaries and transgressions, beyond which a work reaches its breaking point and becomes an actual failure, a mere experimentation.

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    The surest way of concealing from others the boundaries of one s own knowledge is not to overstep them.

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    Think about the most important things in life and set hard boundaries to protect them.

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    To feel the affection that comes from those whom we do not know ... widens out the boundaries of our being, and unites all living things.

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    This WikiLeaks document dump is showing - it's demonstrating, it is illustrating - that there is no boundary between the media and the Democrat Party, that it's one and the same.

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    This is just the beginning, the beginning of understanding that cyberspace has no limits, no boundaries.

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    Those who truly love and respect you will respect your boundaries. I think freeing oneself from codependency and fear is vital for well-being.

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    Ultimate novelty must be a situation where all boundaries are dissolved.

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    To me, racist jokes are not funny. I am politically correct, in a weird way. I like to push the boundaries that are politically correct.

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    To realize truth, you must cross all boundaries of all religions and all prophets

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    Traveling is one expression of the desire to cross boundaries.

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    We cannot afford to walk down that dangerous path of government overstepping its boundaries into the most personal parts of our lives.

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    We believe that human rights transcend boundaries and must prevail over state sovereignty.

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    We have to cross the boundary between knowing and not knowing many times before we achieve understanding.

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    We have the power to make reality. Why make it inside boundaries, when the boundless is so near?

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    We have to think about what the future is going to look like for people. People are afraid of robotization; they're afraid of globalization; they're afraid of all these things. And Trump's solution to that is: shut the borders; America first; everything's got to be made here, which is of course, not realistic - in his own companies everything's not made here at all - but I think we have to engage in issues that do cross these demographic boundaries.

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    Well for me, courage means having the courage to walk off the edge of what is known, with complete faith that you're not going to go crashing to the bottom. Stepping outside of your own self-perceived boundaries and limitations.

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    We live in our own souls as in an unmapped region, a few acres of which we have cleared for our habitation; while of the nature of those nearest us we know but the boundaries that march with ours.

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    We need to break boundaries, so every time I feel like, "Oh snap, oh my God, I don't know how this is gonna be received," I also feel this validation, like, "All the greats, all my favorites have felt this.

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    Whatever it is that pulls the pin, that hurls you past the boundaries of your own life into a brief and total beauty, even for a moment, it is enough.

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    We want to work with the Russians. But we also have every right to expect the Russians to behave in a fashion and keeping with a - with a - with a country who respects international boundaries and the norms of international behavior.

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    We want to push mankind's boundaries out a little further.

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    What was so interesting about the glam era was that it was about bisexuality and breaking down the boundaries between gays and straights, breaking down the boundaries between masculinity and femininity with this androgyny thing.

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    What I love about the environment we live in and we work in, is that there are no boundaries anymore. We can do a lot of different things. It keeps us going.

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    What is beyond the mind, has no boundary, In it our senses end.

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    When I do stand-up... I get to do whatever I want to do. There's no boundaries. You'll get to know me. You'll leave with a piece of me.

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    When Europeans came to the New World the first thing they said is, well, Indians don't appreciate property. They're savage. They're backwards. They're uncivilized. ... Nothing could be farther from the truth. Tribes have very clear conceptions of their traditional boundaries, they maintain their rights and their claim sovereignty over the lands according to their own honored traditions and tribal elders. And so, you can go out there on the reservation, and there might be a reservation boundary established by the United States. But then there's traditional land boundaries.

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    Whenever other worlds invite us, whenever we are balancing on the boundaries of our limited human condition, that’s where life starts, that’s where you start feeling yourself living.

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    When you look at someone like Sacha Baron Cohen, you have to really respect the boundaries he is pushing as Bruno or Borat.

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    When the dinosaurs go extinct and 75 percent of life goes extinct after a meteor hits the planet, that's an era boundary. That's when we change from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic.

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    When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.

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    When I'm in the studio, there are no boundaries.

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    When we have gone beyond the boundaries of hope and fear, we are able to work with whatever comes our way.

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    When you are completely free from boundaries, you don't have to have a huge number of material things. You already own something far more precious. You own yourself.