Best 91 quotes in «clutter quotes» category

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    If you have debt I'm willing to bet that general clutter is a problem for you too.

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    If you actually keep things very organized and clutter-free, you can have more furniture than you think you can in a small space.

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    If your desk isn't cluttered, you probably aren't doing your job.

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    I have a notion that if you are going to be spiritually curious, you better not get cluttered up with too many material things.

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    I hate clutter. I can't stand it.

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    It's always something

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    I want to lead the Victorian life, surrounded by exquisite clutter.

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    Learning isn't acquiring knowledge so much as it is trimming information that has already been acquired.

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    My friends tease me because I don't like clutter. I'm not someone who gets attached to things.

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    I never let practical considerations clutter my youthful dreams.

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    I prefer a cluttered workspace.

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    I wish I had a talent for dropping things as well as taking on new ones. It gets to be quite a clutter after a while.

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    I write much better in the nonconfines of the early morning than I do the clutter of the day.

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    On the whole, I think women wear too much and are to fussy. You can't see the person for all the clutter.

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    Nancy Clutter is always in a hurry, but she always has time. And that's one definition of a lady.

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    Neatness makes me feel like I have to be on my best behavior. Clutter is my natural habitat.

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    Never underestimate the effect of clutter on your life.

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    Simplicity is somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product.

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    Recognize success with thanksgiving and build more success on that.

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    Remove the emotional and physical clutter from your life so you can soar.

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    Simplicity is not the absence of clutter.

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    The reason why clutter clearing is effective is that while you are putting your external world in order there are corresponding changes going on internally too.

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    The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That's not simple.

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    The facts of the present won't sit still for a portrait. They are constantly vibrating, full of clutter and confusion.

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    There's nothing wrong with having a collection, but it becomes a problem when it overwhelms your space. When you're not displaying it properly, you're not enjoying it and it turns into clutter.

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    Though we live amid promiscuous pressures, spiritual clutter and forgetfulness, we probably still value the integrity of life.

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    As I am both lazy and forgetful, I can't take proper care of too many things. That's why I want to cherish properly the things I love.

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    As I worked I continued to be a bit terrified in the back of my mind that it would be awful in the end, a big mishmash of nothing in particular, and there I would be, having wasted a whole week of my life destroying things I wanted to keep. But I should have trusted the long history of women who've come before me making rag rugs from everything that wasn't nailed down because it wasn't like that at all. Instead it was like a big, incredible tapestry that just happened to--if you could decipher it--tell a million little stories from my life. I could look at it and see my old lace slip and the girls' party dresses and my high school rainbow tie-dyes, the Irish kilt and the Halloween clown pants and so many, many other things. It was all in there somewhere. I felt like the miller's daughter in the fairy tale, the one who stays up all night spinning straw into gold. But who needs yellow metal, anyway? The was way better.

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    With more [distribution] channels, it's important to have 'must-have' content and brands that cut through the clutter.

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    At its heart, clutter is a lack of peace.

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    By handling each sentimental item and deciding what to discard, you process your past. If you just stow these things away in a drawer or cardboard box, before you realise it, your past will become a weight that holds you back and keeps you from living in the here and now. Pg.116-117

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    Be as a seed, a seed for change. Allow my gift to grow and rearrange. Multiple blessings for many. For those with none, let there be plenty. p64

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    But here's the thing--no matter how many possessions you have, you never feel secure. As soon as you get one thing, there is always something else you "need".

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    Clutter is evidence of excess.

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    Clearing clutter—be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual—brings about ease and inspires a sense of peace, calm, and tranquility.

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    Clutter is symptomatic of delayed decision making.

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    Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination

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    Don't just declutter, de-own.

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    Don’t cluster too much plans to do within a relatively minimum time. As beginner, you must not cut your coat according to your elder brother’s size. Know your limit.

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    He is so rich, he has no room to shit.

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    Every day I see lot of things cluttered in my surroundings. But that neither stresses me nor does it puts me down. Instead, it tells me that things will give you trouble if you see it as trouble.

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    God's and beasts, that is what our world is made of.

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    Here's the thing. No matter how many possessions you have, you never feel secure. As soon as you get one thing, there's always something else you "need". And also, you have the added problem of worrying about losing the stuff you already have. Some of the most insecure people I know are multimillionaires. True security can only come from knowing who you are and what you are here to do.

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    Having too much of anything results in chaos, confusion and clutter.

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    If you have clutter in your real life, your tangible life, then it really adds to the emotional clutter in your mind.

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    If someone doesn't live with you, neither should their stuff.

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    I began the process of cutting up my random fabrics into strips. Of course, I chose easy things first, items that didn't' hurt me very much to cut up: torn sheets. A flannel nightgown so tattered it could never be worn again, one of Steve's worn-out t-shirts, couch upholstery. The resulting balls of fabric yarn that I wound together after cutting astounded me. They were gorgeous--each one prettier than the last, which made me braver. I took some photographs. And I heaved a sigh. Things in me were changing, I could feel many months focusing on Stuff, Stuff, STUFF had made me bolder. What's the worst that could happen? I thought to myself. It reminded me of the day I finally, after ten years of kicking and screaming, took that first half pill [for OCD]. To someone else it might be no big deal, but to me? It felt like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute.

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    I knew then that the fewer items I was acquiring, dusting, packing, moving, and lugging around in life would free up my energy and time to create...

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    I have a fond daydream of a day when, like normal, unclutterd folks, I can bring people through my house without hesitation, without secrecy, and without closed doors. More than that, I envision a day when I can confidently stride into every room of my house and find my children's birth certificates or my high school year book or a needle and thread whenever the need presents itself without breaking into hives.

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    More voices means less trust in any given voice.