Best 89 quotes in «pool quotes» category

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    When I played pool I was like a good psychiatrist. I cured em of all their daydreams and delusions.

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    When I was at Manchester, where there was a modern swimming pool, I was looked on as a great man, not for so trivial a reason as being an FRS, but because I used to dive off a five-metre board.

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    When we are thirsty, we drink the white waters of the pool, the sweetness of our mournful childhood.

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    Words have weight, something once said cannot be unsaid. Meaning is like a stone dropped into a pool; the ripples will spread and you cannot know what back they wash against.

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    A pool just isn't the same as the ocean. It has no energy. No life.

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    A pebble thrown in a pool may ripple from end to end, but tossed into the sea, it is swallowed by enormity.

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    You go ahead. I'd rather not be shot out of a tube into a pool filled with a bunch of nine-year-olds' urine.

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    You get diarrhea out here, you dehydrate from the inside out - you leave the gene pool.

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    Billy's native arrogance might well have been a gift of miffed genes, then come to splendid definition through the tests to which a street like Broadway puts a young man on the make: tests designed to refine a breed, enforce a code, exclude all simps and gumps, and deliver into the city's life a man worthy of functioning in this age of nocturnal supremacy. Men like Billy Phelan, forged in the brass of Broadway, send, in the time of their splendor, telegraphic statements of mission: I, you bums, am a winner. And that message, however devoid of Christ-like other-cheekery, dooms the faint-hearted Scottys of the night, who must sludge along, never knowing how it feels to spill over with the small change of sassiness, how it feels to leave the spillover on the floor, more where that came from, pal. Leave it for the sweeper.

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    By now, at the end of a sloping alley, we had reached the shores of a vast marsh. Some unknown quality in the sparkling water had stained its whole bed a bright yellow. Green leaves, of such a sour brightness as almost poisoned to behold, floated on the surface of the rush-girdled pools. Weeds like tempting veils of mossy velvet grew beneath in vivid contrast with the soil. Alders and willows hung over the margin. From where we stood a half-submerged path of rough stones, threaded by deep swift channels, crossed to the very centre. ("The Basilisk")

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    Entrepreneurs see the "no diving" sign and back-up to get a running start.

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    Celebrate your achievements, but never let them sink you into the pool of complacency.

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    Playing pool with Korean officials one evening in the Koryo Hotel, which has become the nightspot for foreign businessmen and an increasing number of diplomats (to say nothing of the burgeoning number of spies and journalists traveling under second identities), I was handed that day's edition of the Pyongyang Times. At first glance it seemed too laughable for words: endless pictures of the 'Dear Leader'—Little Boy's exalted title—as he was garlanded by adoring schoolchildren and heroic tractor drivers. Yet even in these turgid pages there were nuggets: a telegram congratulating the winner of the Serbian elections; a candid reference to the 'hardship period' through which the country had been passing; an assurance that a certain nuclear power plant would be closed as part of a deal with Washington. Tiny cracks, to be sure. But a complete and rigid edifice cannot afford fissures, however small. There appear to be no hookers, as yet, in Pyongyang. Yet if casinos come, can working girls be far behind? One perhaps ought not to wish for hookers, but there are circumstances when corruption is the only hope.

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    Ich selbst spiele nie Billard, [...],aber ich weiß, dass man den Ball hoch oder tief, rechts oder links nehmen kann; man kann den zweiten Ball voll treffen oder streifen; man kann stark oder schwach stoßen; die Fälsche stärker oder schwächer wählen; und sicher gibt es noch viele solcher Möglichkeiten. Ich kann mir nun jedes dieser Elemente beliebig abgestuft denken, so gibt es also nahezu unendlich viele Kombinationsmöglichkeiten. Wollte ich sie theoretisch ermitteln, so müßte ich außer den Gesetzen der Mathematik und der Mechanik starrer Körper auch die der Elastizitätslehre berücksichtigen; ich müßte die Koeffizienten des Materials kennen; den Temperatureinfluß; ich müßte die feinsten Maßmethoden für die Koordination und Abstufung meiner motorischen Impulse besitzen; meine Distanzschätzung müßte genau wie ein Nonius sein; mein kombinatorisches Vermögen schneller und sicherer als ein Rechenschieber; zu schweigen von der Fehlerrechnung, die Streungsbreite und dem Umstand, daß das zu erreichende Ziel der richtigen Koinzidenz der beiden Bälle selbst kein eindeutiges ist, sondern eine um einen Mittelwert gelagerte Gruppe von eben noch genügenden Tatbeständen darstellt.

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    In my heaven sweet melodies of the skies ripple pool of the sea playing sweet song to me, sharing tales of the past, blending with mine as mirage, painting new...I breathe in, am in love and alive...

