Best 107 quotes in «confrontation quotes» category

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    We have global communication and yet confrontation is more common than dialogue.

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    As a matter of fact, confrontation could be a seed of peace.

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    We've never declared war on anybody. We [Iran] defended ourselves against wars that were imposed on us. We have no desire to engage in confrontation with anybody.

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    Worry does not mean fear, but readiness for the confrontation.

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    As more people have found the courage to break through shame and speak about woundedness in their lives, we are now subjected to a mean-spirited cultural response, where all talk of woundedness is mocked. The belittling of anyone's attempt to name a context within which they were wounded, were made a victim, is a form of shaming. It is psychological terrorism. Shaming breaks our hearts. All individuals who are genuinely seeking well-being within a healing context realize that it is important to that process not to make being a victim a stance of pride or a location from which to simply blame others. We need to speak our shame and our pain courageously in order to recover. Addressing woundedness is not about blaming others; however, it does allow individuals who have been, and are, hurt to insist on accountability and responsibility both from themselves and from those who were the agents of their suffering as well as those who bore witness. Constructive confrontation aids our healing.

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    [B]y not standing firm and by not exercising tough love, we often cause the figurative “death” of others and sometimes ourselves, our goals, our destiny.

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    As Pacific Ocean nations, competition and cooperation between the two nations will create a new atmosphere—leading to the Birth of a ‘Pacific’ New World Order—that is more engaging and less confrontational; this can be characterized by the presence of force without war.

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    A society coming apart at top and bottom, or passing over into another form, contains just as many possibilities for revelation as a society running along smoothly in its own rut. The individual is thrust out of the sheltered nest that society has provided. He can no longer hide his nakedness by the old disguises. he learns how much of what he has taken for granted was by its own nature neither eternal nor necessary but thoroughly temporal and contingent. He learns that the solitude of the self is an irreducible dimension of human life no matter how completely that self had seemed to be contained in its social milieu. In the end, he sees each man as solitary and unsheltered before his own death. Admittedly, these are painful truths, but the most basic things are always learned with pain, since our inertia and complacent love of comfort prevent us from learning them until they are forced upon us. It appears that man is willing to learn about himself only after some disaster; after war, economic crisis, and political upheaval have taught him how flimsy is that human world in which he thought himself so securely grounded. What he learns has always been there, lying concealed beneath the surface of even the best-functioning societies; it is no less true for having come out of a period of chaos and disaster. But so long as man does not have to face up to such a truth, he will not do so.

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    A voice in my head told me I acted like a spoiled brat, but I duct taped that sucker shut. I didn’t make it far, though. The seductive cedar smell enveloped me as Lux hoisted me off the ground, threw me over his shoulder and carried me back to the group.

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    Avoiding conflict isn’t peacemaking. Avoiding conflict means running away from the mess while peacemaking means running into the middle of it. Peacemaking means addressing those issues that caused conflict in the first place. Peacemaking can never be separated from doing justice. They go hand in hand. Peacemaking means having to stir the waters on the way to peace. Peacemaking means speaking the truth in love, but speaking the truth nonetheless.

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    Capponi and his Colleagues being one Day in the King's Presence, while one of the royal Secretaries was reading over the immoderate Articles which were proposed as the ultimate Propositions on the King's Part, he fell in a Passion, and violently snatching the Paper out of the Secretary's Hand, tore it to Pieces before the King's Face; adding in a high Tone of Voice, 'Since you demand such dishonourable Conditions, sound your Trumpets, and we will sound our Bellls;' By which he intended as much a if he had said in plain Words, 'Let the Differences be decided by Arms.' With this Speech, and with the same Air of Indignation, followed by his Colleagues, he abruptly left the room.

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    Confrontation is better than insinuation.

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    Change comes from confrontation. You have to be confronted or confront yourself.

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    Confrontation affords you the opportunity to hear the other side of the story.

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    Confrontation is better than assumptions.

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    Confronting a liar makes a better liar.

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    Confrontation is better than speculations.

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    Confrontation is not bad. Goodness is supposed to confront evil.

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    Confrontation is what happens when you are less than honest and you get caught.

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    Confrontation is better than suspicions.

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    Confrontation is what I dread the most in life.

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    Confrontation is better than malice.

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    Confronting discomfort is giving me strength, in a world where perfect strangers can render me powerless.

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    Don't ever stop believing in your own transformation. It is still happening even on days you may not realize it or feel like it.

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    Don’t shy away from confrontation

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    He wanted to break me, the me I'd made, the me I'd needed to make, my need, mine, my whole life since I could remember. I didn't want to hear him that night. When I was ready to change I'd change. When life opens up before you, when you don't really know death ... it's easy to promise yourself change. Keeping the lines hard, the parts of me separate, was what I knew, how I lived.

