Best 21 quotes in «lost everything quotes» category

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    The red directors were one of the main political forces. Another force was the former Soviet ministers who lost everything because of the transformation of the Soviet Union to Russia.

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    That transformation is to lose everything is an understatement so vast as to be without meaning. One has to lose everything, and one has to lose the one who has lost everything.

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    This is the test of your manhood: How much is there left in you after you have lost everything outside of yourself?

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    She had worried that she would break if her heart broke, but she wasn't broken. she had lost everything, but she was not lost. It seemed a worthwhile thing to know.

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    You’re not the only one,” he says through gritted teeth. “My twelve-year-old sister died in my arms. She choked to death on her own blood. And there was nothing I could do. It makes me sick, the way you act as if the worst disaster in human history somehow revolves around you. You’re not the only one who’s lost everything—not the only one who thinks they’ve found the one thing that makes any of this shit make sense. You have your promise to Sammy, and I have you.

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    So many of you have lost everything. I do not know what to tell you. But surely he knows what to tell you! So many of you have lost members of your family. I can only be silent; I accompany you silently, with my heart...

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    She must have been tired, because instead of jamming the whip down Monique’s throat, she stood up and, in a very even tone, said, “If you think you’ve seen me mad before, imagine what I could do to you when I’ve just lost everything.

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    Truthfully I don't remember much about anything after the Olympics 'cause I, I lost everything.

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    When you've lost everything, you've got nothing to lose.

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    As it turned out, Welcome was where I lost everything, and gained everything. Welcome was the place where my life was guided from one track to another, ending me to places I'd never thought of going.

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    If you begin to give away parts of yourself, eventually you'll give it all. And once you've lost yourself, haven't you lost everything?

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    Educate yourself, learn about what refugees face when they don't have homes, after they have lost everything.

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    I had seen people who had lost everything and everyone they loved to war, famine, and natural disasters.

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    If you lose your wealth, you have lost nothing; if you lose your health, you have lost something; but if you lose your character, you have lost everything.

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    I had done a sitcom and a movie and hosted the Emmys, and all of a sudden, I lost everything. As someone put it at the time, I was suddenly like a Ferrari in neutral.

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    I have lost everything, and I am so poor now that I really cannot afford to let anything worry me.

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    ... most Southerners of my parents' era were raised to feel that it wasn't respectable to be rich. We felt that all patriotic Southerners had lost everything in defense of the South, and sufficient time hadn't elapsed for respectable rebuilding of financial security in a war- impoverished region.

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    I lost everything in the post-natal depression.

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    I keep finding myself stifled by the company of others and then crippled by loneliness when I leave them. I am terrified and I don't even know of what, because I have lost everything already.

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    Man's true nature being lost, everything becomes his nature; as, his true good being lost, everything becomes his good.

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    Money lost-nothing lost, Health lost-little lost, Spirit lost-everything lost.