Best 397 quotes in «i believe quotes» category

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    Wanasayansi wana uwezo wa kupeleleza hadi kipindi cha karne ya kwanza ambapo Yesu aliishi, alikufa, alifufuka na alipaa kwenda mbinguni, na wana uwezo wa kujua mambo mengi kwa hakika yaliyofanyika katika kipindi hicho na hata katika kipindi cha kabla ya hapo. Kuna miujiza ambayo Yesu aliifanya ambayo haiko ndani ya Biblia. Kwa mfano, Biblia inasema Yesu alizaliwa ndani ya zizi la ng’ombe wakati sayansi inasema alizaliwa nje ya zizi la ng’ombe; na muujiza wa kwanza kuufanya ambao hauko ndani ya Biblia ni kutembea mara tu baada ya kuzaliwa, na watu na ndege wa angani kuganda kabla ya kuzaliwa Masihi na kabla ya wakunga kufika kumsaidia Maria Magdalena kujifungua. Akiwa na umri wa miaka sita, sayansi inasema, Yesu alikuwa akicheza na mtoto mwenzake juu ya paa la nyumba ya jirani na mara Yesu akamsukuma mwenzake kutoka juu hadi chini na mwenzake huyo akafariki papo hapo. Watu walipomsonga sana Yesu kwa kumtuhumu kuwa yeye ndiye aliyesababisha kifo cha mwenzake, na kwamba wangemfungulia mashtaka, Yesu alikataa katakata kuhusika na kifo hicho. Lakini walipozidi kumsonga, aliusogelea mwili wa rafiki yake kisha akamwita na kumwambia asimame. Yule mtoto alisimama! Huo ukawa muujiza mkubwa wa kwanza wa Yesu Kristo, kufufua mtu nje ya maandiko matakatifu. Kuna mifano mingi inayodhihirisha uwepo wa Mungu ambayo wanasayansi hawawezi hata kuipatia majibu. Tukio la Yoshua kusimamisha jua limewashangaza wanasayansi hadi nyakati za leo. Mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 70 wanasayansi walijaribu kurudisha muda nyuma kwa kompyuta kuona kama kweli wangekuta takribani siku moja imepotea kama ilivyorekodiwa katika Biblia. Cha kushangaza, cha kushangaza mno, walikuta saa 23 na dakika 20 zimepotea katika mazingira ambayo hawakuweza na hawataweza kuyaelewa. Walipochunguza vizuri walikuta ni kipindi cha miaka ya 1500 KK (Jumanne tarehe 22 Julai) ambacho ndicho tukio la Yoshua la kusimamisha jua na kusogeza mwezi nyuma digrii 10, ambazo ni sawa na mzunguko wa dakika 40, lilipotokea. Kwa kutumia elimu ya wendo, elimu ya kupanga miaka na matukio ya Kibiblia, dunia iliumbwa Jumapili tarehe 22 Septemba mwaka 4000 KK. Hata hivyo, mahesabu ya kalenda yanaonyesha kuwa Septemba 22 ilikuwa Jumatatu (si Jumapili) na kwamba kosa hilo labda lilisababishwa na siku ya Yoshua iliyopotea. Hayo yote ni kwa mujibu wa Profesa C. A. Totten, wa Chuo Kikuu cha Yale, katika kitabu chake cha ‘Joshua’s Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz: A Scientific Vindication and a Midnight Cry’ kilichochapishwa mwaka 1890. Kama hakuna Mungu iliwezekanaje Yoshua aombe jua lisimame na jua likasimama kweli? Iliwezekanaje Yesu aseme atakufa, atafufuka na atapaa kwenda mbinguni na kweli ikatokea kama alivyosema? Ndani ya Biblia kuna tabiri 333 zilizotabiri maisha yote ya Yesu Kristo hapa duniani na zote zilitimia – bila kupungua hata moja. Utasemaje hapo hakuna Mungu? Mungu yupo, naamini, sijui. Tukio la Yesu kufa, kufufuka na kupaa kwenda mbinguni si la vitabu vitakatifu pekee, hata sayansi inakubaliana na hilo.

