Best 186 quotes in «doctor who quotes» category

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    [Amy] pulled a face. 'Honestly, when you grow up you'll learn you may as well try herding cats as keeping men in one place,' she told me solemnly, which I vowed to remember.

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    A better time. A simpler time,' said the Doctor. 'That's what we all yearn for. The pain of wanting to belong somewhere. To go home.

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    All traps are beautiful, that’s how they work.

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    Amy: Pond and her boys . . . my poncho boys. If we're going to die, let's die looking like a peruvian folk band.

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    The only water in the forest is the River.

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    We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?

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    Amy: Hey, Paisley, Ever fancied someone you know you shouldn't? Bracewell: What? Amy: Hurts, doesn't it? But kind of a good hurt.

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    Any time, any place, any where. He's not called Doctor Martini, is he?

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    Angel Bob: Doctor? Excuse me, hello, Doctor? Angel Bob here, sir. The Doctor: Ah, there you are, Angel Bob. How's life? Sorry, bad subject. Angel Bob: The Angels are wondering what you hope to achieve. The Doctor: Achieve? We're not achieving anything. We're just hanging, it's nice in here: consoles; comfy chairs; a forest... how's things with you? Angel Bob: The Angels are feasting, sir. Soon we will be able to absorb enough power to consume this vessel, this world, and all the stars and worlds beyond. The Doctor: Yeah, but we've got comfy chairs. Did I mention? Angel Bob: We have no need for comfy chairs. The Doctor: [amused] I made him say 'comfy chairs'.

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    At the moment, it's simply a difference of opinon between the Doctor and you.. You both want the best. You've only tried to kill him a couple of times... I mean, don't worry about that. I've seen people do much worse to him and at the end of the day he'll take them out for pizza. He's very forgiving. The Doctor is brilliant,' [said Rory]

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    As the carriage bumped her bones along the dark country lanes, Martha decided that if she ever got back to her own time she would write a book called 'Travel in the Edwardian Era. It would be a short book - OUCH in capital letters followed by fifty pages of bad language.

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    As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves

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    At least I could relate to Rose’s sense of adventure and Harriet Jones’ wacky determination and ingrained sense of responsibility. I can stomach the Tardis when my heroines are in place.

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    Billy fluffs’ or ‘Hartnellisms’ (fluffed lines and errors of dialogue) became part of the Doctor’s identity, sometimes actually scripted in. In a seemingly autobiographic line of dialogue, the Doctor complains, “My writing gets worse and worse. Dear, dear, dear, dear, dear” (The Rescue). All of which begs the question about the boundary between Hartnell’s performance of the Doctor and that of his personal ‘self’.

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    Because every time you see them happy you remember how sad they're going to be. And it breaks your heart. Because what's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later. The answer is, of course, because they a re going to be sad later.

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    Because she deserved more than me. She deserved someone who could give her the whole universe.

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    But Time Lords always travel in the T – in their Spectrels, don't they?" "Only if absolutely necessary." "You what?" "It's another myth put about by those scoundrels. Dramatic effect and all that. It's all his fault." "What do you mean?" "Who's fault." "No, I asked you first." "No, you clot. It's Who's fault – Dr bloody Who. That's who!" "Why?" "No, not Why. I said it's Who's fault." "Whose fault?" "Yes. Who." "What?" "No! Listen, damn you. Don't bring Why or What into it. It's nothing to do with them. It's Who's fault." "That's what I'm trying to establish, Doctor. Whose fault is it?" "Yes. It's Who's fault; now, can we just bloody get on with it and stop arguing the toss and bringing the others into it?

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    Brave hea-" The Doctor sighed. "Chin up.

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    But Amy Pond. Oh! The Sea had briefly been able to touch her mind — it knew that the Doctor was the most important thing in the world to her, and it had given a copy of him to her. If they spent enough time together, the copy would become every bit as good as the real Doctor. It stood there now, wheeling her down to the beach, one hand resting lightly on her shoulders, drawing all it could from her.

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    But the smell could just as easily have been coming from the old lady who was busy beating flies away from the pile of bodies. It was a hopeless task because each of the flies was about the size of a winged bottle top and all she had was a table tennis bat. Also she seemed half blind. Every now and then, by chance, her wild thrashing would connect with one of the flies with a richly satisfying thunk, and the fly would hurtle through the air and smack itself open against the rock face a few yards from the entrance to her cave. She gave every impression, by her demeanour, that these were the moments she lived for.

