Best 85 quotes in «skulduggery pleasant quotes» category

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    The sparrow flies south for the winter.

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    You're not stealing anything, you're not breaking anything, so I'd guess you're Stephanie.

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    Valkyrie: “You are such a moron.” Skulduggery: “Don't be jealous of my genius.

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    *After Skulduggery kills Valkyrie* Skulduggery: This has been a good day so far, all things considered, I have the location of the Grotesquey and I got to kill Valkyrie, which admittedly is something I've been wanting to do since I met her, she can be incredibly annoying Scapegrace: Um Skulduggery: She hardly ever shut up, I pretended to be the friends with her, but honestly, I just felt sorry for the poor girl. Not the brightest you know. Valkyrie: You're such a goon.

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    Ah, bless. I've missed her. Do you have bullets?" "Uh, no." Skulduggery paused. "Excellent.

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    be brave

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    Bravery, after all, isn't the absence of fear. Bravery is the acknowledgement and the conquering of fear.

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    Can I just point something out?" Fletcher asked. "That is an awful plan. On a scale of one to ten - the Trojan War being a ten and General Custer verus all those Indians being a one - your plan is a zero. I don't think it is a plan at all. I think it's just a series of happenings that are, to be honest, unlikely to follow on from each other in the way in which everyone's probably hoping." "Do you have a better plan?" Valkyrie asked. "Of course not. I'm a man of action, not thought." Valkyrie nodded. "You're defintely not a man of thought." "Why are you in charge anyway? What do you know about organising something like this?" "I have faith," Tanith said. "As do I," said Ghastly. Valkyrie smiled at them gratefully. "So you think the plan will work?" "God, no," said Ghastly. "Sorry, Val," said Tanith

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    Did you know, and this is a fact here, did you know that most spiders are ugly? It's true. The woman spiders have it really hard time of it. I saw it on a documentary. Why do you think the Black Widow kills the guy she mates with? Shame, that's why - Tanith Low

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    Doors are for people with no imagination." - Skulduggery Pleasant

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    Do you have a weapon for me, or do you want me to beat her to death with a large stick? - Mr Bliss

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    Cheer up everyone, since we're all going to die horribly anyway, what's there to be worried about? - Skulduggery Pleasant.

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    Cow - Tanith Low

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    Du siehst aus, als könntest du ohnmächtig werden." Stephanie nickte bedächtig. "Ich bin noch nie ohnmächtig geworden, aber Sie könnten recht haben." "Soll ich dich auffangen, wenn du fällst, oder ...?" "Wenn es Ihnen nichts ausmacht." "Überhaupt nicht." "Danke." Stephanie schenkte ihm ein schiefes Lächeln, dann wurde ihr schwarz vor Augen und sie spürte, wie sie fiel. Das Letzte, was sie sah, war Skuldugerry Pleasant, der quer durchs Zimmer auf sie zuhechtete.

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    Excuse me, I believe you're standing on my sword. I don't think this is entirely fair, you're angry with Skulduggery because he didn't kill Valkyrie, but you and me, we've never even met. I mean, you have no reason to attack me, if you got to know me, if you took the time, I'm sure you'd really like me. I'm a likeable girl, everyone says so - Tanith Low

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    He hesitated. 'Serpine used my wife and child as a weapon against me. In order to do so, he had to kill them. He took my family's death and he made it about me. Valkyrie, when you die, it will be your death and yours alone. Let it come to you on your own terms.’ She nodded. ‘Valkyrie Cain,’ he said, ‘it has been an absolute pleasure knowing you.

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    He could be a butterfly dreaming he's a man." "Well, he's not. He's a big fat man dreaming he's a big fat butterfly. What the hell am I supposed to do?" There was another hesitation. "I'm not sure. You don't happen to have a large net handy, do you?" "I want to hit him. I want to hit YOU, but I also want to hit him.

