Best 11 quotes in «brecht quotes» category

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    Pensare è uno dei massimi piaceri concessi al genere umano.

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    Scopo della scienza non è tanto quello di aprire una porta all’infinito sapere, quanto quello di porre una barriera all’infinita ignoranza.

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    (Über Bertolt Brecht) aber letztlich war er doch kein Lehrer und kein Volkserzieher. Er war ein leidenschaftlicher Verführer. Möglichst alle wollte er verführen: Frauen und Männer, Junge und Alte, Künstler und Politiker. Und nirgends schienen ihm die Menschen so verführbar wie im Zuschauerraum des Theaters.

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    I'm from East Berlin. I grew up in the Bertold Brecht, Kurt Weil tradition, also in the old hippie tradition.

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    I got my interest in Lotte Lenya and the Brecht-Weill canon from my parents. And I love classical music - I got that from my parents. I love Cole Porter - that I got from my dad.

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    A lot of people don't know that my background is completely classical. For a while there, I was all about Molière and the Greeks and Brecht and Tennessee Williams.

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    [Bertholt] Brecht looked very thin, like a herring with very sensitive hands.

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    I'm Opera Singer. I can sing Brecht, Weil.

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    Chi sa perché il dubbio appare agli uomini come una felicità.

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    A Dostoeivski le interesaba la psicología; sacó a la luz la parte criminal que hay en el hombre. A Brecht le interesa la política; saca a la luz la parte criminal que hay en el negocio.

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    The dilemma of Brechtian performance is that, for all of Brecht's emphasis on rationality and the undermining of theatrical illusion, the actor must convincingly portray something that she is not.