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    Craig: 'When I used to drink, I binge drank…and I’m kind of like that with Doctor Who. I save up a lot of it on the DVR and then like I get my big scarf on and my hat and I stay at home and just watch them.' Neil Gaiman: 'You watch them, you wake up in the morning hating yourself and swearing to never do it again.' Craig: 'It’s like you know me, man.

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    By the way," said Tegan, suddenly very self-conscious. "Thank you." "What?" "You were prepared to give up everything for us." The Doctor just smiled and stood up. "Oh, come on!

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    Chris reflected that a horrific place like this, with all the odds so grotesquely stacked against him, was where the Doctor magnificently belonged.

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    Complicated” is my middle name.’ Actually, it’s not my middle name – any more than Malone is my last name. Whether Melody is really my first name is, well, complicated.

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    Creatures from another world, only statues when you see them. Lonely Assassins, that's what they used to be called. No one quite knows where they came from, but they're as old as the Universe, or very nearly. And they have survived this long because they have the most perfect defence system ever evolved. They are Quantum Locked. They don't exist when they are being observed. The moment they are seen by any other living creature they freeze into rock. No choice, it's a fact of their biology. In the sight of any living thing, they literally turn into stone. And you can't kill a stone. Of course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away. Then you blink. Then, oh yes, it can. That's why they cover their eyes. They're not weeping, they can't risk looking at each other. Their greatest asset is their greatest curse. They can never be seen. Loneliest creatures in the Universe. And I'm sorry. I am very, very sorry. It's up to you now. Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and DON'T blink. Good luck.

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    Do I look evil? I can't do evil. I can barely pull off dangerous.

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    Cut! Go again." And again, and again, and again. Finally, after the fourth of fifth take I yelled down the hill to the director: "This isn't a fucking marathon! If we're going to go again, tell him on the bloody bike to slow down." David turned to me and said, "Having a bit of trouble, Captain?" "That's all right for you to say," I laughed breathlessly, "but I'm carrying a rucksack on my back with your fucking hand in a glass jar inside

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    Doctor: 'I am not a hero." Robin Hood: 'Well, neither am I, but if we both keep pretending to be, perhaps others will be heroes in our name. Perhaps we will both be stories and may those stories never end.

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    Don't blink. Don't even blink." she whispered. "What in the hell are you talking about?" Aiden looked around trying to identify a hidden threat. "You blink and you're dead." Meryn stared at the two large stone angels on either side of a heavy looking wooden door unblinking. Aiden's hand went to his sidearm. "Meryn, that is just a statue." "But what if it isn't? I mean up until this week I didn't think paranormals existed and now you're all over the fucking place. I can't take the chance.

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    Don't blink

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    Don't worry, I'm shielding you. When we crashed here and it first attacked me, I was caught with my mental trousers down. Not anymore. Psychic force field's intact. Belts and braces. Braces, by the way, are very cool.

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    Don't get me started on the whole Doctor-Amy-Rory thing. It's kind of like... I dunno. Suppose you'd always fancied Ryan Reynolds. That's fine, yeah. You meet someone else, who is maybe not Ryan Reynolds, but perhaps he's got the same goofy smile. And you think, 'Yeah, that's it, I'm happy.' Then Ryan Reynolds himself roars up in a camper van and says 'Hey guys! Let's all go on a road trip. Bring the boyfriend! It'll be fun.' Only Ryan Reynolds doesn't save the universe. Well, not at weekends. So I guess that's my life. Crammed in a camper van, sneaking the odd glance at Ryan, squeezing the hand of my lovely husband...

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    Fear is only a disadvantage if you want to attack-it's brilliant if all you want to do is run away.

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    Eighth Doctor: I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren’t there.

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    Everything about me is pretty and a lot of it is shrewd. So I had a pretty shrewd idea what was going on.

