Best 91 quotes of Jason Versey on MyQuotes

Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Are we bombs or balms? Let’s face it. Any time of year can bring happiness or hardships. Financial stress, marital/relational strife, and extended family dysfunction can all be compounding pressures that can make our tempers react and explode like a bomb. When we respond in this fashion it dramatically intensifies these already difficult situations and creates massive emotional destruction with the collateral damage always being the ones we say we love. It destroys, maims, and kills our relationships. Blowing up is often a selfish, immature response to our stresses and should always be avoided. James 1:19-20 says “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” Therefore, instead I encourage us all to be more like balms. A balm is like a gentle word that protects and soothes an already irritated situation with understanding and forgiveness. It provides relief and healing when applied generously. When we lay ourselves down like a balm of love we give our families a tender calming cover from the worries of this world and that’s the greatest gift we can offer them…anytime of the year. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    A dove will never be found in a burning tree and love will never be found in a heart that won't forgive.

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    Jason Versey

    A dove will never nest in a burning tree, nor will love ever reside in unforgiving heart.

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    Jason Versey

    All the best and worse things in us are bound up in the legacy of our family. As children we ardently trust in the stability or, in some cases, the instability we were born into. No matter which...we embraced what was decent while simultaneously suppressing what was deficient yet both traits weaved roots of faithfulness and consternation into the very fabric of who we've become. This now plays significantly into how we nurture our own families and how we relate to others. Our love, our fears, our insecurities, and our loyalties all draw from how we were raised as well as our inherent desire to shift its paradigm to optimistically better the life of not just our children...but our children's children. That's the gift and or the curse of a legacy. Which will you leave behind?

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    Jason Versey

    A man needs to feel powerful and respected. Innately within us, as far back as we can remember, we have taught ourselves to grand stand in our abilities to be tough, to conquer, to impress and to win in all aspects of our lives in order to be validated by others and in doing so we have built our conceptual house of self on the sand of societal opinion. Yet, ironically, it’s only when a man finds his true strength in humility, in its purest sense, will he ever experience what genuine power and respect feels like. The man who builds his conceptual house of self on the rock of unpretentious decorum simply needs no validation outside of his creator. He is who he is…and for all intense and purposes that is the only respectable power any man should ever seek.

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    Jason Versey

    Anger, resentment and disappointment, in most cases, can not exist in our lives without our expressed permission. An honest and sincere introspection will reveal that all three emotions are centered and rooted in self. They are self preserving reactions sprung to life by our inconveniently unmet expectations. Joy and contentment replaces these emotions when we genuinely put others before ourselves. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    A serpent never returns to its molted skin.

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    Jason Versey

    Belief creates conviction, conviction creates persistence, persistence creates perseverance and perseverance creates unlimited opportunities for greatness.

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    Jason Versey

    Beloved,if you refuse to go will, sadly, go without.

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    Jason Versey

    Beloved, it's impossible to sprint into the providential arms of what is ahead...if we continue to trip on what is behind.

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    Jason Versey

    Beyond the shadows of our doubt lies an ocean of extraordinary possibilities; things that could have been or could be; if we had the faith to see them through. Our doubts betray and deflect us from our true selves and deprive us of our chances to love, to achieve, to trust, or to know what we’re truly capable of…all because we confide in our fears rather than endeavor towards our rightful providences. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Chasing your tale? Sometimes we relive past accomplishments, failures and or past relationships to the point of exhaustion. When we do this, I liken it to a dog chasing its tail, just spinning round and round and going nowhere fast. Constantly chasing our own tales has the same effect on us. It leaves us in a state of dizzying immobility. When we wrap our arms so firmly around our past we leave little room to embrace our present future and that, my friends, is a sad tale to tell. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Each morning before you rise, before you even open your eyes, acknowledge the truth of this wisdom seed...that you possess it all and you have all you need.

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    Jason Versey

    Every great accomplishment has its share of struggle, adversity and pain. Great achievement can not exist without them. To achieve true success in our relationships and in our careers we need to be prepared to push through some pretty tough stuff. On the other side of that pain awaits an intrinsic reward that is worth so much more than anything you can ever imagine.

