Best 960 quotes in «revenge quotes» category

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    But what is a memorial, when you come right down to it, but a commemoration of wounds endured? Endured, and resented. Without memory, there can be no revenge.

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    But you know what they say - old milk turns sour but old scores just get sweeter.

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    By dread things I am compelled. I know that. I see the trap closing. I know what I am. But while life is in me I will not stop this violence. No. Oh my friends who is there to comfort me? Who understands? Leave me be, let me go, do not soothe me. This is a knot no one can untie. There will be no rest, there is no retrieval. No number exists for griefs like these.

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    By Hecate, the goddess I worship more than all the others, the one I choose to help me in this work, who lives with me deep inside my home, these people won't bring pain into my heart and laugh about it.

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    Can düşmanı olan iki kişinin, gözlerini son kez açıp, birbirlerinin ölmek üzere olduğunu görünce, huzur içinde hayata gözlerini kapadıkları söylenir sık sık. Ölüm bizi hayatın ortasında, hazırlıksız yakalamamışsa eğer, bu durum oldukça enderdir muhtemelen. Hayat dolu olduğumuz anda kolayca göze alabileceğimiz tehlikeleri, aksine, kaybedecek hiçbir şeyimiz kalmadığında, göze alamayız. İntikam duygusu hayatın bir parçasıdır; çoğunlukla -ileride göreceğimiz gibi, aynı kişiliğin içinde insani çelişkiler teşkil eden istisnalara rağmen– ölüm kapımıza dayandığında intikam duygusu bizi terk eder.

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    Children are no longer being parented, but are raised. Thats why they don't have morals, ethics,humanity and manners, because their parents neglected them. We now live in a society that doesnt care about right or wrong.

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    Concealing himself from his father's wrath, behind the barn with wick turned low and his face two inches from the rough sawtooth page, Young Crawford had read of these atrocities in Beadle's Dime Library and fantasized about "calling out" the brutal old man who had sired him, "throwing down" on him with the "hogleg" he wore high on his hip, and blasting him into hell; after which he would go "on the scout," separating high-interest banks and arrogant railroad barons from their soiled coin and distributing it among their victims, or failing that into his own pockets and saddle pouches and living the "high Life" in saloons and "dance halls" where beautiful women in brief costumes admired his straight legs and square jaw and told him of the men who had "ruined" them (he knew not just how, only that the act was disgraceful and its effects permanent), whereupon he sought the blackguards out and deprived them of their lives. There was usually profit involved; invariably the men were thieves who lived in close proximity to their "ill-gotten booty," and didn't it say somewhere in Scripture that robbing a thief was no sin? If it didn't, it should have.

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    Darkness scares us. We yearn for the comfort of light as it provides shape and form, allowing us to recognize and define what's before us. But what is it we're afraid of really? Not the darkness itself, but the truth we know hides within.

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    Desperate times call for slutty measures.

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    Does your frustration equate a certain form of revenge? Bright light shines upon me despite of hills of frustration.

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    Do not feel ill will toward others. It will only bring negative energy into your life which will fester and grow as you let that anger into your heart. Hunger for revenge, for your pain to be put onto others, only hurts you more. Trust in yourself that you may recover from the pain they have caused and allow yourself to move on.

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    Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.

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    Do not seek power for revenge. Seek power in order to avoid situations that would make you want revenge.

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    Don't be trying to give back pain for pain...You can't get even measures in business like this.

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    Don't be mad at a hoe for doing what she does best, besides it's not her that owes you that loyalty.

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    Don’t fear! Take care of revenge and hatred by hitting the haters with love and kindness.

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    Don't starve an instinct with a lie on, Never hit or deceive a wounded lion. He heals faster than you can imagine And hurts even more when in famine.

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    Don’t worry, I’m not quitting. I’ve decided I’m going to stay and make his life a living hell while I run his business into the ground. --Kim to Abe

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    Don't you recognize me, Mary? It's your good friend Allie the Outcast - although it looks like you're the one who's the out-cast now." Then Allie realized something with far too much glee. "Now that you're here - alive and all - there's something I've wanted to do for a very long time." Then Allie reached back, curled her fleshie's right hand into a fist, and swung it toward Mary with all her might. This was one strong fleshie! The punch connected with Mary's eye so hard, that Mary's entire body spun around, and she collapsed into a leopard chair. Allie's knuckles hurt, but it was a good kind of pain. "My eye!" wailed Mary. "Oh! My eye.

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    Doubt is a disease that infects the mind creating a mistrust of peoples motives and ones own perceptions. Doubt has the ability to call into questions everything you ever believed about someone and reinforce the darkest suspicions of our inner circle.

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    Calm, gentle, passionless as he appeared, there was yet, we fear, a quiet depth of malice, hitherto latent, but active now, in this unfortunate old man, which led him to imagine a more intimate revenge than any mortal had ever wreaked upon an enemy.

