Best 42 quotes in «energetic quotes» category

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    Street hockey is great for kids. It's energetic, competitive, and skilful. And best of all, it keeps them off the street.

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    That era in the late '80s through the '90s was really when the music was so new, fresh, energetic, but still creative. It hadn't quite gotten corporatized yet.

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    We cannot be too energetic in reminding our nihilists and positivists that this is a world of action and history.

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    We're being asked to bring our humanness along in holding that love and compassion for ourselves as we make our way through this energetic time of transformation.

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    You might say that the very best that can happen is to have energetic opponents.

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    Whatever policy we adopt, there must be an energetic prosecution of it. For this purpose it must be somebody's business to pursue and direct it incessantly.

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    Be quick to resolve conflicts before they mature to become wars. The energetic crocodile was once a delicate egg!

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    Darkness seems to have prevailed and has taken the forefront. This country as in the 'cooperation' of The United States of America has never been about the true higher-good of the people. Know and remember this. Cling to your faith. Roll your spiritual sleeves up and get to work. Use your energy wisely. Transmute all anger, panic and fear into light and empowerment. Don't use what fuels them; all lower-energy. Mourn as you need to. Console who you need to—and then go get into the spiritual and energetic arena. There's plenty work for us to do; within and without. Let's each focus on becoming 'The President of Our Own Life. Cultivate your mind. Pursue your purpose. Shine your light. Elevate past—and reject—any culture of low vibrational energy and ratchetness. Don't take fear, defeat or anger—on or in. The system is doing what they've been created to do. Are you? Am I? Are we—collectively? Let's get to work. No more drifting through life without your higher-self in complete control of your mind. Awaken—fully. Activate—now. Put your frustrations or concerns into your work. Don't lose sight. There is still—a higher plan. Let's ride this 4 year energetic-wave like the spiritual gangsters that we are. This will all be the past soon. Let's get to work and stay dedicated, consistent and diligent. Again, this will all be the past soon. We have preparing and work to do. Toxic energy is so not a game. Toxic energy and low vibrations are being collectively acted out on the world stage. Covertly operating through the unconscious weak spots and blind spots in the human psyche; making people oblivious to their own madness, causing and influencing them to act against–their–own–best–interests and higher-good, as if under a spell and unconsciously possessed. This means that they are actually nourishing the lower vibrational energy with their lifestyle, choices, energy and habits, which is unconsciously giving the lower-energy the very power and fuel it needs—for repeating and recreating endless drama, suffering and destruction, in more and more amplified forms on a national and world stage. So what do we do? We take away its autonomy and power over us while at the same time empowering ourselves. By recognizing how this energetic/spiritual virus or parasite of the mind—operates through our unawareness is the beginning of the cure. Knowledge is power. Applied knowledge is—freedom. Our shared future will be decided primarily by the changes that take place in the psyche of humanity, starting with each of us— vibrationally. In closing and most importantly, the greatest protection against becoming affected or possessed by this lower-energy is to be in touch with our higher vibrational-self. We have to call our energy and power back. Being in touch with our higher-self and true nature acts as a sacred amulet, shielding and protecting us from the attempted effects. We defeat evil not by fighting against it (in which case, by playing its game, we’ve already lost) but by getting in touch with the part of us that is invulnerable to its effects— our higher vibrational-self. Will this defeat and destroy us? Or will it awaken us more and more? Everything depends upon our recognizing what is being revealed to us and our stepping out of the unconscious influence of low vibrational/negative/toxic/evil/distraction energy (or whatever name you relate to it as) that is and has been seeking power over each of our lives energetically and/or spiritually, and step into our wholeness, our personal power, our higher self and vibrate higher and higher daily. Stay woke my friends—let's get to work.

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    Earth is a game of theft in which humans steal life force from one person to the next in order to raise their light quotient supply. It is a dysfunctional game based in lack. Humans unconsciously seek more light by creating energetic cords with another person. It is time to create a better way. It is time to activate divine love and complete self acceptance.

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    Don't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you with positivity in person.

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    Each time we connect physically with another a merger is happening, a merger that goes beyond just a physical connection. The first layer of sex is energetic, not physical.

