Best 357 quotes in «women empowerment quotes» category

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    Inequality and poverty, unhealth and no wealth are hand in hand. And if we are all born equal that should be true in all lands. We cannot divide the world between poor and rich countries. It's like saying the ones are good, the others are junkies. That can only increase more prejudice, miseries and sorrow. Turning the wheel today it will lead to a better tomorrow.

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    I rarely behave well and live in a way that will make history- HERstory.

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    I shine bright like an excellent cut round brilliant diamond, D in color, and flawless clarity.

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    I should have praise and honor for what I have done: All these men here would praise me. Were their lips not frozen shut with fear of you. Ah the good fortune of kings. Licensed to say and do whatever the please." Antigone to Theben's king Creon

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    I spoke to him in poetry And instead of mocking a tongue he couldn’t understand he took time to learn my language

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    I should have praise and honor for what I have done: All these men here would praise me. Were their lips not frozen shut with fear of you. Ah the good fortune of kings. Licensed to say and do whatever they please." Antigone to Theben's king Creon

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    I think its good to just say what you're thinking out loud. Some guy comes up to you on the street and starts asking a bunch of personal questions, you can say 'Whoa, this is weird behavior, I don't know you. You seem like a predator.' If he gets mad and calls you a "bitch", it doesn't mean you're a bitch, it just means you were right." -Karen Kilgariff

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    Is the crowd you are hanging around moving you forward or holding you back? Choose your connections carefully... ~Janiece Rendon

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    I think all women should be able to make it on their own,” Frankie said. “It’s not about needing a man or not — it just means she knows she can do whatever she sets out to do.

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    It is boomer women who, in my opinion. Have really made the greatest and most lasting difference. They have changed everything but they didn’t grow up expecting to be revolutionary. They are accidental feminists.

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    It is a great universal and immutable law of life to never underestimate a woman. Because in any situation there is usually a woman whose power is greater than yours, capable of doing incredible acts of epic magnitude.

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    It is only with the setting of the sun that one can judge how well the day had gone. Looking back through the vista of time, I can analyse and assess why I fought hard for my right to say no to joining the Baath Party, why I took that first step towards requesting respect for human rights. But it is important to stress this: Up against a task larger than oneself, one has to overcome one's fear.

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    I took one look at him, my mouth started watering and my panties moistened with thick fluid as if he had touched my sensation and made me instantaneously combust.

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    It's the mark of a backward society - or a society moving backward - when decisions are made for women by men.

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    Itulah yang disebut misogini yang menurut psikoanalisa sangat dalam akarnya: kalau disebut wanita itu makhluk lemah lalu harus dilindungi, itu tidak benar dua-duanya Lemah? Ia lebih bertahan di hari tua dan sebagai balita dilindungi? Lebih tepatnya dieksploitasi yang penting harus dikekang kebebasannya. Jelas lagi dia punya dua kelebihan ialah dapat melahirkan anak, dan setiap saat tidak menunggu ereksi, siap bersenggama itu sangat dicemburui pria lalu apa ulahnya?

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    It was funny what you could do in twenty-four hours. You could start the day in one place, married to a man you sometimes liked but most of the time didn't, and you could end the next day in another place, far away, a single woman chasing her dreams. I thought there was some kind of miracle in that.

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    It wouldn't change so fast. You will need to strive, co-create and empower. For progress is a never ending process

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    I was always taught that when you’re lucky enough to learn something or have some advantage you should share it.

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    I was sleeping on the couch one afternoon when suddenly I sensed that someone was leaning over me. When I opened my eyes I saw the burly farmer standing there, unbuttoning his pants. Instinctively, I knew what he was up to! Hans wouldn’t be as easy to dissuade as the sturdy young man who had guided me up the mountain. With no time to think I let fly with my foot, kicking him in the groin. The force from the kick caused him to inadvertently fall forward, hitting a small end table with his mouth. When this happened he bit his lip and broke his dentures. A dreadful row ensued, especially when I assured him that I would tell his wife Clarissa that he was the one who hung her lover. Bleeding from his lip, he threatened me, shouting that he would throw me out into the snow along with my children. Determined, I ran out into the kitchen shouting for her. When Clarissa appeared, I turned, telling Hans that I would tell her what I had heard about this sordid mess; and tell her I did! Of course he instantly dismissed me and told me to get out, but his wife knew him for what he was. Clarissa knew that what I had said was true and sided with me. She added that the killing had been uncalled for and that in many ways what had happened between her and the Russian was her husband’s fault. This event seemed to have evened the score for them and she was pleased that a woman had stood up to her husband. Although in this instance she was the one who had played, it was Hans that had a reputation for being a well-known womanizer and bully. With Hans out of the room, she assured me that it would be all right to stay another night. Their relationship was very strange and I was certain that there was more to the story, but for me it was time to leave. The next morning she arranged for transportation down to Überlingen for me and my children, and was I ever glad!

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    I wore what I wanted when I wanted. I did what I wanted with who I wanted. And if somebody didn’t like it, screw ’em.

    • women empowerment quotes
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    It's the thrill of the game the lions preys before devouring says grace and amen.

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    I wanted the kind of life my father had had, not the one I saw my mother struggling to get away from. I thought I was peculiar in this desire, but, as things have turned out, it seems such secret ambition burning in young female breasts were not so uncommon.

