Best 23 quotes in «coca cola quotes» category

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    If I eat 2,700 calories a day, a quarter of that is Coca-Cola.

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    The Coca-Cola Mean Joe Greene ad is one of the most famous commercials of all time, so I was blown away when they asked me to be in this new spot.

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    My feeling is, music is a more eloquent international language than Coca-Cola or McDonalds.

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    In general, the churches, visited by me often on weekdays... bore for me the same relation to God that billboards did to Coca-Cola; they promoted thirst without quenching it.

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    A billion hours ago, human life appeared on earth. A billion minutes ago, Christianity emerged. A billion seconds ago, the Beatles changed music. A billion Coca-Colas ago was yesterday morning. —Robert Goizueta, chief executive of the Coca-Cola Company, April 1997

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    When Lady Gaga says I am her inspiration, you reach kids between 12 and 18. Now I am like a brand - jeans, Coca-Cola.

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    The Americans are the nature of the future," she would announce in her hearty voice. "Here's to 'em. God bless their gadgets, great and small, God bless Frigidaire, Tampax and Coca-Cola. Yes, even Coca-Cola,darling." (It was generally conceded that Coca-Cola's advertising was ruining the picturesqueness of Morocco.)

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    But [Coca-Cola] was also genuinely welcomed by the servicemen in far-flung military bases: Coca-Cola reminded them of home and helped to maintain morale.

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    Everyone has a story with coca-cola people like Wayne Dyer even and people like Alan Rickman and many other people, so... they are dead so you can take it Coca-Cola is part of the history!

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    More likely drinking Coca-Cola... than water will be a symmetry...

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    My love is not the Coca-Cola when you want and drink.

    • coca cola quotes
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    Piana coli w szklance opadła z wolna, tworząc na powierzchni płynu bąblaste wiry.

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    Without a Coca-Cola life is unthinkable.

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    But an oft-heard complaint, as companies spread their tentacles around the world and compete on a global playing field, is that globalization is merely a new form of imperialism.

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    Coca-Cola should always be within an arm's reach of desire.

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    Mentre nel 2010 l’obesità e le malattie connesse hanno ucciso circa 3 milioni di persone, i terroristi hanno fatto 7697 vittime in tutto il mondo, la maggior parte delle quali nei paesi in via di sviluppo. Per l’americano o l’europeo medio, la Coca-Cola costituisce una minaccia assai più letale di al-Qaida.

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    My love is not Coca-Cola when you want and drink.

    • coca cola quotes
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    This original version of Coca-Cola contained a small amount of coca extract and therefore a trace of cocaine. (It was eliminated early in the twentieth century, though other extracts derived from coca leaves remain part of the drink to this day.) Its creation was not the accidental concoction of an amateur experimenting in his garden, but the deliberate and painstaking culmination of months of work by an experienced maker of quack remedies.

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    By the way, I hope you all know about the worldwide boycott of Coca Cola company for things like murdering union organizers in Colombia. See the site

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    There was no starting point for the rebellion, but I could mark an arbitrary one: that a grown-up was someone who, first and foremost, could drink a Coke at whim.

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    You know, we might’ve fucked up the planet, sucking out all the oil, melting the ice caps, allowing ska music to flourish, but we made Coca-Cola, so goddamn it, people weren’t all bad.

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    ...Coca-Cola and fries, the wafer and wine of the Western religion of commerce.

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    If great teams don't have an "enemy," they create one for themselves because, as former Coca-Cola CEO Roberto Goizueta pointed out, "you can't have a war without one.