Best 435 quotes in «gambling quotes» category

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    Every player eventually loses all their money.

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    Gambling is a fascinating sport. When you are winning, you are like a human hurricane, nothing can stand in your way. You defy the Gods, or do you? In fact you impress them, as Bukowski said. When you are losing, you are an insignificant gimp.

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    Everywhere was the atmosphere of a long debauch that had to end; the orchestras played too fast, the stakes were too high at the gambling tables, the players were so empty, so tired, secretly hoping to vanish together into sleep and ... maybe wake on a very distant morning and hear nothing, whatever, no shouting or crooning, find all things changed.

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    God does not play dice, bankers do.

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    Gambling wasn't even about the money, was it? Not the action, not the bells, not the adrenaline, those were just add-ons. It was about the luck . . . the jouissance of gambling, it was pure, goddamned luck. The high holiest of holies.

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    Ever notice there are no clocks in stores? It's like casinos; they don't want you to know how much time you've spent dropping your quarters.

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    His lordship preserved his control over himself with a strong effort. After a moment of inward struggle, he said: ‘Drawing the bustle with a vengeance, weren’t you? No, don’t cry! It might have been worse. But what possessed you, you little simpleton, to throw good money after bad? For I know very well you went a second night to that curst hell! Had you no more sense than to allow yourself to be plucked again? Good God! is gaming in your blood?’ ‘Oh, no, no, I am sure it is not, for I was never more uncomfortable in my life! Indeed, I wish I had not gone back, but I did it for the best, Sherry, and truly I thought you would have told me to if I could but have asked you!’ ‘Thought I – thought I – ?’ gasped his lordship. ‘Have you gone mad, Hero?’ ‘But, Sherry, you told me yourself, when your uncle Prosper had been teasing you, that the only thing to be done was to continue playing, because a run of bad luck could not last for ever, and –’ She broke off, alarmed by the expression on his face. ‘Oh, what have I said?’ she cried. ‘It’s what I have said!’ replied Sherry. ‘No, no, don’t look like that, Kitten! It’s all my curst fault! Only I never dreamed you’d pay the least heed – Lord, I might have known, though! Kitten, don’t listen to me when I talk such nonsense!

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    He was in conflict with himself. There was no enjoyment in the thought that he had escaped a great danger, and in the midst of his uneasy reflections he had a sudden breathless conviction that she made him feel old because he loved her. Then he felt a hatred of himself, gathering into one mighty heap all the fierce and bitter hatred he had cherished for others and pouring it out on himself.

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    He had a hint of a Southern drawl, as if he’d worked hard to hide it, but couldn’t quite rid himself of the last of it. It was rough and gravelly, and had the seductive warmth of sinking into strong arms in front of a cozy fire. To my surprise, a spark of that long-dead heat stirred in my belly. This wasn’t the sort of response a woman should have to finding a strange man in her barn.

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    I came back [to school] in the fall, as a full-time boarder, with a certain set to my jaw, determined to go it alone. A summer passed in thoughtful isolation, rowing on a mountain lake, diving from a pier, had made me perfectly reckless. I was going to get myself recognized at whatever price. It was in this cold, empty gambler’s mood, common to politicians and adolescents, that I surveyed the convent setup. If I could not win fame by goodness, I was ready to do it by badness.

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    If I get all that money back in the accounts and then swear it off entirely, she'll forgive me. It felt good to repeat it, besides they'd just had an amazing weekend, she still had the hots for him, she still loved him passionately. Lingering underneath that thought, though, was the other one. You're playing with fire, you're playing with fire, (see above. Repeat endlessly . . . ) The idea that Hope would forgive him when she'd given him an ultimatum so absolute was laughable. She'd follow through on her word, alright, even if she regretted it, even if she laid awake at night the rest of her life wishing she hadn't, even if IT KILLED HER, she'd still do it. That was his Hope.

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    I can never gain something without losing everything I had before.

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    If I lost all, at least I would have played for it. It had always been my philosophy that one must play, or be a loser two-fold.

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    If your brother can't 'old 'is own against a bunch of orphans, 'e'd best leave off playing 'azard altogether!

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    I live by the belief that if you work hard and do the best you can, at the end of the day sleep comes easily for the dollar that was earned honestly. It was a lesson instilled by my parents. It was a lesson that I have always followed and found to be quite accurate.

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    In whatever decisions you make in life, you have to run them through a series of logic tests to make sure that there aren’t better alternatives. Don’t ever accept anything blindly— good or bad.

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    In nuclear war, except evil force no one is winner. Science and humanity become the villain. Everyone knows that but the gamblers want to play their cards. Be aware of the nuclear gamblers.

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    Move aside Ebola, smallpox, and AIDS; make room for narcolepsy. I would become shunned and avoided. Perhaps the people at the casino thought that this fatigue disease was contagious. Just because I yawn and you yawn shortly after doesn’t mean that you have suddenly been infected with narcolepsy. It would be silly if they had in fact thought this.

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    Murphy's face went through several mutations as he spoke, as if small animals were scurrying about just beneath his skin.