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    E’ difficile parlare dell’importanza di un eroe immaginario. Ma gli eroi sono importanti. Gli eroi ci dicono qualcosa di noi stessi. I libri di storia ci dicono cosa siamo soliti essere, i documentari ci dicono chi siamo ora, ma gli eroi ci dicono chi vogliamo essere. E molti dei nostri eroi mi deprimono. Quando hanno creato questo particolare eroe, non gli hanno dato una pistola, gli hanno dato un cacciavite per sistemare le cose. Non gli hanno dato un carro armato o una nave da guerra o un X-Wing, gli hanno dato una cabina telefonica per poterlo chiamare in caso di pericolo. E non gli hanno dato un superpotere o delle orecchie a punta o un raggio laser, gli hanno dato un cuore in più. Gli hanno dato due cuori. E questa è una cosa straordinaria. Non ci sarà mai un tempo in cui non avremo bisogno di un eroe come il Dottore.

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    Everything ends and it's always sad, but everything begins again, too. And that's always happy. Be happy. - Return of Doctor Mysterio

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    Fear is only a disadvantage if you want to attack-it's brilliant if all you want to di is run away.

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    For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about.

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    He seemed as oblivious to it as he probably was to the meaning of the word.

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    Gonna have to give myself a mental enema when we get back to the TARDIS.

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    Hello, old friend. And here we are. You and me, on the last page. By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well and were very happy. And above all else, know that we will love you always. Sometimes I do worry about you though. I think once we're gone you won't be coming back here for awhile. And you might be alone. Which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor. And do one more thing for me. There's a little girl waiting in a garden. She's going to wait a long while, so she's going to need a lot of hope. Go to her. Tell her a story. Tell her that if she's patient, the days are coming that she'll never forget. Tell her she'll go to see and fight pirates. She'll fall in love with a man who'll wait two thousand years to keep her safe. Tell her she'll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived. And save a whale in outer space. Tell her, this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends.

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    He rolled the boat over to get out from under it, and forced himself to take the steps up to the bridge at a normal pace. He was delighted to see the Doctor, but he wouldn't want the Doctor to think he was incapable of getting on on his own. "Oh, it's you," he said. The Kshatriya looked surprised, but the Doctor merely raised an eyebrow. "Turlough, I don't believe you've met Captain Sharma–" "I've heard of him." Turlough immediately moved himself protectively in front of Nur and the Doctor, hoping it wasn’t really necessary.

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    He [the Doctor] groaned. 'Why does it always have to be me?' 'Mr Rory is ill. You're the next best thing,' I [Maria] said simply. 'Thank you,' he muttered. He didn't sound very pleased at all at that.

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    He thought for a second, then spun to Clara. 'Did you say something cruel to the TARDIS while I was getting changed?' 'No! Of course not!' 'Did you call her fat?' 'What?' 'Because she's not fat. She's just bigger on the inside.

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    He transformed the pain of his tormented life into ecstatic beauty. Pain is easy to portray, but to use your passion and pain to portray the ecstasy and joy and magnificence of our world, no one had ever done it before. Perhaps no one ever will again. To my mind, that strange, wild man who roamed the fields of Provence was not only the world's greatest artist, but also one of the greatest men who ever lived.

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    Good is good in the final hour, in the deepest pit – without hope, without witness, without reward. Virtue is only virtue in extremis.

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    He obliterates things, she realized. He shatters them. They think they've won because he's a bit vague and he waffles, but that only goes so far. It's his shell, like a tortoise, if a tortoise was soft on the outside and dangerous on the inside. That's how the Time War ended: he got to the bottom of his patience, and he took two entire civilisations out of the universe and lock them away, and one of them was his own. That's how sharp his sense of obligation is. And he lives like that. He does it all the time.

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    He took her by the hand and led her out of the control room and into a little side room. There, amid a lot of sculpting paraphernalia, was her statue. The statue from the museum. The statue of Fortuna. New and gleaming. Rose gaped. 'But I never posed for this.' 'No need,' said the Doctor, patting it on the arm -- an arm which still had a hand attached. 'What d'you mean?' 'I mean,' he explained, 'that you won't have to pose for it. As Mickey said -' the Doctor smiled to himself - 'it was sculpted by someone who knew you pretty well.' He ran a hand through his hair and looked as though he was expecting applause. Rose walked round the statue. 'Is my bum really that--' 'Yes,' the Doctor interrupted testily. 'This statue is accurate in every detail. Bum. Arms. Legs. Nose. Broken fingernail on your right hand.' * * * Rose stood looking at the statue for a bit longer. 'It is perfect,' she said at last. 'I was inspired.' They smiled at each other. All was right with the world again.