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    Each of us must make it our priority and personal responsibility to stay in harmony with our fellowman. Harmony is not just about creating a pleasant environment; it produces synergy. The best way to explain synergy is to say that a hand is much more effective than five fingers working independently. I tested this theory one day using dumbbells. I wanted to determine the maximum number of pounds each of my fingers could lift independently. Two pounds was the limit. I then tested my capability with my fingers working together. I rationalized that five fingers times two pounds each should yield a maximum of ten pounds. Not so. I lifted thirty-five pounds!

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    He looked the Prince up and down, like a hangman taking his measurements. 'Of course there will be a revolution,' he said. 'You are making a nation of Cromwells. But we can go beyond Cromwell, I hope. In fifteen years you tyrants and parasites will be gone. We shall have set up a republic, on the purest Roman model.

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    During the Japanese invasion, bombs had fallen from the sky and people could run for cover. Now, they exploded in the middle of the road, or in the fields while people were playing soccer.

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    Faced with a brass band that was positioned to drown out free speech, Russian activists reacted to the potential confrontation with lemons. With activists eating lemons or pretending to, involuntary saliva reaction of the band made it impossible for them to interrupt.

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    Frasier (Responding to the suggestion that he undertake the difficult work of closure in a relationship): "What you just said about my success made a lot of sense. I tuned you out after that.

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    If not me then who? Confront evil!

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    How shallow to presume war exists only within the physical world. Battles are waged for mind and soul, where things far from comprehension are confronted.

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    I’m like a fish in a pool, turning quickly to avoid what challenges it. My only decision is whether to go right or left to sidestep confrontation.

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    If someone in my life could grow with confrontation and feedback, why would I choose to refrain?

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    I might fear but never feared confronting the fears.

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    It's not such a bad idea, at any time, to be seen as FIGHTING, especially when you might just win.

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    Issues or fears of confrontation tend to showcase unhealthy and unprofessional communication. If you are trusting someone to tell you all the good, bad and ugly, but they only give you the good out of their fears and confrontational issues… the bad and the ugly can grow worse and worse quickly.

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    May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you.

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    I was born for a controversial world, and I cannot escape my destiny. John Quincy Adams

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    Many marriages dry up and miss the path to individuation because the couples try to ease their situations through excluding and representing their most essential characteristics, whether these be peculiar sexual wishes, neurotic traits, or whatever. The more one confronts everything, the more interesting and fruitful becomes the path to individution.

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    Mother Fuckers. They're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out. They're fucking with the wrong people.

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    Merdeka!' the Malay man screamed. 'Merdekaaaaaa!' the sea of people echoed.

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    Mira was abruptly awakened by the slamming of the front door when she realized that Lilac was sleeping beside her. She quickly moved Lilac’s arm and went to see what had caused the noise. As she reached the front hall, she recognized the shadow of a man sitting on her sofa. A bolt of paralyzing fear shot right through her body. She was stunned to see Dragan staring at her; his eyes were cold and illuminating in the darkness of the room.

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    Most people coming out of a war feel lost and resentful. What had been a minute-to-minute confrontation with yourself, your struggle with what courage you have against discomfort, at the least, and death at the other end, ties you to the people you have known in the war and makes, for a time, all others seem alien and frivolous. Friends are glad to see you again, but you know immediately that most of them have put you to one side, and while it is easy enough to say that you should have known that before, most of us don't, and it is painful. You are face to face with what will happen to you after death.

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    Most serious confrontations in life are not political, they are existential. One can agree with someone's political stance but disagree in a fundamental way with how they came to that position. It is a question of attitude, of moral configuration. My husband and I had plenty of grievances, but it all boiled down to a fundamental difference in the way we perceived life, the context within which we defined ourselves and our world. For that, there was no reconciliation or resolution, there was only separation or surrender.

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    Nous sommes devenus lucides. Nous avons remplacé le dialogue par le communiqué.

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    One must consider that small children are virtually incapable of making much impact on their world. No matter what path taken as a child, survivors grow up believing they should have done something differently. Perhaps there is no greater form of survivor guilt than “I didn't try to stop it." Or “I should have told." The legacy of a helpless, vulnerable, out-of-control, and humiliated child creates an adult who is generally tentative, insecure, and quite angry. The anger is not often expressed, however, as it is not safe to be angry with violent people. Confrontation and conflict are difficult for many survivors.

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    Now, I have always wanted to agree with Lady Bracknell that there is no earthly use for the upper and lower classes unless they set each other a good example. But I shouldn't pretend that the consensus itself was any of my concern. It was absurd and slightly despicable, in the first decade of Thatcher and Reagan, to hear former and actual radicals intone piously against 'the politics of confrontation.' I suppose that, if this collection has a point, it is the desire of one individual to see the idea of confrontation kept alive.

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    One of the advantages of confrontation is, you confront people to find out, if your assumptions are right or wrong.