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    Every child's first lesson in reflection, refraction, surface tension, colloidal solutions, fluid dynamics, and what not, begins with a pool of water on the road. //All in a child's play

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    I gently pull on Ivy's hand. Let's go," I tell Ivy, who, despite it all, still looks calm and poised. She nods and we walk away towards the back door, skirting around people and the rim of the pool. I realize how stupid it is when it's too late. "You WHORE!" Melanie is a blur of motion. I feel Ivy's hand leave mine and she shrieks. I spin around and watch as she falls back. Right in the direction of the pool.

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    It is better to die, than dive heart-first, into a pool of love, only knee-high deep.

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    Pool is a game of thinking, strategy and accuracy - just like in business.

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    She never answered. She couldn’t. All she could do was stare, reaching toward him with her gaze alone, pulling him to drown in the sorrow of those depthless black pools.

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    Stretched and skewed Tap of the 8-ball and the cue Scratches fall through They are the scars of you

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    She walked around the edge of the table to position her next shot. As she pulled her cue back she was confident that she would only need one more shot after this. But as she started her forward motion, Ben leaned over. "Look at this picture," he said softly. "A long stick, hard balls, you bent over the table..." She missed.

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    Somedays you're the cue ball, somedays you are the eight ball

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    When a fat person goes in the water naked, would it still be called skinny-dipping?

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    THE FOUR HEAVENLY FOUNTAINS Laugh, I tell you And you will turn back The hands of time. Smile, I tell you And you will reflect The face of the divine. Sing, I tell you And all the angels will sing with you! Cry, I tell you And the reflections found in your pool of tears - Will remind you of the lessons of today and yesterday To guide you through the fears of tomorrow.

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    Time is a pool to swim & dream & create in.

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    The Bible is an ocean of instruction and wisdom. Dip daily into the vast pool to discover its truths.

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    When you lose, let that be a lesson to you. When you win - you don't learn anything.

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    When learning to swim, an hour in the pool is more useful than a year poolside.

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    Being happy outside the pool means fast swimming in the pool.

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    A good GI bill would increase the recruit pool.

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    A life without change is not a life; it is a stagnant pool.

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    As every pool reflects the image of the sun, so every thought and thing restores us an image and creature of the supreme Good. Theuniverse is perforated by a million channels for his activity. All things mount and mount.

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    As the music played over the speakers and the waterfall in the pool filled the silence around us, I knew that without a doubt I had just been ruined.

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    As we work together and pool our resources, there's room for everyone to be successful.

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    Where mermaids live looks a bit like your pool.' said Bernard. 'Except they build houses out of whale bones and the wreckage of sunken ships. They play chess with seahorses. They wear capes of fish scales and sleep on beds made from seaweed.' As we listened, I thought I heard a slight splashing from the far end of the pool. 'At night,' Bernard continued, 'they turn on an electric eel for a night-light, and they light a fire, and the smoke goes up a chimney made from coral.' 'Wait a minute,' interupted Zoe, clearly immersed in Bernard's description. 'If they live underwater, how could they have a fire?' 'You should ask them,' said Bernard. Zoe and I open our eyes. Now, look, I know the light was just playing tricks on us. And I know we'd all probably inhaled too much sequin glue. But for the briefest moment, the blue of Zoe's pool gave way to deeper, darker aqua-colored water. The few plants and rocks were replaced with a lagoon and a waterfall where several mermaids lounged half in the water, half in the sun. They splashed and dove, their laughter making the same sound as the water.

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    At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it.

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    Faith is a never-ending pool of clarity, reaching far beyond the margins of consciousness. We all know more than we know we know.

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    Every cloud has a silver lining.

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    Every man whose business it is to think knows that he must for part of the day create about himself a pool of silence.

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    Gah, some chicks should be shot. Put out of everyone else's reproduction pool.

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    If there's a pool I love to hangout there and layout and get some sun. If I can ever find a second to get some sun, some Vitamin D, I will do so.

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    I always say to my religious friends, if a pool had even one turd in it, would you jump in?

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    ...Having no recourse, I feel back on Shakespeare. Leif would recognize it and understand the context properly. With my remaining few seconds of consciousness, I quoted Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing, who spoke these words to his former friend: "you are a Villain: I jest not." and then I collapsed into a pool of my own blood.

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    Hillary Clinton has had a small but persistent lead since June - anywhere from 2 to 5 points. The stock markets and the election betting pools are predicting a Clinton win.

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    I do a lot of swimming, both in the ocean and in the pool.

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    I have always wanted a swimming pool and never had one.

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    I learned this summer that peeing in the pool and peeing INTO the pool are very different things. Location, Location, Location.

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    I'm like a little boy from Virginia. I'm a backpacker. In my head, I'm left of centre. I come from the pool of weirdoes.

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    I'm really looking forward to just concentrating on the swimming part now instead of what's going on with me outside the pool.