Best 23 quotes in «wisest quotes» category

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    Often silence is the wisest thing for a man to heed.

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    Listen to life, it is the wisest teacher of all.

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    Of all that writ, he was the wisest bard, who spoke this mighty truth- He that knew all that ever learning writ, Knew only this-that he knew nothing yet.

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    The most attractive sentences are not perhaps the wisest, but the surest and soundest.

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    The days that are still to come are the wisest witnesses.

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    The greatest Clerkes be not the wisest men.

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    The gretteste clerkes been noght wisest men.

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    The public is wiser than the wisest critic.

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    The wisest men are wise to the full in death.

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    The wisest fool in Christendom.

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    The praise of a fool is incense to the wisest of us . . .

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    The wisest of you men is he who has realized, like Socrates, that in respect of wisdom he is really worthless.

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    The wisest among us is a fool in some things.

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    If wisdom is a place, you should be the wisest one to live there..

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    Time is the wisest of all counselors.

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    Time is the wisest of all things that are; for it brings everything to light.

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    Even the wisdom of the wisest depends on the accumulated wisdom of the past!

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    The wisest has nothing, knows nothing, but loves everything.

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    The death of Robert G. Ingersoll, on July 21, 1899, was one of the most widely -- noted events of that year in the civilized world. It was also one of the most widely and profoundly regretted, -- the most deeply deplored. Everywhere, the wisest knew (and the noblest felt) that the cause of humanity had met its greatest loss. To many thousands who realized the intellectual amplitude, the moral heroism and grandeur, the boundless generosity and sympathy, the tenderness and affection, of this incomparable man, his passing was as an intimate and bitter bereavement. Ingersoll was doubtless known, personally and otherwise, to more people than any other American who had not sat in the presidential chair; and, notwithstanding either the number or the wishes of his critics, his death probably brought genuine grief to more hearts than has that of any other individual in our history. Twice before, 'a Nation bowed and wept'; this time, a people.

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    The wisest men in the world do not betray their wives, for they know that they value their intelligence by their side.

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    You may have access to the best information; you may build up the most positive attitude but, to get the wisest experience, your hands and legs must work!

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    He is the wisest who seeks God.  He is the most successful who has found God.

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    Evolution favors the survival of the wisest.