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    Neely Thomas was used to losing. Compulsive gamblers learn how to handle it—his kids' college funds depleted, an ultimatum from his wife, his life near bottom—he was ready to unravel. But then a moment's inattention—checking the football scores instead of keeping his eyes on the road—and a traffic accident leaves an innocent boy dead. Now suddenly Neely can't stop winning. The punishment for his crime? How bad could this be? A winning streak so relentless it won't end until his lies are exposed and he's lost everything he loves.

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    Once an opportunist like Mickey, who took the argument when she jumped on some devastated wretch's machine and jackpotted that it was the "cash-ino's money" she was winning, Moon returned after her six month break with the view that the separation had somehow sweetened the honeypot. The sad reality, she quickly learned, was that she was not irreplaceable; as such, the Casino felt no compunction to welcome her back with multi-jackpots. Instead, it took her money everyday and did not once give her a jackpot so that she could say, "Ah. They missed me." Instead, all she could keep saying was, "Verr-y bed. Verr-y bed. Suck-ah all my money!

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    Since the beginning of time there have been people who see themselves as being above the law. To them the laws don’t apply. These people often hold positions in government and in the corporate world. Does a similar mentality exist within the casino world? You betcha!

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    Some people will each start investing more of their salary on ‘their’ house and spending less of it on ‘their’ car or cars only when they start being able to take ‘their’ house to work, funerals, weddings, etc.

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    Strive to be beyond what others perceive you to be, by striving beyond the limits of yourself.

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    The awful irony about addiction is that it brings one further away from whatever desire the vice was meant to satiate.

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    The greatest risk is not taking any.

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    The greatest risk is not taking one.

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    The human psyche is a finicky psycho.

    • gambling quotes
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    I am a woman of very few layers, and most of them are selfish and mean. My parents tried to make me a good girl, but I just wasn’t having it.

    • gambling quotes
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    I smoked one too many cigarettes- I heard one too many lies- Gambled on too many bets- And lost it all to this life.

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    I smoked one too many cigarettes- I heard one too many lies- Gambler on too many bets- And lost it all to this life.

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    Issues are like tissues. You pull one out and another appears!

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    I was shocked, however, to discover that homeschooling is not allowed in the Netherlands. I could only imagine that after legalizing pot, prostitution and gambling, they had to outlaw something.

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    Life is just like a dice's dots on a gambling table.

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    My casino experience is to someone else their experience with their employer, of how the company has elected to behave solely for greed, profits, and spite. But we shouldn’t give up hope in such situations. We have an obligation to separate the justices from the injustices. We should hold these corporate neighbors accountable for the wrongs that they commit. Someone has to.

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    Probabilmente no, quindi ti lascio con un piccolo consiglio, dato che conosci tanto bene le carte. La vita è come loro. Vincere non consiste nell’avere una buona mano, ma nel giocarne bene una mediocre.

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    She was dangerous. I’d heard the rumors, that she had a history as a wild woman, that she’d been married to a gambler, maybe even been one herself, that her past was scandalous at best. But who was I to judge? My past was littered with scandal.

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    Sportsman's Hall offered four sporting events: rat killing by a weasel, rat killing by a dog, rat killing by a man, and dogfighting.

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    Still he considered playing Pachinko the best investment of his free time, soaking in the local stench and bad breathe of other lonely Japanese people as an alternative way of blending into the colorful local scenes which he yearned to be a part of.

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    Take out all but one bullet and it was Russian Roulette. In Mexican Roulette, as he'd heard it defined, you took out only one. In Drunk Mexican Roulette you didn't take out any.

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    The first thing he noticed was that Las Vegas seemed to have invented a new school of functional architecture, 'The Gilded Mousetrap School' he thought it might be called, whose main purpose was to channel the customer-mouse into the central gambling trap whether he wanted the cheese or not.

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    The pinball business was dirty, they said; pachinko gave off a strong odor of poverty and criminality

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    There's a sucker born every minute

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    They didn’t mind so much when I was a dumb logger and got into a hassle; that’s excusable, they say, that’s a hard-workin’ feller blowing off steam, they say. But if you’re a gambler, if they know you to get up a back-room game now and then, all you have to do is spit slantwise and you’re a goddamned criminal.

    • gambling quotes
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    This person sees not her own hand depositing the next dollar in a slot machine, but the hand of fate, or God. It’s her true conviction that there are forces at work for her to win a large jackpot— or at least to win back the money lost. After all, the only-for-show pictures of fruit had almost aligned with one another the last couple spins.

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    Trusting fate is like gambling on an unknown outcome with unknown consequences.

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    We would all be together on the journey then, our destination the village at the end of the road where people gamble day and night but never lose their money, eat but never fill their stomachs, drink but never leave their minds.

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    When we reach our highest potential, we will find our highest love.

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    When you are gambling, though you probably do not know it, your mind is on the tide, the ebb and flow of the Universe, and there is no way to fight it. Going with the flow is the only option, so there is no point in struggling against it, but, it will tell you how you sit with God, or the Universe, at that particular time in your life.

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    You cannot afford to gamble your youth only for fun.