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    He stood there, looking at her. She glared back, opened her mouth to continue the conversation, but he suddenly turned, walked away, like he'd just remembered that she may look and sound and talk like Valkyrie Cain, but she wasn't Valkyrie Cain. And she never would be.

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    I don't show off. I merely demonstrate my abilities at opportune times." - Skulduggery Pleasant

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    I don't show off. I merely demonstrate my abilities at opportune times.

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    Is it fun? Doin' all that detectin'? I always wanted to be a detective. I was one, for about a year, I liked the romance of it all. The suits, the hats, the dark alleys, the femme fetale, all that quick talkin' ... But I couldn't stop killin' folk. I mean, they'd hire me, I'd try to solve their mystery, nut halfway through I'd get bored and end up killin' them, and then the case'd be over and that'd be it. I solved one single murder that whole year, but I don't think that really counts, seein' as how I was the killer. I think that's kinda cheatin', in a way.

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    If you don't see me in five minutes, then I've probably died a brave and heroic death.

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    Is it fun? Doin' all that detectin'? I always wanted to be a detective. I was one, for about a year, I liked the romance of it all. The suits, the hats, the dark alleys, the femme fetale, all that quick talkin' ... But I couldn't stop killin' folk. I mean, they'd hire me, I'd try to solve their mystery, nut halfway through I'd get bored and end up killin' them, and then the case'd be over and that'd be it. I solved one single murder that whole year, but I don't think that really counts, seein' as how I was the killer. I think that's kinda cheatin', in a way - Billy-Ray Sanguine.

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    I've had years to see the funny side.

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    It was an ugly kid, though. Did you see it? It's like it had two half-finished faces pushed together." -Skulduggery

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    I wasn't always who I am now. No one ever is. I've spent my entire lifetime becoming who I am. Finally, I'm here and I'm old. It's depressing, it really is.

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    Look, this is all very, very weird. Why are you focusing on rumours and urban legends? You haven’t even asked me any normal questions.” “Normal questions? Like what?” “Like, I don’t know, like if Lynch had any enemies.” “Did Lynch have any enemies?” “Well, not that I know of, no.” “Then there really was no point in me asking that, was there? Unless you wanted to distract me. You didn’t want to distract me, did you, Kenny?” “No, that’s not—” “Are you playing a game with me, Kenny?” “I don’t know what you’re—” Inspector Me leaned forward. “Did you kill him?” “No!” “It’d be OK if you did.” Kenny recoiled, horrified. “How would that be OK?” “Well,” Me said, “maybe not

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    Just put the stone in your pocket, then leave me in an empty room so I can gaze out at all the Edgleys and laugh. Or maybe I'll pretend to be a ghost and haunt Beryl - Echo-Gordon (Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing With Fire)

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    Kenspeckle: Have you eaten? Valkyrie: One of your assistants brought me a burger for breakfast Kenspeckle: I meant, have you eaten sensibly? Valkyrie: I was very sensible while I was eating the burger. Didn't miss my mouth once

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    Lil' Darlin - Billy-Ray Sanguine

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    Oh, escape is easy once you have the right plan.' 'Do we have the right plan?' 'Not yet.' 'Do we have any plan?' 'Not yet.

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    No one likes sarcasm, Miss Cain. I’ve merely delayed my exit to promise you something. You took my straight razor, li’l darlin’. That I view as an unforgivable offense. So when the time comes, when you have served your purpose, I swear to you I’m gonna kill you for free.” And with that, Billy-Ray Sanguine disappeared into the ground. Then he popped his head back up. “Or at least half price.” And he was gone again.

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    Sanguine: That hurt Tanith: I can make this easy on you Sanguine: You gonna give me that sword of yours? Tanith: No, but if you tell me what Baron Vengeous is planning, I'll let you walk away from here Sanguine: But I drove here.

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    Peace means nothing without freedom.