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    People who are too optimistic seem annoying. This is an unfortunate misinterpretation of what an optimist really is. An optimist is neither naive, nor blind to the facts, nor in denial of grim reality. An optimist believes in the optimal usage of all options available, no matter how limited. As such, an optimist always sees the big picture. How else to keep track of all that’s out there? An optimist is simply a proactive realist. An idealist focuses only on the best aspects of all things (sometimes in detriment to reality); an optimist strives to find an effective solution. A pessimist sees limited or no choices in dark times; an optimist makes choices. When bobbing for apples, an idealist endlessly reaches for the best apple, a pessimist settles for the first one within reach, while an optimist drains the barrel, fishes out all the apples and makes pie. Annoying? Yes. But, oh-so tasty!

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    Great Things Happen When You Move!

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    It's not happening to you, it's happening through you. Check your thoughts and your energetic output for the answers.

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    You get energy from other people, so hang out with energetic people.

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    It’s is good you are about something. But wait and ask, “why and how?”. Without “whys and hows”, not every energetic movement can be called progress.

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    There is a thousand days in one day for an energetic person!

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    Picking up my spoon, I dip it into the broth, making sure to get pieces of the small, fatty meat. I close my eyes and eat my spoonful, marveling at the rich, savory flavors. It's like beef broth, only heartier, and the meat has this really interesting texture. Before I know it, I've devoured half the bowl. "You like Soup Number Five?" I look up to see Lola Simeona, the old woman from earlier, standing by my table, watching me. "Oh, yes," I say, patting my mouth with a napkin. "It's delicious! What is this meat? It's like nothing I've ever tasted. And I feel more... energetic already, sort of like I can take on anything." Like Prem. She smiles knowingly. "Yes, yes, Soup Number Five is magical." After a pause, during which her smile morphs into what I can only be described as a mischievous grin, she says, "The meat is bull testes." I stare at her for a long moment as her words filter into my brain. I set my spoon down carefully and take a sip of water. "Bull... testes?" I ask in the most neutral way I can. "Yes! It's an aphrodisiac!" She pats my shoulder and walks off to another table. I think I can hear her cackling. I look down into my bowl. I just ate a bunch of chopped-up bull balls. For a moment I wonder, in a very detached way (is this what being in medical shock feels like?), if I'm going to throw up. But then the moment passes, and I realize they're really delicious. And Soup No. 5 works. I can feel the potent mixture wending its way through my system, infusing my blood with confidence and desire. I eat another big spoonful.

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    You can not have empty or neutral mind, as long as you work the mind will contain dreams, if you stop working it will contain regrets.

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    A free government is of all others the most energetic.

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    And Yale is November, crisp and energetic.

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    Anger is an emotion that is very energetic. It is an ideal emotion to turn it around to make it work as a positive force.

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    A sluggish, dawdling, and dilatory man may have spasms of activity, but he never acts continuously and consecutively with energetic quickness.

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    Beware of stupid people who are motivated and energetic.

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    Your youth is certainly finished and old age has definitely arrived if you feel that you are losing enthusiasm, excitement and energy towards your dreams and goals.

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    Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and you will accomplish your object.

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    Be trustworthy. Steadiness and integrity lead to energetic opening in the other as the blocks in relating dissolve away with deepening trust over time.

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    Here in L.A., there are a lot of dead spots, and you have to drive to find energy, but all of India is so energetic.

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    But being energetic in my playing is something I've always thought was the right thing to do. Like I'm never forcing it, like "My God, I've gotta play so hard tonight!

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    Fluid and energetic and wild very, very smart and very, very funny.

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    Forgive what you do not approve & love me for this energetic exertion of my talent

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    Hatred makes me energetic, but confused.

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    I'm much more energetic now; you might say live performance is my mission.

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    I don't relax. I sit down and contemplate all the energetic things I should do.

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    I'm actually one of those people who get up energetic in the morning.

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    It isn't about the words you say. It's about the energetic message you send.

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    I would rather have five energetic and competent enemies than one fool friend.

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    My mum and I are, in many ways, quite similar. We're both creative, gregarious, and energetic.

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    She [Beyonce] is just an energetic performer and she loves drums. She loves edge.

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    So even though I consider myself a fairly upbeat person, energetic and things like that, I never do very well on happiness tests.

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    If a king is energetic, his subjects will be equally energetic. If he is reckless, they will not only be reckless likewise, but also eat into his works.

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    My mom's passionate and energetic and very funny and enthusiastic.