Best 27 quotes in «shane quotes» category

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    They did not look at each other. They did not say a word to each other... They knew that talk is meaningless when a common knowledge is already there. The silence bound them as no words ever could.

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    Eeek,” Shane said. Nothing. Right, Amazon princess, I got the point.

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    you're Shane, right?' He inched away from her and managed a quick nod as he twisted the rag he held in his fingers. 'Heidi sad you were willing to teach me how to ride.' Her expression shifted from entertained to confused, as if she was wondering why no one had mentioned he was a can or two shy of a six-pack. 'A horse,' he clarified, then wanted to kick himself. What else but a horse? Did he think she was here to learn to ride his mother's elephant? One corner of Annabelle's perfect, full mouth twitched. 'A horse would be good. You seem to have several.' He wanted to remind himself that he was usually fine around women. Smooth even. He was intelligent, funny and could, on occasion, be charming. Just not now, with his blood pumping and his brain doing nothing more than shouting "it's her, it's her" over and over again. Chemistry, he thought grimly. It could turn the smartest man into a drooling idiot. Here he was, proving the theory true.

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    claire:shes floating whats wrong with that shane:Nothing but she didnt even insult me now thats just desturbs me.

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    EVE:so thats the bathroom where shane spends houres doing his hair shane:bite me

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    Maybe she'd seen too many Japanese horror movies, and maybe it was just a tingle of warning from generations of superstitious ancestors, but suddenly she knew that what Alyssa wanted was not to be saved, but for Shane to join her. In death.

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    He has defined cricket in his fabulous, impeccable manner. He is to batting what Shane Warne is to bowling.

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    Did you see my ninja move?That was fast, right?" "You are not a ninja, Shane." "I've watched all the movies. I just haven't gotten the certificate from the correspondence course yet.

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    Shane? Thank God, somebody sane. Well, sane-ish.

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    See?" she heard Shane yell at the kitchen. "She doesn't stomp around like a cattle stampede!" "Bite me, Collins! No bacon for you, either!

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    Shane - "Tell you what: you can be Glammera the vampire hunter. I'll stick with being manly and heavily armed.

    • shane quotes
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    Shane McMahon had that tremendous match at WrestleMania with the Undertaker. He's fearless.

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    Shane settled his flamethrower more comfortably on his shoulders. “Ladies? After you.” “Rude,” Claire said. “I was being polite!” “Not when you have a flamethrower.

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    Who are you calling?" (claire) Pizza hut" (shane) Loser" (claire)

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    Turn down the porn soundtrack! Trying to concentrate here!-Shane

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    Shane Watson seems to have recovered very well from his hamstring injury.

    • shane quotes
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    shane:you only love me for my abs clair:shut up loser shift off

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    We believe that our RAW team will, basically, exploit Shane's McMahon lack of regular wrestling.

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    Claire to Myrnin: "Do the guards at the mall know you're out?" He didn't look up. "That's very doubtful, I did kill the guard who spotted me, after all." They all stopped what they were doing and Shane snapped around and took a step toward him. "Would that be the dead guard in our damn basement?" "Well, of course, how many dead guards could there be? Why, did you kill one, too? Wasteful.

    • shane quotes
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    You’re not going to suck.’’ ‘‘Not at the guitar, anyway,’’ Shane said, deadpan. Claire punched him in the arm. ‘‘Ow.

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    I'd feel a whole lot better about the two of us if you didn't think I was the go-to guy for breaking and entering.

    • shane quotes
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    Does it give you deja voodoo how alike the houses are?" "That's deja vu, and I hate you right now." "For narcing on you to your mom? Wait until you hear what I tell your dad." From the sly grin on his face, she knew what he was thinking. "Don't you even think about it." "I could tell him about the time we-" "Hell, no.

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    Don’t expect the answers overnight. This isn’t a fortune cookie. - The Duke to Delaine; discussing dating after divorce, Chapter 9

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    He looked stunned. “That’s not what I—” “It was,” she said, interrupting him. “You acted like a vamp, Michael. Like any vamp getting back-talked by a human. You could have gotten us hurt. You could have gotten Eve killed!” Michael looked at Shane, who lifted his shoulders in a tiny, apologetic shrug. “She’s not wrong, bro.” “That’s not what it was,” Michael insisted. “I was just trying to—look, Eve started it.” “Hey! That thump you heard was me under the bus, there! ” Shane shrugged again. “And now Michael’s not wrong. Hey, I like this game. I don’t have to be the wrong one for once in my life.” “Shut up, Shane,” Eve snapped. “What about you, Miss Oh, sir, please let my friends go; I’m such a delicate little flower? What a crock of shit, Claire!

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    Shane: Aren't you going to ask me where I've been, who I've been with? Rebecca: Are you trying to hurt me? Shane: Maybe I am. Maybe I'm trying to see if I can. Rebecca:You can.

    • shane quotes
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    I'm a librarian in town,' she began. 'You sure about that?' The words popped out before he could stop them. Annabelle raised her eyebrows. 'Fairly. It's my job and so far no one has told me to go away when I show up for work.' smooth, Stryker, he thought, very smooth. 'I was expecting someone wearing glasses. You know. Because librarians read a lot.' The raised eyebrows turned into a frown. 'You need to get out of the barn more.

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    Pilot nods with a small smile. "I've noticed." "Noticed what?" I ask with a smidge of attitude. "You're bolder than before.