Best 181 quotes in «cuba quotes» category

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    You think too much," she said. "OK, no more thinking.

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    A lot of contemporary American culture makes its way to this county. Cuba is not some gray, isolated backwater. This is a happening place.

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    After visits to several Communist countries (USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Slovenia, East Germany, Vietnam, China, Cuba), I feel strongly that most "revolutionary" types around the world don't realize the importance of freedom of the press and the air, a right to peaceably assemble and discuss anything, including the dangers of such discussions.

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    Are you really questioning the wisdom of central planning? Because the happy citizens of Cuba and North Korea beg to differ.

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    After the Soviet collapse, Marxism is a relic, a pathetic anachronism reduced to its last redoubts: North Korea, Cuba, and the English departments of the more expensive American universities.

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    A missile is a missile. It makes no great difference whether you are killed by a missile fired from the Soviet Union or from Cuba.

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    [Barack Obama] is aware of the criticism back home [from Cuba] that this embargo still exists.

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    But Cuba doesn't have a dictatorship - it's a revolutionary democracy.

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    Cuba has not accepted the domain and imposition of an empire that has wanted to dominate us for over half a century [America].

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    Closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a promise President [Barack] Obama made it but has yet to fulfill.

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    Cuba may be the only place in the world where you can be yourself and more than yourself at the same time.

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    Cuba cannot go back to capitalism; we know all the tragic experience that it has generated for Latin America and the world. We also know the positive experiences of socialism not only in our geographic environment but also like what we are witnessing in China.

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    Cuba forces in Angola gave a real shot in the arm to the liberation movements, and it also was a lesson to the white South Africans that the end is coming. They can't just hope to subdue the continent on racist grounds.

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    Cuba has the cleanest and most-educated prostitutes in the world.

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    Clearly America businesses are interested in opening up new markets not just in Cuba, but all over the world.

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    Cuba has its own moral system and priorities. That's what keeps it going, the belief that the country can control its own destiny.

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    Cuba needs a dose of perestroika.

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    Cuba's poverty is caused by the crackpot Marxist doctrines imposed by its sociopathic ruler and promoted by half the liberal arts professors on American faculties.

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    Cuba is a wonderful country. What Castro’s done is superb.

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    Cuba was neo-colony of the United States and still suffers a blockade. So, therefore, the consumer goods and so forth, we don't have here, especially when you leave the city areas it's a spartan life. But what is impressive about it is what is coming about. It's the future that all these socialists look forward to.

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    Cuba has become a symbol of courageous resistance to attack. Since 1959, Cuba has been under attack from the hemispheric superpower.

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    Cuba seems to have the same effect on US administrations as the full moon has on werewolves.

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    Currently, I'm working with a company called DRL Promotions with my partners Dan Wise and Luis De Cubas. We're currently representing over 30 fighters.

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    Cuba was in some ways a de facto state of the United States before 1959, given its proximity and given its neocolonial status.

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    For Castro, freedom starts with education. And if literacy alone were the yardstick, Cuba would rank as one of the freest nations on Earth.

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    Fidel Castro was not interested in personal enrichment. His supporters say he deployed his enormous authority on behalf of health, education and welfare programs that brought Cuba attention around the world.

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    Frankly, to be a poor child in Cuba may in many instances be better than being a poor child in Miami, and I’m not going to condemn their lifestyle so gratuitously.

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    How can I justify the Cuban Adjustment Act when there are people coming from Cuba saying that they come - that they have - that they should be treated differently from other migrants? But they're going back to that country.

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    Cuba wants to get rid of a dictator, and baseball needs a dictator.

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    For me personally Cuba has been a healing state. When I first got here I had no sense that I had to heal or anything. When you're struggling for your life and you're in the midst of things, you don't feel all the blows.

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    If Cuba wants normal relations, there's certain things they need to do like become a normal country that respects the rights of their citizens.

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    Hugo Chavez has tried to steal an inspiring phrase - 'Patria o muerte, venceremos.' It does not belong to him. It belongs to a free Cuba.

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    I have real fears for Cuba based on the South American experience. Where you have had such a stern regime, as Fidel's [Castro], there is no culture of politics.

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    I am convinced that in the upcoming chapter of the struggle, I can be more useful to the inevitable change that will soon come to Cuba, to Cuba's freedom, as a private citizen dedicated to helping the heroes within Cuba.

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    I haven't traveled in Africa nearly as much as I'd like to. I've been there a few times, and I'd like to learn more about the various cultures in Africa. But that's the basis point of where all of the music that I love is based upon, from Africa to Cuba to Puerto Rico to South America.

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    I left Cuba when I was two years old. They took away my country, they stole the most intimate thing a human being can have. How could I forget that Fidel Castro was the person who did me so much harm?

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    I invested in many companies, and I'm happy this one worked. This is capitalism. You invest in stock, it goes up, it goes down. You know, if you don't like capitalism, you don't like making money with stock, move to Cuba or China.

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    I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in.

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    I like to go somewhere where I learn something I didn't know before, like the Dry Tortugas between Florida and Cuba.

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    In Cuba, we have a democracy that represents the humble, the dispossessed, those who make up the vast majority of the population. It is for those who carry the main weight of society's load in matters of the production of goods and services. These are not the ones that live from financial speculation.

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    I loved sitting on my veranda sipping quality scotch, puffing a Cuban cigar and watching Cuba on the horizon, or the oceanic vista. Did this late in the evenings many times.

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    In consigning Elian back to slavery without a hearing, this administration is setting back the cause of freedom -- in this country and in Cuba.

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    I'm going to be honest with you - I don't know a lot about Cuba's healthcare system. Is it a government-run system?

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    In Cuba and specifically in Havana there's a sort of energy that turns every situation into something unexpected.

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    I'll know America is in bad shape when Cubans in Miami get in the water and swim back to Cuba.

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    In Cuba I have always understood harsh treatment of dissenting voices as stemming from a "siege situation" imposed upon it from outside. And I believe that to a certain extent that is true.

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    In Cuba we had the most ferocious form of capitalism for 60 years. It dominated every sphere of life.

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    In Cuba, despite having lived through the most difficult times, there has never been a neo liberal adjustment.

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    In Cuba there are no drugs nor will there be.

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    In Cuba we are building a socialist society and we could say we are on the verge of a communist society which is hard to achieve, very hard to achieve, but is a longing worth fighting for.