Best 1455 quotes in «yoga quotes» category

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    De repente, senti como se a terra estivesse escorregando debaixo de mim e o céu estava expandindo e recuando. Algum momento depois eu experenciei uma força terrível que brotava da base do meu corpo como uma explosão atômica. Eu senti que eu estava vibrando muito rápido, as correntes de luzes eram terríveis. Eu experenciei a suprema bem aventurança, como o clímax do desejo de um homem, e isso continuou por longo tempo. Todo o meu corpo estava se contraindo, até que o sentimento de prazer tornou-se bastante insuportável e eu perdi completamente a consciência de meu corpo.

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    Despite an ever increasing diversity when it comes to yoga brands, there are only four major paths in yoga and they have the same end goal; enlightenment. The end goal can be likened to the top of a pyramid. Even though people may start climbing the pyramid from different sides, at the end they will reach the same goal and thusly achieve unity.

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    Destroying the seeds of disappointment requires you to unexpect the expected.

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    Don't be a reflection of your depression, your dark, or your ugly. Reflect what you want. Your light, your beauty, & your strength. Aspire for greatness - reflect who you are; not which deficits you maintain. Showcase the hidden treasures.

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    Don't confuse pressure with pleasure. For some people it"s not sure if they are having a seizure or ceasure

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    Do numbers hold spiritual significance? Perhaps they do. For me, the most powerful numbers are two and six because when you multiply those numbers, you get the exact amount of square feet required to roll out a yoga mat. Even after years of practice, I’m continually astounded that all I really need to heal my body, open my heart, and still my chaotic mind is twelve square feet.

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    Do you know what is God? – Life power undergoing various changes in the process of yoga as depicted, gets up in the Cerebrum – This is God.

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    Drinking tea is as sacred as doing yoga. Sleeping silently, relaxed, is as sacred as prayer. Looking at a tree, talking to a friend, walking early in the morning, working in the factory or in the office, is as holy as anything else. This is the understanding that is needed for Tao to happen.

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    Duality—dark and light, good and evil, high and low—defines more than just the external world. It is the essence of the body, heart, and mind as well. To be at peace with the duality of the world, we first need to be at peace with the ebb and flow of our own emotional, mental, and physical tides.

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    Each action we take is an act of self-expression. We often think of large-scale or important deeds as being indications of our real selves, but even how we sharpen a pencil can reveal something about our feelings at that moment. Do we sharpen the pencil carefully or nervously so that it doesn’t break? Do we bother to pay attention to what we’re doing? How do we sharpen the same pencil when we’re angry or in a hurry? Is it the same as when we’re calm or unhurried? Even the smallest movement discloses something about the person executing the action because it is the person who’s actually performing the deed. In other words, action doesn’t happen by itself, we make it happen, and in doing so we leave traces of ourselves on the activity. The mind and body are interrelated.

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    Each asana is like a sound or letter in an alphabet. Every letter in an alphabet produces a unique sound vibration. Each asana vibrates at a specific frequency. When asanas are performed in sequence, beautiful phrases or sutras result, producing a mystical language.

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    Each time we come to savasana, we practice dying—we surrender the body to the earth and prepare for our destiny in this life. Facing death and embracing mortality is the key to living. We may fear it, resist it, and spend untold hours dreading it, But our mortality is the place where our human nature comes face to face with our divine nature. In a very real sense, death is our greatest teacher and the one true guru.

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    Emotion integrates but emotivity isolates. So free yourself from affectivity. In this absence of emotivity, you may have the impression at first that you become indifferent. But very soon you’ll see that there is really affection for your surroundings. Emotion, affection, is giving.

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    Enlightenment comes when you understand the language of heart - the language of tree, birds and the nature.

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    Enlightenment is blessing the world with one hand and touching the earth with the other hand.

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    Every moment is an opportunity to become more enlightened, more open and expanded. Continually choose that path and you will be free.

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    Ethical vegetarians eat only plant-based food in order to show compassion toward animals and other humans and to benefit the planet.

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    Even if I say something, do not believe this nonsense, but do not disbelieve it either. Just see, "Someone is willing to sit in front of so many people and talk absolute nonsense, something that is totally absurd. Let me see what this is about." If you keep that much openness, the possibility is alive in your life. If you believe it, you will kill it. If you disbelieve it, you will kill it.

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    Even the Master, in one way or another, is a student throughout life.

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    Every soul innately yearns for stillness, for a space, a garden where we can till, sow, reap, and rest, and by doing so come to a deeper sense of self and our place in the universe. Silence is not an absence but a presence. Not an emptiness but repletion A filling up.

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    Even the busiest bee does not move from one flower to another as often as an untamed mind moves from one thought to another.

