Best 22 quotes in «bad friend quotes» category

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    I travel 250 days a year. There are chef friends who I only see every couple of years. By conventional standards I'm a bad friend. I'm not there to remember your birthday or to offer you words of support through Twitter. I'm not up on what you're doing in New York because I'm not in New York. I'm not what people call in parenting circles "present.

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    There is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for (Bob) Hope, and there is nothing he wouldn't do for me ... We spend our lives doing nothing for each other.

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    [Carmen] knew a worse friend would have made her feel better.

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    I've noticed your hostility towards him... I ought to have guessed you were friends.

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    We get through life and this is part of the education process also. In real life, we meet bad bosses and good bosses and good friends and bad friends. I think we should let the teachers do their work and not impose too much stuff on them.

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    You can't be a good person when you're writing and a bad person to your husband or a bad friend.

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    If you can’t build with them, don’t chill with them

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    Good bye" is a good gift when you wave it at me because I refuse to follow a bad advice you gave. Wave it at me and I will show you the door.

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    Making the hard to decision to throw away a once favorite bra is like deleting an ex-friend that repeatedly let you down.

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    Bad friends could ruin your whole life. Be wise when it comes to choosing your friends. You set the standard. You be the one who stands strong. Don't be a follower.

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    A woman can become a man's friend only in the following stages - first an acquantaince, next a mistress, and only then a friend.

    • bad friend quotes
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    Though he was not as dastardly as Esmé or Count Olaf or the hook-handed man, Jerome was still an ersatz guardian, because a real guardian is supposed to provide a home, with a place to sleep and something to wear, and all Jerome had given them in the end was "Good luck." Jerome reached the end of the block and turned left, and the Baudelaires were once again alone in the world.

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    You will know a friendship is not natural when you don't feel relaxed with

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    A good friend and a bad friend are like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith: The perfume-seller might give you some perfume as a gift, or you might buy some from him, or at least you might smell its fragrance. As for the blacksmith, he might singe your clothes, and at the very least you will breathe in the fumes of the furnace.

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    But as you age, you lose other, even more important things, like friends-hopefully only bad friends, who maybe weren't as good for you as you once thought. With luck, you'll be able to hang on to your true friends, the ones who were always there for you....even when you thought they weren't. Because friends like that are more precious then all the tiaras in the world

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    Friends are just enemies who don't have enough guts to kill you.

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    He who throws away a friend is as bad as he who throws away his life.

    • bad friend quotes
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    Better a good enemy than a bad friend.

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    Domestic happiness is the end of almost all our pursuits, and the common reward of all our pains. When men find themselves forever barred from this delightful fruition, they are lost to all industry, and grow careless of all their worldly affairs. Thus they become bad subjects, bad relations, bad friends, and bad men.

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    Do not put your trust in a bad companion nor even trust an ordinary friend, for if he should get angry with you, he may bring all your secrets to light.

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    False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade.

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    I think it's really hard to work in a city where you live too, because I get so absorbed with the movie that I become a bad friend and a bad participant in my own life.