Best 67 quotes in «bad boy quotes» category

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    What’d I tell you about musicians? That bad boy type will only break your heart.

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    Women like bad boys…Being a good boy never worked for me.

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    Women are my biggest defenders. It's that bad-boy syndrome. Now girls chase me.

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    Beauty like hers had no place in his life.

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    A miscreant with coiffed, scented hair, a slender waist, the hips of a woman and the chest of a Prussian officer, with a finely tied cravat, by all girls admired. ~ [ introduction of character Montparnasse ]

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    You can't be a bad boy without somebody scolding you.

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    Adrian was complicated and completely emotionally detached, but there was something about him, a sort of quality that could not be defined. He was sweet without even realising it. That was why his ex-girlfriends were always so outraged when they found out he was a cheater.

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    All these boys were lethal. It really wasn't fair.

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    Do you know who I am?” she asks. “I do, Anastasia." “Where are you taking me?” she finally asks, an uneasy edge to her voice. “Somewhere safe." “Am I safe with you?” The question sends a shiver through my body of desire mixed with intrigue. The way she puts her questions is strange. She seems to be angling for something that I can’t put my finger on. “We’ll see.

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    Before she could ponder what on earth he meant or come up with a proper response, he took their charade a step further. He kissed her.

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    Can you believe how ridiculous they are? The girls here are shameless," America said. Finch shook his head in awe. "It's Travis. I think it's the bad-boy thing. They either want to save him, or think they're immune to his wicked ways. I'm not sure which.

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    Did you get a secret thrill out of sitting across from me, eating a civilized dinner while pretending not to know you were teasing my cock?" Rate St. Sebastian

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    Don't waste a thought on any of the eligible suitors you've found for me, dear ma'am! There is more of mama in me than you have the least idea of, and the only eligible husband for me is a rake!

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    El chico malo será siempre malo, el mujeriego y frío chico no está esperando a una dulce dama que le brinde calor a su corazón; el bad boy será siempre igual. El amor nos cambia, pero nos cambia cuando queremos ser cambiados

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    Her restlessness disappeared and in its place stood the best diversion possible—a smoking-hot bad boy.

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    Her thoughts were in turmoil. He was telling her to be careful? But it was too late. She had just met her dear-departed mother’s worst nightmare—an unsuitable man.

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    It’s true, I couldn’t see how you’d fit. But then I found out my life doesn’t fit me anymore. Not without you.

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    He was tall, dark and handsome, the complete trifecta. His unique grey eyes and his tousled dark brown hair, made him look like he belonged on the cover of a romance novel.

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    Hey. Do you want a cracker?" a velvet voice asked me. I didn't look up, I wasn't sure if he was even talking to me. Why would an attractive senior be talking to me? "Hey, I'm talking to you," he said, a chuckle in his voice. I slowly lifted my head peering at him from under my long lashes. His dark brown hair swept across his forehead, and his deep blue eyes made me gasp. He wore the ultimate laid back style, a white t-shirt and jeans. All he needed was a black leather jacket, and he would be the bad boy from my book. The smile on his face was breathtaking and I found myself unable to speak.

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    How old are you?” “Old enough to know better, but still young enough to do it again.

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    I don’t want to go home yet.” He twisted at the waist and patted the seat behind him. “Take a walk on the wild side with me.

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    I’ll see you tomorrow night.” Be ready," he said. “I’ll have something special planned.” "I thought you didn’t make plans.” "You’re an exception to my rules, Monica Campbell.

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    I must have appeared like a real bad boy in Christy's eyes. Well, at least a bad boy by home and away standards.

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    Indeed the very worst kind of man for a women to be in an intimate relationship with, often a truly dangerous man, is the one considered most sexy and desirable in the popular culture.

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    I should spread you across my lap and teach you what happens when you make Yuri jealous.

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    It wasn’t the time and place. He oughtn’t to rush his fences. But she’d waved her arms, and that made her womanly parts jiggle and he could only keep one idea in his head at a time, and in any case, oughts never went down smoothly with him. He was who he was, and that wasn’t a good boy. And so down he went, and crushed her sulky little mouth under his.