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    Every action, whether noble or immoral, is preceded by thought. That thought may be conscious or unconscious, ignorant or mindful. The only way to act from a posture of loving kindness and compassion is to heal the mind. That is why we meditate.

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    Every day I stretch my body, mind, and soul so that stress may never touch me.

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    Forcing Your body into a yoga pose is like brushing your teeth with a wire brush. You may get rid of the plaque but gingivitis will be the least of your concerns.

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    Fighting for truth is not a sentimental act based on emotion but an act of courage based on clarity.

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    For all the types of pain that can lead to suffering there is a solution. Through opening our hearts with compassion to the pain that life brings, we can truly cure our pain and avoid our suffering. Then we can walk in the valley of love and experience the vast space within our heart.

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    Evolution is messy. Oftentimes our brains evolve more quickly than our capacity to love. Science has unlocked many mysteries of the universe by harnessing the human capacity for critical thinking, logic, and observation. But without a spiritual science to help the heart keep pace, disaster is often the outcome. Rather than clean sources of energy, we develop atomic bombs. Rather than medicines that heal we develop biological and chemical weapons. Rather than technologies that allow us to share ideas and communicate, we find ourselves more isolated and lonely than ever. Yoga, meditation, and other mystical practices are the spiritual counterpoint to western science. One unlocks the mind, the other opens the heart; and together they reveal humanity’s true potential.

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    Feed Everyone

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    Feel whatever arises fully, and then let go of any identification with what you’re feeling. You are at choice. You don’t have to go through another moment of suffering. Break free from the societal constructs that say, 'Life is meant to be a challenge.' This is not true. You have the capacity to become the observer of your emotional reactions and check in with your heart each time, to respond from love and compassion. This is the key to becoming liberated from the bonds of emotional suffering.

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    Forgiveness is not something we do; rather it is a process of reminding yourself over and over again that holding a resentment only hurts yourself. Once you embrace that truthfully, forgiveness simply happens on its own

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    For reasons unknown, the philosophical aspect of the yoga movement has had to make way for the yoga fit revolution; today’s image of a yogi is a slender and scantily clad young female doing postures on the cover of a bestselling magazine, whereas the older image was of an Indian man with long beard sitting in a cave wearing a loin cloth.

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    Freud was not entirely honest with himself when he said, “Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise".

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    Fundamentalism wears many masks, but always claims a monopoly on the Truth. Many people buy into fundamentalism in much the same way people buy cola to quench their thirst. There are elements of truth in fundamentalist thinking, just as water is an ingredient in cola. But just as the water loses much of its value when artificial flavors and colors are added, Truth loses its value when guilt, shame, and rigid dogma are present. Fundamentalism is to the soul what artificial sweetener is to the body.

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    Für jeden einzelnen Menschen aber, der eine bestimmte Sprache spricht, ist die ausgesprochene Bezeichnung eines beliebigen Dinges der grobe Ausdruck für seinen inneren Denkvorgang. Sie ruft diese Denktätigkeit hervor, und sie beschreibt sie auch wieder. Sie formt die Vorstellung, und die Vorstellung zeigt sich im Bewußtsein als Mentalfunktion. Und dieser Prozeß kann so gesteigert werden, daß er schöpferisch wird. Das ist das Mantra-Chaitanya.

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    Guilt is like tarnish on a piece of silver. It effectively obscures beauty and radiance, but can never lessen its true value. Just as the true beauty and value of silver is revealed with a little bit of polish, your true worth will shine with regular spiritual practice.

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    Gratitude is both a vaccine and an antidote for grief. Grief may be an inevitable fact of life, but gratitude has the power to transform the experience of grief from agonizing suffering to profound joy.

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    Given the choice, most children would have ice cream for dinner. Similarly, yogis prefer the highs of yoga, the so-called “good practice.” But just as healthy children require vegetables and whole grains, advanced yogis need to be challenged during practice. The peak experiences we have during practice may keep us coming back to the mat, but it is the difficult and unpleasant aspects of practice that make us strong and prepare us for the challenges of life.

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    God is the key to Sat-Chit-Ananda = Sat simply means divinity supreme existence, Chit supreme soul and Ananda simply means bliss. Direct experience would be the key to the qualified knowledge of the true significance of the Vedanta. The key to manifested and pervaded energy is the key to imperishable knowledge. The soul is the key to amazement, indescribable, infinite and pure infinite awareness. By nonattachment beholding the scenes of life is the key to divine happiness or knowledge. Positive approach is the key to gain better understanding in life. Calmness, concentration and condensation of experiences by intuitional knowledge are the key to love of all knowledge. Spiritual advancement is not to be measured by one’s displays thoughts of outward, but solely by the depth of our bliss in Egyes, Pooja, Yoga and meditation.