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    Campbell Road, so he had been told by long-serving colleagues, and some of The Bunk’s inhabitants, was home to the most notorious criminals: thieves, prostitutes, fraudsters – every sort of rogue and vagabond drifted through this slum. Unbelievable as it seemed to Franks, some had settled and been resident a very long while. If a couple of women – one who looked like she’d had seven bells beaten out of her – wanted to set about a well-known brass, it didn’t take a genius to work out that one of their old men was playing away. Bickerstaff might be a stickler for doing things by the book but, in the great scheme of things, this was a petty domestic incident. The Bunk community had its own system of justice. Franks agreed with it: leave them be to shovel up their own shit.

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    ‘Can’t you see what they are?’ I said. ‘They’re all dead.’

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    Clarence Darrow, one of history's greatest lawyers, once noted "There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court." Perhaps because justice is a flawed concept that ultimately comes down to the decision of twelve people. People with their own experiences, prejudices, feelings about what defines right and wrong. Which is why, when the system fails us, we must go out and seek our own justice.

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    Cries for justice are often the bitter laments of the vengeful.

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    Dealing with files with equanimity’ means where revenge (vengeance) does not increase and where one remains attachment-free (vitaraag). Even the worldly people know how not to increase revenge. But what really matters is, that revenge does not increase and that one remains attachment-free [vitaraag].

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    Defence lawyers use the term "duress" to describe the use of force, coercion or psychological pressure exerted on a client in the commission of a crime. When duress is applied to the emotionally unstable the result can be as violent as it is unpredictable.

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    Destroying someone's life could be remarkably cathartic.

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    Dressing up forgiveness to look comfortable does nothing more than save face. Forgiveness is a one-sided gift to the abuser and a self-inflicted punishment for the victim. Standing up for oneself by forcing repayment of debt makes a person whole and sets them free. Payback fully satisfies Newton’s Third Law of Motion.

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    Drive. He’s already dead.

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    Duress impacts relationships in one of two ways. It either tears people apart... binding them tightly in a common objective.

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    Dude, don’t die out here.

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    ‘Eighth one this week,’ he said.

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    Engagement can be a commitment to love or a declaration of war. One must enter every battle without hesitation, willing to fully engage the enemy until death do you apart.

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    Enough rationalization. They simply had what you wanted, so you took it. [My chair-- I shit on my good chair!] You shit more than just your chair. You shit the world. All you ever cared about was winning -- And you did. The last man standing on a mountain of filth [. . .] Kazumi taught forgiveness. She accepted all refugees looking for a better life. And you turned that against her. Kazumi would show mercy. I'm not Kazumi.

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    —Eso jamás Robert. Y hare todo para sepáralos, por el bien de Audrey y porque odio perder. —Entonces que comience el juego.

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    Eso es algo que tu no logras entender, tu eres un simple chico común que viene de una familia un poco privilegiada, y yo soy Katherine Heddleson, la reina, a mí nadie me utiliza, yo los utilizo. Y créeme no te quieres meter conmigo de nuevo, por qué si te pareció duro lo que hice en el verano no tienes una idea de que te puede pasar ahora.

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    —Es que eres la persona más vengativa y ruin que he conocido. Y necesito desaparecer a alguien de mi vista, pero de una manera delicada.

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    Even now I can’t describe the fear that contaminated my blood like black ink.

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    Every human is born of collusion. We come into this world the result of a covenant. Sometimes made of love, Sometimes of circumstance. But almost always made in secret.

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    Everyone is in their own inherent nature. No one has enmity towards anyone else. Rain is in its own inherent nature; it does not suit some people and it suits some people, however it [the rain] does not let go of its inherent nature. No one can become free from their own inherent nature!

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    Everyone might think Lizzie's an angel, but I knew better. She was selfish, and she was going to pay.

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    Everytime I hold you is the last time I hold you, I've known that since the very first time.

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    Evil has a way of propagating like a plague. Where plague is a disease of the body, evil is a disease of the soul. It spreads through our actions: an act of evil done to someone infests their soul, so that they desire to do evil in return. And evil grows with each turn, the revenge act must be the greater. The best way to deal with evil is to turn it into something good, before it has the chance to spread. Each of us has the ability to have evil stop with us. Anonymous. The Treatise of Wisdom (Kindle Locations 4492-4494). Unknown.

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    Finished off and washed up before your time- But you will never run a pub. You will never own a shop- Instead, you will have your revenge- That is how you shall live- In place of a life, revenge.

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    Did you ever think it won’t be the undead who kill us, but ordinary people?

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    Fate had a cruel sense of humor. It had been all his fault, anyway, whatever Mick or Gillia told him. Careless preoccupation and utter stupidity. Boyhood ignorance and negligence. He was only getting what he deserved, over and over again, for the rest of his life. If only in his dreams.

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    For an instant I saw before me the young girl this used to be.

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    Flames of outrage and reprisal had likewise made a comeback, his nearly forgotten, silent heritage no longer hidden by thirty years of compliance. Instead the fire grew, unmitigated by training, logic or reason.

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    For maybe the first time he could remember, he was very seriously thinking about how to best kill someone he’d never even seen.