Best 22 quotes in «starbucks quotes» category

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    She informed me that in the future, I was not to throw out Starbucks customers for being heartless bitches.' - The Patron Saint of Pigs (Let it Snow, 3) by Lauren Myracle

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    She informed me that in the future, I was not to throw out Starbucks customers just for being heartless bitches.

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    She says screens are the cigarettes of our age. They're toxic, and we're only going to realize the damage they're doing when it's too late.

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    They were sitting outside the big Starbucks that anchored the western end of Pioneer Square. Lisa was drinking iced tea sweetened with half a dozen packets of sugar, Bria a flat white, Pete sprawled under the table with a dish of water. All around, people sat at café tables in the late afternoon sunlight, perched on broad steps that dropped to the well where a gout of water pulsed and plashed. Smart little yellow trams ran along one side of the square, which was bordered by office buildings and the plate-glass windows of high-end shops. A sliver of Earth jammed into this alien world, where a dozen or more Elder Cultures had lived and died out or ascended to some unfathomable stage of consciousness, leaving behind ruins and artefacts, scraps of technology, algorithms and eidolons. A perfectly ordinary scene…

    • starbucks quotes
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    Starbucks and their ilk are for meeting with people you don't care to meet with and finishing term papers.

    • starbucks quotes
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    That's the kind of trouble you get when diverse groups of people actually cross paths with one another. That's why many of the worst things in the world happen in and around Starbucks bathrooms.

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    They scribbled observations in notebooks.

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    To combat the sin of self-sufficiency, we need a special kind of faith. It's what I call Starbucks Rest Room Faith. Almost every Starbucks store has a sensor that controls the light in the rest room. You can't just flip a switch, and you can't make it go on by just waving your arm inside the door. You have to put your whole body into that dark room and trust that the light will come on as you enter. Faith in God is a lot like that. He doesn't offer a safety net, He doesn't let us hedge our bets, and He doesn't give any guaranteed results ahead of time. We have to be all in before the light comes on.

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    What's wrong with Starbucks?" - Levi Stewart

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    You can't even communicate in English. Real life is not a series of levels.

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    Whoever had opened that first Starbucks in Seattle should be shot.

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    Hercules,huh? Percy frowned. "That guy was like the Starbucks of Ancient Greece. Everywhere you turn--there he is.

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    A cup at Starbucks isn't really that expensive when you consider what Victoria's Secret charges per cup.

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    Starbucks is committed to evolving and enhancing our customer experience with innovative and wholesome food offerings.

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    I'm so spoiled - I must have a Starbucks vanilla latte every day.

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    Can’t take no pride in that flagpole and you can stick your fucking STARBUCKS up your tight middle- class arseholes.

    • starbucks quotes
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    Consumerism, the new black. I want my burger my way. Shaken not stirred. Sauce on the side and rare but not rare rare. Venti, two-pump, sugar-free vanilla, non-fat, two Splenda, extra-hot, extra-whip, extra-mocha Mocha and can you put the Splenda in before you pour the milk? (See, this is where it gets positively delicious!) Under the auspices of that wonderful word Consumerism, not only is this not seen as overly demanding, it’s positively encouraged by everyone.

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    Use Starbucks mints for every occasion—they're the strongest

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    Google chrome is not safe. The browser is prone to hacks at Starbucks.

    • starbucks quotes
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    I like to go to Starbucks and watch the intellectuals. I observe them and their intellectualness. They in turn observe me drinking coffee and being a creeper.

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    Isn’t it funny that only twenty years ago, they were down there cowering in terror that we trigger-happy, decadent, capitalist Americans would go nuclear on them any minute? Little did they know our secret weapon was Starbucks.

    • starbucks quotes
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    Pretty quickly, I stopped seeing the company as an engine of community. Instead, I saw it as a mythmaker offering only an illusion of belonging and meeting its customers' desire for connections in form, maybe, but surely not in substance. Once I came to this conclusion, I started to dig deeper into the company's other promises--great working conditions, musical discovery, fair treatment of farmer, and concern for the environment. Every time I went excavating, the stories turned out to be more complex, more heavily edited, and more ambiguous than I had first thought. Each time, it became clear that Starbucks fulfilled its many promises only in the thinnest, most transitory of ways and that people's desires went largely unfulfilled.