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    If spirituality means seeking ['Self'-Realization], why do I need a Guru?' Let's say, all that you're seeking is to go to Kedarnath right now. Somebody is driving; the roads are laid out. If you came alone and there were no proper directions, definitely you would have wished, "I wish there was a map to tell me how to get there." On one level, a Guru is just a map. He's a live map. If you can read the map, you know the way, you can go. A Guru can also be your bus driver. You sit here and doze and he will take you to Kedarnath; but to sit in this bus and doze off, or to sit in this bus joyfully, you need to trust the bus driver. If every moment, with every curve in this road, you go on thinking, "Will this man kill me? Will this man go off the road? What intention does he have for my life?" then you will only go mad sitting here. We're talking about trust, not because a Guru needs your trust, it's just that if there's no trust you will drive yourself mad. This is not just for sitting on a bus or going on a spiritual journey. To live on this planet, you need trust. Right now, you trust unconsciously. You're sitting on this bus, which is just a bundle of nuts and bolts and pieces of metal. Look at the way you're going through the mountains. Unknowingly, you trust this vehicle so much. Isn't it so? You have placed your life in the hands of this mechanical mess, which is just nuts and bolts, rubbers and wires, this and that. You have placed your life in it, but you trust the bus consciously. The same trust, if it arises consciously, would do miracles to you. When we say trust, we're not talking about anything new to life. To be here, to take every breath in and out, you need trust, isn't it? Your trust is unconscious. I am only asking you to bring a little consciousness to your trust. It's not something new. Life is trust, otherwise nobody can exist here.

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    Hell is indeed a fiery pit—but it’s not found in death, but rather in your stomach when you fail to speak your truth, live with integrity, or allow compassion to guide you.

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    I do not expect everyone to like me; but I would be extremely surprised if a person whom I consider highly spiritual, a person that I properly evaluate and conclude to be mentally healthy and very sane, a person that is mostly and foremost good at heart, hated me. That is an impossibility, as I have confirmed after traveling the whole world and meeting thousands of human beings. Evil and good do not resonate at the same frequency, and that is what disgust, distrust and lower affinity mean. And so, we are then allowed to conclude that whoever loves everyone doest not know himself, and whoever hates everyone doest not understand the purpose of life; but one who can see this polarity and interfere with its order without being a part of it, has transcended the trap of attachment, a trap which can only be conquered once we conquer our need for a personality and the attachment to the ego; a trap from which nobody seeking for selfish gains in the wilderness of attachment can escape from. Only then, such enlightened soul will understand that the outer world is merely reflecting the inner world, and a soul cannot conquer one without conquering the other. In other words, the spirit must conquer the personality, as much as the personality must accept the spirit, for victory over life to come as much as we reach for it. Only when a marriage between the willpower of the personality with the sensitive loving need of the spirit is accomplished, can a human being transcend his nature, and in doing so, transcend the nature of the world.

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    I don’t believe we should carry backup plans in life’s suitcase— they’re too easy to unpack like living a life in yoga pants, so comfortable our hips spread into new timezones...

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    Have a namasté day today. Look into the eyes of everyone you meet and silently honor his or her soul. Say silently, 'I honor the light within you, which is the same as the light within me. And I know, we are one.

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    Hearts shall dance once again; when canvas of ice is painted with the brush of skates.

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    Hemoroit: Günde iki kez 10-15 dakika artı kutbun üzerinde oturun. Ağrı hafifledikten sonra eksi kutba geçin (Nature Cure and Yoga Therapy)

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    He no longer grasped to a strong sense of self. To him life felt more like a dream, a cascade of cause and effect that was completely up for grabs—and he was no longer separate from any of it. Because of that, he could do amazing things.

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    Humankind has accumulated generation upon generation of knowledge, the culmination of which is the vast and useful technological array we see everywhere in modern society. Despite this great accumulation of knowledge and technology, we still suffer from starvation and war. The difference between the past and the present is the difference between throwing rocks and shooting missiles. We are still in conflict. Suffering on a fundamental level hasn’t ceased. But we nevertheless persist in the notion that if we just amass a bit more knowledge, we’ll all be o.k. Maybe a new philosophy will do the trick, or a new system of government. But all of this has been tried many times. Knowledge builds on the past and has its place. Wisdom is beyond time. It’s the direct perception of reality as it is. And in this direct seeing of what is lies the potential of transformation—a transformation that is not merely a redecoration of the past but a transformation of humanity that embodies the eternally new.

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    I closed my eyes and turned my face into the cold wind. When I felt it swept along my skin there was no past. No future. Just now.

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    If we become aware that someone is sending thoughts of ill will in our direction, we do not argue with the apparent reality of malice. To do so would give it more substance. We remove the personal sense of ourself and the other person.