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    LOGAN: I think you spend too much time believing what other people see, rather than what you think.

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    I want you to give me a chance.” “A chance at what?” Shifting so that he could press his forehead to hers, he said one word. “You.” Her breath caught. “Sean,” she breathed. “Because you’ve got me,” he said. “All of me.

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    LOGAN: I’ve come to learn that people are going to hate you and like you, no matter what. I’d rather be around people I want to be around.

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    But to have captivated such a man as Damerel into actually *wishing* to offer for you is a triumph indeed! For he must have mean tot reform his way of life, you know! There was never anything like it, and I don't scruple to own to you, my love that if it had been one of my daughters I should be as proud as a peacock.

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    I warned you the next time you spread your legs for me, I wouldn't be a gentleman. Did you expect a gentleman, Chelsea?" Rate St. Sebastian

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    One day I’ll get a tattoo for you.” Warmth explodes in my chest, in awe that he would mark himself for me. “You don’t have to.” “I will.” His fingers trace my cheek and chills of pleasure run down my spine. “It’s what I do. Each tattoo represents the only happy memories I’ve had. And you, Rachel, you’re the happiest.

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    Lucifer was engraving Nate’s name on a cage right now.

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    Tanned, toned, curves in the right places and that small waist…lips, hair, eyes all packaged up like a siren. If she’s a siren, I heard her call, and I’m diving in hook, line, and sinker. - Drew Donovan

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    She wouldn’t want to be caught on his bad side—assuming he had a good side—yet the naughty bad boy vibes were like an undercurrent pulling her in. Don’t-mess-with-me meets I-dare-you-to-resist.

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    Perpetrators of abuse often make their victims believe that they are somehow responsible for their own abuse. Such misplaced notions shift the blame of the abuse from the abuser to the abusee.

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    The man gave her an eyegasm every time she glanced at him.

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    The woman desires the bad boy who is only good for her. The man desires the good girl who is only naughty for him.

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    There is a differenece between a bad boy and a boy that's bad for you.

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    The woman desires the bad boy that is only good for her. The man desires the good girl that is only naughty for him.

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    Why don't you wear those tiny shorts when you run, like they do in the movies?" His voice was low and sexy, and he knew it. "Because I'm not in a movie. I know it's confusing, since you obviously live 'The Saxon Show' day and night, but some of us want to live a boring, old, normal high school life, you know?

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    Well?” he asked, smiling devilishly. “I promise, I won’t hurt you, Nikki. In fact, I imagine you’ll enjoy my company, tremendously.” I let out a ragged sigh and nodded. He stared at my mouth. “I’d like to hear you say it.” I cleared my throat. “Come in, Ethan.

    • bad boy quotes
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    Trust-fund baby. Jet setter. Poshly accented mechanic. She hadn’t quite figured him out.

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    What a dreadful thought," Gansey observed suddenly. "Ronan among this crowd." For a fleeting moment, Adam could imagine it: the brocade curtains in decaying flames, the decorated consorts screaming from beneath the harpsichord, Ronan standing among it all saying Fuck Washington.

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    You astound me, Ava. I’ve never met a girl who would order what you just did in front of a guy.” “You mean lunch?

    • bad boy quotes
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    You didn’t care about anything except my tongue tracing the path of your thong. All the way down…" Rafe St. Sebastian

    • bad boy quotes
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    You can love someone, hell, you can love a lot of someones, but when you find the right person--the one that you're meant to be with--it's like..." "You can breathe for the first time," she finishes for me. "Yes." I cant help but smile.I needed to find that to understand." And you have," She says softly."Lucy." "Lucy," I agree.

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    Advertising has always been the Peck's Bad Boy of American business urging us to buy things we probably don't need and often can't afford.

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    Bad Boy Entertainment did not shoot anybody. I didn't shoot anybody.

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    Bad Boys II has knocked everyone's socks off.