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    Kære brødre; en ærbar mand er ikke ham, der undertrykker kvinder, en ærbar mand er ham, der opløfter kvinder og piger til deres fulde potentiale. En ærbar mand former ikke kvinder med tvang og vold, han dikterer hende ikke, han inspirerer hende med kærlighed, trofasthed og solidaritet.

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    Karma is the best bitch around,

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    Life is about using all the skills in your toolbox. Paint your life with vibrant color, soothing music, and hang around exciting people who will stretch your colors from red and blue to purple. Use all your senses and enjoy your surroundings. ~Janiece Rendon Transition Strategist

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    Listen my dear sister! You only fix something, when it’s broken. And you - are far from broken. Say to yourself, I am perfect, the way I am. Say to yourself, I am beautiful the way I am. Say to yourself, those who do not accept me the way I am, do not deserve me in their life.

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    Like I said, Landon, I've been in more gunfights than the Jersey mob." -- Sarah Strauss, Supervisory Special Agent, Office of the Arizona Attorney General

    • women empowerment quotes
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    Listening to criticisms – and being self-critical – has been and remains central to the survival, growth, and expansion of feminism.

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    Live your best life....let your Inner Goddess out to Play!

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    Love and respect women everywhere you meet. And take utmost care not to dominate any woman or girl in the world.

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    Love her and let her bloom!

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    Make your resume represent the badass you are. It will get you noticed.

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    Love the woman and let her bloom!

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    Make sure that you're a woman that other women can trust!

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    Man is the master of Woman" - this statement may have been a glorious fact of primitive life in the wild, but it is nothing but an obnoxious stain on psyche of the thinking humanity.

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    Most females are dissatisfied with how they look and battle with countless insecurities, not realizing that you look most beautiful when you think you don’t. I wish that women and girls all over the world knew just how uniquely beautiful that we ALL are. Loving yourself for who YOU are is empowering! There’s great freedom in being unbothered by other people’s opinion of you.

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    May be it’s a male dominated world, but you will always be judged by the way you treat women So technically it’s our world

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    Maybe the struggle is to keep us humble

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    Melodiousness rolled over her tongue and out of her mouth whenever she spoke. Her eloquence equaled her elegance.

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    Most religious scriptures are all about three apparently glorifying elements, -man, man and man.

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    My body, my work, my voice, my confidence, my power, my determination to demand a life as potent, vibrant, public and complex as any man's. My abortion wasn’t intrinsically significant, but it was my first big grown-up decision – the first time I asserted, unequivocally: ‘I KNOW THE LIFE I WANT AND THIS IS NOT IT"; the moment I stopped being a passenger in my own body and grabbed the rudder... The truth is I don't give a damn why anyone has an abortion. I believe unconditionally in the right of people with uteruses to decide what grow inside of their body and feeds on their blood and endangers their life and reroutes their future. There are no "good" abortions and "bad" abortions, there are only pregnant people who want them and pregnant people who don't, pregnant people who have access and support and pregnant people who face institutional roadblocks and lies... For that reason, we simply MUST talk about it. The fact that abortion is still a taboo subject means that opponents of abortion get to define it however suits them best. They can cast those of us who have had abortions as callous monstrosities and seed fear in anyone who might need one by insisting that the procedure is always traumatic, always painful, and always an impossible decision. Well we're not and it's not. The truth is that life is unfathomably complex and every abortion story is as unique as the person who lives it. Some are traumatic, some are even regretted, but plenty are like mine... My abortion was a normal medical procedure that got tangled up in my bad relationship, my internalized fatphobia, my fear of adulthood, my discomfort with talking about sex; and one that, because of our culture’s obsession with punishing female sexuality and shackling women to the nursery and the kitchen, I was socialized to approach with shame and describe only in whispers. But the procedure itself was the easiest part. Not being able to have one would have been the real trauma.

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    My aunt says, she is a very bad wife to her husband, because she is busy serving orphan kids and physically challenged people of our society. Everyone praises her work that she is doing really good for society. But yes! She is only a very bad wife. She says proudly and laugh.

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    My happiness is tied to none. It is with me now. On my palm!

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    My hope for you is not only to learn skills through this collection of projects, but also that it brings you a little something more: happy vibes when you transform pieces of paper into impressive works of art for yourself or loved ones.

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    My parents never sugarcoated what they took to be the harder truths about life. Craig, for example, got a new bike one summer and rode it East to lake Michigan, to the paved pathway along Rainbow Beach, where you could feel the breeze off the water. He’d been promptly picked up by a police officer who accused him of stealing it, unwilling to accept that a young black boy would have come across a new bike in an honest way. (The officer, an African American man himself, ultimately got a brutal tongue-lashing from my mother, who made him apologize to Craig.) What had happened, my parents told us, was unjust, but also unfortunately common. The color of our skin made us vulnerable. Is was a thing we’d always have to navigate.

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    Neglect of women is the major cause for the society’s downfall.

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    Neglect of women is the major cause for the society’s downfall. The man and the woman are the two wheels of the society. If either one becomes defective, the society cannot make progress. There will be hope for the well-being of the entire world only if the humans, men and women alike, stop deeming the women as some kind of inferior creatures. We, the responsible citizens of the world can build a better future for the entire species, only by improving the condition of the women.

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    Never in the history of humankind has a woman been told to calm down and then calmed down. We don't like that.

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    Never underestimate the girl who will grow into a woman!

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    No one is going to tell you what a feminist is or isn’t.