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    Jason Versey

    Every great accomplishment has its share of struggle, adversity and pain. Great achievement cannot exist without them. To reap the rewards of success in our marriages, in the lives of our children, and in our professional careers we must be prepared to push through some pretty tough moments. But trust me... on the other side of that struggle awaits an intrinsic reward that is worth more than gold. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Friction is necessary. Ease of life leads to complacency and the atrophy of the human will and spirit. Within our struggles lives our strength, within our trials lives our triumphs. Friction creates a platform for change, generates heat and or fervor and creates a motivational charge that gives us an opportunity to be better. A gem cannot be polished without friction and so neither a person without hardships. Friction within and friction without sharpens our senses and revives our internal resolutions. Friction is uncomfortable, hardships are distressing but both are necessary. We cannot light a match without friction nor can we hone steal. Uncomfortable as it may be, our adversity ultimately lights a fire and sharpens our very will to flourish. Today, let us not be discouraged, let us not be bitter in our suffering rather let us be encouraged as we look to our trials as a medium that will eventually make us better.

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    Jason Versey

    Get up! There is an old Japanese Proverb that says, "Fall seven times, stand up eight.” In Proverbs 24:16 it says “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again”. No matter your struggle today; find the courage to get up again. When you've disappointed others and yourself, take heart! There is forgiveness. God can and will restore you ...once more. When all you have left is Him; you have everything you need to start over again.

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    Jason Versey

    Home...Is there really any place like it? A warm place filled with comfortable things. The smells and sounds of a home can ease the heaviest of hearts. A place where everything we cherish is nestled within its walls and greets us with familiar smiles as we walk through its' doors. When we wander away, if we're lucky enough, its arms await to embrace us once more.

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    Jason Versey

    I admit it. I'm a bully. I mistreat, ridicule, shame, blame, silence criticize, embarrass, belittle and beat up myself on a daily basis. I swear, the only person I have a hard time standing up me.

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    Jason Versey

    I believe a man’s finest hour often comes when he is at his weakest. When he is broken, affronted and at a place of great emotional transparency. It’s there he has the rare insight of an inescapable truth…he’s merely a man. As his bravado washes away into a puddle of reflective tears, it reveals that he is merely flesh, blood and bones and amounts to very little without the love and guidance of our creator. It’s only then, that I believe, a man begins to truly find his way.

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    Jason Versey

    If we internalize every disappointing setback with contempt and self-loathing, a life of solitary confinement and discontentment awaits us. It’s a verdict indicted by a prosecution, deliberated by a jury and condemned by a judge…all three being you. We imprison ourselves when we allow outside negative circumstances and people dictate who we are. You can dwell in that cell…but only you can exonerate you. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    If we want to live perfectly happy lives...we must drive out selfish character tendencies such as pride, ego, vanity, jealousy, lusts, envy and worry. When we learn to live selflessly, putting others before ourselves, committing to what is noble, right and good; treating others with love and compassion...that's when true happiness is experienced. A genuine focus on selflessness cures all and creates an environment for true growth. It's the secret to every great relationship. We gain...when we give up self. Sacrificing one's selfish characteristics through diligent thought, meditation, prayer and action gives life to true love and abounding joy.~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    In constant physical or emotional isolation nothing seems real, not even ourselves. It’s only in the reflective eyes of others that assures us we exist at all.

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    Jason Versey

    In our moments in the sun beware of casting dark shadows.

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    Jason Versey

    Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle. Darkness befalls us all. There is simply no escaping that truth but rather than dwell in that dark place light your candle of faith, hold fast to it and let that light lead you home.

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    Jason Versey

    It is the pursuit and attainment of political party power that divides and defines a nation. Not race, not religion, not national origin, not color, not gender, not socioeconomic status, nor sexual orientation, no these are all just sacrificial pawns of the political arena. If you want to know where common sense goes to die and where tribalism goes to be born, look no further than party politics.

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    Jason Versey

    It's impossible to sprint into the providential arms of what is ahead...if we continue to trip on what is behind.

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    Jason Versey

    It takes two to tango but just one dance with the devil to bring the house down.

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    Jason Versey

    Losing something or someone you love hurts. I don’t understand, fully, why having to say goodbye wounds us so deeply but I do know that loss is part of God’s plan. On this side of heaven nothing is permanent. He gives and takes away. What we do in between that time of His giving and His taking is where you’ll find His blessings. Be thankful for the gift that was given…no matter how short. Be thankful.

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    Jason Versey

    Love is always the first casualty of a religious war, the second is Truth and the third...Humanity.

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    Jason Versey

    No man who loves or hates is truly free. We are all bound by something or someone that dictates our path. Freedom is an illusion.

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    Jason Versey

    No matter the strength of their wings, most never leave their cages.