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    Sanguine: You mind if I take pictures? Brought my own camera and everythin' Valkyrie: Knock yourself out Sanguine: Thanks Valkyrie: No, really, run head first into a wall and knock yourself out

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    Sanguine: Shackles can't hold me, pretty lady. I'm immune to just about every binding spell I reckon you ever heard of, and a few more you haven't. That's what makes me special Tanith: That and your psychopathic tendencies Sanguine: Oh, they don't make me special. They just make me fun.

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    Scapegrace: Back then, I was full of ideas, I was going to renovate the whole front of the pub,, and extend out to the west, maybe get in a music system a little dancefloor. In the end, I decided not to. Too expensive, you know. And, like, nobody wanted to dance so. Skulduggery: Vaurien, if you're trying to kill us, there are quicker ways than telling us your life story Valkryie: Less painful too.

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    Serpine: Well, Skulduggery? Where is that tired old defiance - the taunting, the goading? Where are the endless heroic clinches? Aren't you going to look me in the eye and tell me to do my worst? Skulduggery: Actually, I was going to ask that you go easy on me. I'm feeling kind of tender today Serpine: This is your one chance. Tell me where the key is Skulduggery:OK Serpine: Really? Skulduggery: No, only joking. Do your worst.

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    Serpine: You have caused me so much trouble over the years detective. It's almost a shame to end it Skulduggery: You're surrendering?

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    Serpine underestimates you. Everyone underestimates you. You're stronger than they know. You're stronger than you know - Skulduggery

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    Serpine: No, my old enemy, I think for the moment anyway, we're all alone. And you have something I want Skulduggery: A winning sense of style?

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    Skulduggery, she's not being professional - Tanith Low

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    She held her sword like she was ready to use it on anyone who got close. Darquesse could see her own reflection in the blade. A pretty girl with a scar on her cheek, fifteen years old and dark-haired. Her pale face splattered with other people's blood. Her eyes, dark-ringed. Is this what they all saw, she wondered, or did the see something else? Something magnificent and terrible? Something monstrous?

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    Skulduggery: I don't know what they are, but there are dozens of them, relatively small, moving as a pack Valkyrie: They might be kittens Skulduggery: They're stalking us Valkyrie: They might be shy Skulduggery: I don't think they're kittens Valkyrie: Puppies then?

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    Skulduggery: You won't want to move any sudden moves until we reach the road - I'll know if you crazy kids disturbs the air around the nice bag of explosives Valkyrie: Blow it up Skulduggery: Can't do that Valkyrie: Why not? Skulduggery: Not a bomb. It's a bag with collapsible jacks; for changin tyres Valkryie: What about the remote? Skulduggery: It opens my garage door. Don't tell them, but it doesn't even have any batteries in it

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    Skulduggery: It would be a tad redudant to encourage you to hurry up, wouldn't it? Whatever you do, do not fall over. Falling over, I think, would be the wrong move to make at this moment Valkyrie: Hate... Skulduggery: Yes? Valkyrie: Hate... You... Skulduggery: Breathe some more air, the lack of oxygen is making you delirious.

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    Skulduggery: What do you get if you kill the Elders? Stephanie: This sounds like a joke Skulduggery: Valkyrie -- Stephanie: I don't know Skulduggery: Yes, yes you do.. not think what would killing the Elders result in? Stephanie: Panic, fear? Three empty spaces in the Sanctuary - Skulduggery Pleasant

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    Skulduggery: The fate of the world may depend on whether or not you can bring yourself to visit your relatives Stephanie: It may depend Skulduggery: Valkyrie-- Stephanie: Fine I'll go - Skulduggery: Being a detective isn't all about torture and murder and monster. Sometimes it gets truly unpleasant.

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    Sometimes it's not what you say, Valkyrie, it's just the fact that you're saying it.

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    So this,” she said, “what’s happening and what’s going to happen, this isn’t your fault. You can’t control everything and not everything is your responsibility. At Croke Park you said something about how you don’t want to drag me around after you just so I can die beside you. I wanted to tell you then, but I didn’t have the words and I didn’t have the time. I’m here because I choose to be. You save my life. I save yours. That’s how we work.” “Until the end.” “Until the end.