Best 280 quotes in «admire quotes» category

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    My approach is different. My mistakes are conscious mistakes. And I learn more than those I despise way too often than those I admire.

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    My heart does not desire what my eyes does not admire.

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    Once you start questioning your beliefs, that's when it's all over. It is truly doubt that kills our conviction.

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    Nick saunters into the gym and my heart basically stops. He’s ridiculously cute in his PE shorts and dark green T-shirt; and people that good-looking seem vulnerable, almost like they can’t be real. He’s real, though. He’s all dark skin and dark hair and dark eyes. Okay. His eyebrows, like Devyn’s nose, are a little big and if you stare at him long enough you realize that his lips are a bit lopsided. I have kissed his lips. I have felt his breath in my ear and I know without a doubt that he’s real, even if he is a werewolf. The massive muscles in his legs redefine themselves as he walks toward me. He waves a late pass at the coach and yells, “Sorry I’m late. I’ve got a pass.” “Not a problem, buddy,” Coach yells back. He and Nick are all jock bonding. Nick pockets the note, which is probably a fake. I can smell his deodorant even though he’s still far away. There are these things called pheromones, odors that guys give off to attract women. I swear his pheromones have my freaking name written on them. They hone in and attack. “You are getting all swoony faced,” Issie tells me with her singsong voice. She pokes me in the ribs with her elbow, gently. She turns to Devyn, who is smiling like a crazy man, just hanging back in his wheelchair watching the scene. “Dev. Look at Zara. She’s got her lovey-dovey look on.” As Is gazes at Devyn with her own lovey-dovey look, he says, “Yeah. Teen love. So obvious. So hormonal.” “I am not hormonal.” I fake glare at him.

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    The one that loves you is worth more than the thousands that merely admire you.

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    Principles in a poor is admirable as politeness in a prince.

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    Plus je vois le homes, plus j’admire les chiens” (The more I see of men, the more I admire dogs).

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    Rylan!" Nadia and I turn our heads simultaneously towards the entrance to the living room as Tim Powers appears. "Yeah?" I yell across the room. That's when I notice the expression on Power' face. A mixture of awe, amazement, appreciation, and a bit of jealousy. "Your girlfriend's here," Tim informs me. He steps aside, and a goddess enters the room. It's been forever since I first had those dreams Ivy sent me with her in her disguise. But I still remember how she looks. Pale skin, long hair, bright-green eyes, and a model's figure. A perfect dream girl, who's now reality. Ivy smiles shyly as she steps into the room. Her skin is porcelain, unflawed and shiny. White-blind hair, straight and flowing, falls down her back and ends a little bit past her waist. She's not wearing her woven grass robe, but instead a dress mist likely altered from a piece of clothing from her clothes sack. It probably reached the floor at one point, with long sleeves, but the sleeves are gone and the skirt's been snipped away, leaving behind a green dress that shows off mile-long legs. But her face...all that pales in comparison to her face. Heart-shaped, with high cheekbones, an elegant nose, a well-shaped chin, and her lips—she's not covering them anymore—two shimmering, bright green pools I would be happy to drown in or go through. People believe the eyes are the window to your soul, and Ivy's soul is beautiful.

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    Talent is an art of gaining admiration!

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    The only truth is within you Pessimist people Refute and dispute I speak from deep in the root The spirit The soul The self Guide me through life's commute I'm just admiring the view

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    There are three attributes that make me like children, and fourth that make me admire them. The first one is about how well they know me before I even meet them. Secondly, the way we connect identities. Third, I have more to learn from them than the opposite. And fourth is that I’m able to know who they will become, if our connection is that strong.

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    The world is a show and the show is a performance of the wealthy, the beautiful and the fortunate. The invulnerable, the matchless and the exclusive live a life like dazzling fish in a scintillating seascape behind glass. Everybody may admire them, but nobody can touch them. ( “Keeping up with the Joneses” )

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    We hate admiring someone we hate.

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    Think about the people you love, appreciate, and admire… If today was the last day you could speak with them… What would you say… and what are you waiting for?

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    When principles guide you, the shiny stuff isn’t a distraction; it’s just a pretty thing to admire as you walk by on the path to success.

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    We seldom look up to the person; we usually look up to their persona.

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    What you feel in the presence of a thing you admire is just one word—‘Yes.’ The affirmation, the acceptance, the sign of admittance.

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    You may be a person I admire, but you can't be a person that everyone admires. You are not everyone's favourite, but you are someone's favourite whether you like them or not.

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    You can still make today the day you change yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, respect yourself, honor yourself, cherish yourself, admire yourself, express yourself, be true to yourself... It’s never too late!

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    You are no greater than the friends you keep, the books you read, the heroes you admire, and the obstacles you overcome.

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    Actors who perhaps are super-confident and have absolute belief in themselves I always admire, because I can't really be like that.

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    Admire the diamond that can bear the hits of a hammer. Many deceptive preachers, when critically examined, turn out to be false.

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    Admire and adore the Author of the telescopic universe, love and esteem the work, do all in your power to lessen ill, and increase good, but never assume to comprehend.

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    Admire a small ship, but put your freight in a large one; for the larger the load, the greater will be the profit upon profit.

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    A cynic sees little to admire in the world, while the world sees even less to admire in him.

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    Admire? No, I have never said that. I still appreciate Angela Merkel as a very professional and open person.

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    A fool always finds one still more foolish to admire him.

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    A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.

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    All evil and good is petty before Nature. Personally, we take comfort from this, that there is a universe to admire that cannot be twisted to villainy or good, but which simply is.

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    All men do not, in fine, admire or love the same thing.

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    All men do not admire and delight in the same objects.

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    Any kind of music can be written badly and it can be written wonderfully. I admire a top performer in any field.

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    Americans admire success. Englishmen admire heroic failure

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    Art cannot, perhaps, impose order on life—but it teaches us to admire even the unruliest of revelations.

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    Anyone can admire creation. Only a barbarian sees the beauty in demolition.

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    As someone once said, covers to a novel are like bars to a cage. You can watch the tiger, the Komodo dragon, and admire it - its heart, its severity. Even when they carry out an ugly act, it's still fascinating.

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    As much as we admire all the characteristics of a Ronald Reagan, as soon as something goes wrong, people will hate those same characteristics.

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    But the people I admire have always been people like Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson and Jack Lemmon.

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    Be a big person; be generous of spirit; be the person you'd admire.

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    But I'm thrilled to be employed, and to work with all my friends and people that I admire. You're just lucky to work - that's the bottom line.

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    But Wordsworth is the poet I admire above all others.

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    Bad artists always admire each others work.

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    Be the mirror in which people admire their true potential.

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    Better to work for yourself alone. You do as you like and follow your own ideas, you admire yourself and please yourself: isn’t that the main thing? And then the public is so stupid. Besides, who reads? And what do they read? And what do they admire?

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    By honoring the lives of those we admire, we make our own values known.

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    Cease to admire the smoke, wealth, and noise of prosperous Rome.

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    Chief Justice Roberts is somebody I work with, somebody I admire, Justice Alito someone I knew when he was U.S. attorney, also admire.

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    Contemplate the extent and stability of the heavens, and then at last cease to admire worthless things.

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    Developing a relationship with someone you admire, who can encourage you to reach your full potential, is something that everyone can benefit from.

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    Do what you love and work for whom you admire the most, and you've given yourself the best chance in life you can.