Best 14 quotes in «interconnected quotes» category

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    I am an educated person living a global life in an interconnected world.

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    Its not a global village, but we're in a highly interconnected globe.

    • interconnected quotes
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    Ah, Sam, sighs Tom Spring to himself. These are your beginnings. And in your beginnings, my end! Oh how the recollections connect, each to each, as links in a chain!

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    But activists must not work against one another in their single-minded dedication to one specific cause. Those fighting to protect horses must not eat cattle. We do well to specialize, we do not do so well if we specialize without knowledge of interlocking oppressions—or without the application of that knowledge.

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    Dependence starts when we are born and lasts until we die. We accept our dependence as babies and ultimately, with varying degrees of resistance, we accept help when we get to the end of our lives. But in the middle of our lives, we mistakenly fall prey to the myth that successful people are those that help rather than need, and broken people need rather than help. Given enough resources, we can even pay for help and create the mirage that we are completely self-sufficient. But the truth is that no amount of money, influence, resources, or determination will change our physical, emotional, and spiritual dependence on others.

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    Human lives are so deeply interconnected with each other that we can’t live in this world as an independent person of our own. Everyone in the world is an extension of the self. When others are suffering, we too can’t escape suffering. Our happiness depends on others and their happiness depends on us.

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    Every measured thing is part of a web of variables more richly interconnected than we know.

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    Everything in the world could be found in the points of contact between them: all the ins and outs of the tides, the pulsations of stars in the sky, and the running of wolves across the cold north—all part of the same rhythm. This one. Theirs.

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    In nature, ecosystems consist of fauna and flora, climatic characteristics, soil conditions, geologic features, and a host of other interacting influences. Similarly, the precision medicine ecosystem is made of many interacting components, including patients, clinicians, researchers, laboratory services, CDS software, genomic databases, smartphones, servers, claims data, mobile apps, biobanks to store clinical specimens, and EHRs. EHRs need to serve as gateways to this ecosystem. And for the EHR to become an effective conduit, it needs a way to organize these diverse sources in a way that lets clinicians and patients make more effective diagnostic and treatment decisions.

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    I drape my arm around his shoulder. We sit together like that for a moment, until something bright floating in the lake catches my eye. I lean over the dock gently to pick it up. It's a little sprig of morning glory, the flowering vine Naomi bemoaned. "If you left, everyone would miss you," Jimmy says softly. "Everyone would be sad. But not me. No one even cares that I'm here." "That's not true," I say. "I'd miss you." He smiles. I hold up the little vine I've rescued from the lake. A drop of lake water falls from one of its white blossoms onto my dress. "Every person, every thing, has a purpose in this life. You, me, this little morning glory. We're all interconnected." Jimmy pauses to look at the flower in my hand. "It's our job to remember that and to realize how it all works together, even when it feels like the puzzle pieces don't fit.

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    Love and faith are interconnected. If there is no faith, there can’t be any love. Even the most intimate love can’t withstand the onslaught of adultery, lying and cheating. Once you lose your love, it can never be brought back. If your beloved loses faith in you, it can never be restored.

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    Instead of arguing whether happiness gives one success or success makes one happy, we may agree that happiness and success are interconnected with each other and are the cause and effect of each other. Similarly, failure and unhappiness are also cause and effect of each other.

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    To maintain any degree of sanity, we must believe that everything is interconnected on some level and to experience that level fully once in a while.

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    All activity in the brain is driven by other activity in the brain, in a vastly complex, interconnected network.