Best 32 quotes in «kindergarten quotes» category

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    The notion of children being "kindergarten ready" is a bizarre oxymoron. It's like saying you have to know how to play the piano before you can learn how to play the piano.

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    With captivating illustrations and an imaginative storyline, The First Day of School by Dr. Terance Shipman is a must-have for any child who is about to start school. Jedlie

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    We need to reframe our way of thinking. We shouldn't be thinking will Johnny be ready for Kindergarten. Instead we should be asking will his new school be ready for him?

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    What would your shoes say about the things you do everyday?

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    This framing accents the importance of building a tidier system, one that incorporates the array of existing child care centers, then pushes to make their classrooms more uniform, with a socialization agenda "aligned" with the curricular content that first or second graders are expected to know. Like the common school movement, uniform indicators of quality, centralized regulation, more highly credientialed teachers are to ensure that instruction--rather than creating engaging activities for children to explore--will be delivered in more uniform ways. And the state signals to parents that this is now the appropriate way to raise one's three- or four-year-old. Modern child rearing is equated with systems building in the eyes of universal pre-kindergarten advocates--and parents hear this discourse through upbeat articles in daily newspapers, public service annoucement, and from school authorities.

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    We need to reframe our way of thinking. We shouldn't be asking will Johnny be ready for Kindergarten? Instead we should be asking ourselves if we are ready for him.

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    We were all different shapes, sizes, and colors. But, we were all kindergartners and we all were excited. _Banicia Mr. Shipman;s Kindergarten Chronicles: The First Day of School

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    With captivating illustrations and an imaginative storyline, The First Day of School by Dr. Terance Shipman is a must-have for any child who is about to start school. Jedlie Boston, MA USA

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    Depressing thought: my friends were the girls I ate lunch with, all buddies from kindergarten who knew one another so well we weren't sure if we even liked one another anymore.

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    You know it’s a great read when you can relate to the characters in the book. My kids are all grown up now. However, I am always looking for good reads to give as gifts to my family, friends, and their little ones. This book brought back memories for me. I remember the first day of school when I dropped my kids off. I think I had more anxiety than they did. Thank goodness there was a teacher much like Mr. Shipman that helped me cope. This is a great read for new parents, teachers, students , and more. I hope you enjoy “The First Day Of School as much as I did and more. Sondra Stinson-Robinson

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    Boredom is the specter that haunts children from kindergarten to graduation on every continent.

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    I do an international beauty pageant called Queen of the Universe for UNESCO, and what we do is we build kindergartens around the world.

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    Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do.

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    I can talk to anybody but when it comes to somebody that I like, then I turn into like this five-year-old kindergartener in a sandbox.

    • kindergarten quotes
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    I'm like the kid in kindergarten; I really do send valentines to everyone.

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    I sometimes talk about the making of a poem within the poem.

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    I'd ridden to school with Link every day since kindergarten, when we became best friends after he gave me half his Twinkie on the bus. I only found out later it had fallen on the floor.

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    I've wanted to perform my entire life. I found a paper I wrote in kindergarten class about what I wanted to be when I grew up - and I wrote 'a famous singer!'

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    I wanted to become a kindergarten teacher like my mother.

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    We'd all do well to start over again, preferably with kindergarten.

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    We are just in the kindergarten of uncovering things; there is no downcurve in science.

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    When I was a little kid we moved to Tulsa, then to St. Louis and, by the time I was in kindergarten, we lived in Springfield, Missouri. There I basically grew up.

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    When I was in kindergarten, it took me like three months to learn how to spell my own name. But that's also not saying much considering I'm a terrible speller.

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    I’m not concerned about your comfort zone or readiness for change. I’m concerned about the kids who just entered Kindergarten.

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    You learn to read in kindergarten or first grade, and suddenly there's this other world that isn't your family or your school or your friends. It's something else.

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    Can I finish my blasted story? We'll get to supernatural kindergarten later.

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    Employers babysit parents while their children are at school.

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    I love this book. It is a great book for any age to read. It brings back memories of my first day of kindergarten. Also it's a good book to help your child overcome fear of the first day. -Adrienne Swain

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    It is a healthy approach not to expect persons to turn out precisely how you would have wished.

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    On my first day of kindergarten: "You thought it was hard? If kindergarten is busting your ass, I got some bad news for you about the rest of life.

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    I won a Kindle copy of this book on Goodreads Giveaways. Sweet book about what to expect the first day of Kindergarten. Helps take the scariness out of the unknown. Very well done. -Cheryl

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    On my first day of kindergarten, I bit a kid. Hard. In my defense, he deserved it.

    • kindergarten quotes