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    Tukio la Yesu kufa, kufufuka na kupaa kwenda mbinguni bila mabawa ni tukio kubwa kuliko yote yaliyowahi kutokea katika historia ya ulimwengu huu. Naamini, Mungu yupo.

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    Your dreams are your solid rock; all other dreams are sinking sands! Recreate Your World and I believe you can!

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    All I believe in is food and myself.

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    And science, when it examines psychedelics, as it will and must, is going to discover a revolution, I believe, that will put all the previous revolutions in perspective.

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    And she would say, "Today you believe in God?" And he would say, "Today I believe in love".

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    As I am a poet I express what I believe, and I fight against whatever I oppose, in poetry.

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    As far as sustaining our popularity, I believe we can.

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    As I said, I believe life starts at conception.

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    As somebody who campaigned to leave the EU, I believe we have a bright future ahead of us- but we have to get it right.

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    And we broadcast tapes sent to us from Americans against the war. These were most effective I believe.

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    At no time did I intend to, or do I believe that I did put forward false information to the American people.

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    Beauty, I believe, comes from God; therefore, there can be no beauty without goodness.

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    By doing the work to love ourselves more, I believe we will love each other better.

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    Being offended is a choice. I believe that. You don't have - you don't hear a word and you have to be offended.

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    By telling you anything at all I'm at least believing in you, I believe you're there, I believe you into being.

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    At its core, I believe leadership is about instilling confidence in others.

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    Can I believe in that God too?

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    Credo quia absurdum – I believe because it is absurd.

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    Do I believe in God? Yes I do. When you've had a life like mine, you have to.

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    Do I believe in Witchcraft? I'm the result of it.

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    Do you believe in God? I, I believe in nothing but God!

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    Everything that I'm really about is being an individualist. I believe in individuality.

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    Fame is cool but I believe in success.

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    For desired conclusions, we ask ourselves, “Can I believe this?”, but for unpalatable conclusions we ask, “Must I believe this?

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    For me, I believe in God, God is real.

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    Going after what I believe in.

    • i believe quotes
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    Hijras are a sexual minority that is visible, and yet we are treated as the invisibles. I believe I was never invisible. I thought, "I'm the face in the crowd, not the crowd.

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    Heaven is neither here nor there to me. Everywhere and nowhere. Just not in between, But I believe in Heaven.

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    Extensive powers not exercised as far as was necessary have, I believe, scarcely ever failed to ruin the possessor.

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    I am a capitalist and I believe in making a profit.

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    Historically, I believe I was correct in refusing to answer their questions.

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    I always tried to do what I believed is right and I've always voted the way that I believe was the right way for my constituency, and that's what I'm doing when I govern.

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    I am desperately Italian. I believe in the function of Latinity.

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    I am a constitutionalist. I believe in the constitution. I don't believe in altering the constitution.

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    I am enslaved to my work, always wanting the impossible, and never, I believe, have I been less favoured by the endlessly changeable weather.

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    I am Shiite and proud of it. But the green bracelet I am wearing on my right arm, and which identifies me as a Shiite, does not symbolize that I believe I am superior. I am first and foremost a Bahraini.

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    I believe a lot in what I do and in my work. I believe in me.

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    I am afraid of death. I believe nothing, and therefore like many who believe nothing I must make something, and that something is the meaning which I give my life.

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    I believe a very large majority of church goers are merely unthinking, slumbering worshipers of an unknown God.

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    I believe 100 percent in the power and importance of music.

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    I believe - deeply and profoundly - that speculation is a loser's game.

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    I believe everyone here has a right to speak out on politics as effectively as possible.

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    I believe every translation is a process in which something is lost in the original precisely so that something is gained in the new text.

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    I believe celebrity spoils people - some worse than others.

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    I believe correcting is the positive approach. I believe in the positive approach. Always have.

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    I believe every abortion is a tragedy.

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    I believe all societies, all thriving societies of the future are going to be multicultural societies.

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    I believe a lot about psychology, or I'd like to learn about it - I'm someone who likes to learn about everything.

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    I believe alot of churches in America are not churches.