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    Jason Versey

    Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm, passion and love. Not professionally or personally. We will not find greatness in our jobs, in our marriages, our children, in our friendships, nor in our spiritual growth without these three key elements. ~ Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Oh, I was but a wounded Beast Oh, I was but a wounded Beast Teeth gnashing from a brutal feast Wolfing down with others; consuming every bite Eating every poison laid before my sight I dined upon Iniquity’s endless shelf Blindly feeding, greedily…on myself Oh, I was but a wounded Beast Expiring with every taste of yeast Belly puffed and sour with death A haunting shutter with every breath Full of nothing but vanity Dipped in pleasure and tragedy Oh, I was but a wounded Beast As the West is far from the East I charted the lust of mine own eyes Thus, in my folly…I was sure to die My soul knew nothing of sacrifice Instead I danced with every vice Oh, I was but a wounded Beast You found me broken and utterly fleeced Naked, abandoned and truly alone You nurtured the wounds to which you sewn You gave me bread, You sang me a song And touched my wounds with a loving balm Oh, I was but a wounded Beast Yet, You taught me wisdom’s leash So I walk with you…dawn through night Quenched by your fount of love and light No darkness, no hate not a selfish bone Can feed this fiend that You’ve atoned Oh, I was, but a wounded Beast! ~Jason Neville Versey

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    Jason Versey

    One needn't physically die to spiritually dwell, for the content know of heaven and the aggrieved know of hell.

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    Jason Versey

    Only a measured rationing of our egos can lead us down a path of measured rationality.

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    Jason Versey

    Our comfort in theological traditions should never usurp our desire for spiritual Truth. If we vigorously pursue the rituals rather than a relational experience with God then we've missed His message entirely.

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    Jason Versey

    Our truest reflection reveals that we are what we think, we are what we say and we are what we continuously do.

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    Jason Versey

    Our ultimate purpose in life lies in selfless service to others. Selflessly giving of ourselves to our spouses, our children, our friends, our community, our employers and or our customers unlocks a treasure chest of priceless gifts for both the recipient and you. Go the extra mile, in all you do and see what riches you’ll discover. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Our ultimate purpose in life lies in selfless service to others. Selflessly giving of ourselves to our spouses, our children, our friends, our community, our employers and or our customers unlocks a treasure chest of priceless gifts for both the recipient and you. Let's go the extra mile, in all we do, this week and see what riches we can discover. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Own it! The truth is...unhappiness stems from our propensity to blame other people. If you can accept that you are completely responsible for everything you are, everything you have and everything you become then you are on your way to a fulfilling life. Let no one hinder you from achieving that. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Personal opinions rarely mirror the absolute truth yet always reflect the absolution of personal ignorance.

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    Jason Versey

    Popularity is grossly overrated. In my mind, it's better to have one person willing to die for you than 1000 willing to attend your funeral.

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    Jason Versey

    Problems are providence in disguise. All things good and bad, problematic and praise worthy are providential-God conceived, sustaining and guiding. With the right perspective, patience, hard work and hindsight, we can push through, beyond our pain, to a place of realization... that our troubles are simply part of the hands of the Potter who molds the very essence of our human spirit. As long as we breathe, we will be shaped by our problems but it’s our response that truly defines us. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Recognize your failures when they happen but don’t dwell on them. Instead, focus on the successes you have had in your life. If you’ve done it once, you can do it again. Build on that. Letting thoughts of past failures creep into your mindset are nothing but dream killing distractions.

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    Jason Versey

    Self pity is the sworn enemy of your ambition. It is the number one killer of your aspirations and goals. Give it a foothold in your life and you’ll chase away every dream, dreamt and every friend, befriended.

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    Jason Versey

    Sometimes, simply having the courage to let go. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Sometimes the greatest thing we can ask ourselves is “Why not me?” Anyone who has ever accomplished anything worth while has either verbalized or internalized this question. The beauty of the answer is that it completely depends on us. We are all innately capable of doing incredible and wonderful things. Having confidence in who we are starts with asking “Why not me?” So my friends…Why not you? ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    Sometimes we scratch, claw and climb so hard to conquer a mountain that, once achieved, we cling to its summit much too long and it ultimately instigates our fall. As we dangle by our fingertips we grasp and claw at what’s no more; with a fear of falling into the dim unknown. But, ironically, it’s in that very moment that we are empowered to choose. We can stay cliff hanging in our darkened fears clinging to a time that has past us by or we can faithfully and freely fall into the hands of a new destiny. Sometimes, simply having the courage to let go. ~Jason Versey

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    Jason Versey

    So much like the moon, we show the world only one and veil our many faces...even from the sun.