Best 25 quotes in «sunglasses quotes» category

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    I must have something to engross my thoughts, some object in life which will fill this vacuum, and prevent this sad wearing away of the heart.

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    I have been wearing black, which was a reaction to the Ginger thing. But now I have hopes and I can be anything. Tomorrow I might be naked with a feather boa, who knows?

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    I always thought the best kind of sunglasses are the motorcycle helmets with the black plastic masks on them. That way, nobody can recognize the back of your head either.

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    My daily Nespresso coffee, an unexpected shaft of sunlight through the window on a winter's day, my bargain Missoni sunglasses (70 percent off!)

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    I tend to be more interested in the trend pieces than who got a licensing deal for sunglasses, but that's not surprising.

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    Trouble travels fast / When you're specially designed for crash testing / Or wearing wool sunglasses in the afternoon.

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    Sunglasses must be kept on until an acquaintance is identified at one of the tables, but one must not appear to be looking for company. Instead, the impression should be that one is heading into the cafe to make a phone call to one's titled Italian admirer, when--quelle surprise!--one sees a friend. The sunglasses can then be removed and the hair tossed while one is persuaded to sit down.

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    The whole world, myself included, seem to have one thing in common; we're just a crowd of people who don't really fit in anywhere attempting to convince one another that we do. I guess I'll put my sunglasses on and pretend, like everyone else, that I too belong here.

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    Those things don't happen today. I feel sorry for the kids in the industry today. They have on sunglasses, eat caviar in jet planes, but they'll never know the true feeling that we did.

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    Toys "R" Us. Zack put on a wool cap and sunglasses. "You look like a bank robber," I observed. "No toy is safe.

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    Well, see, there's this cave in Switzerland I really need to find.' She slipped on her sunglasses; was already in the middle of the street when she turned and looked back at Hale and Gabrielle. 'You coming?

    • sunglasses quotes
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    We live in a very strange world where everything is so accessible; if you like one song someone did, you can see what they ate for breakfast or what kind of sunglasses they wore.

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    Uggs. I think they're ugly. And I think big sunglasses are kind of overrated. I like big sunglasses but not those huge, round ones.

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    Buy Wrist Watch Online Buy Men's Watches online. The whole thing began with the mind-blowing news flash of Of Which Brand is Better at 2019. This resulted in a number of other departures. To be able to quit the blood loss and relaxed items down. the creation of Watches the modest springtime the world of clocks and watches took an immense jump into the onward . Men didn't wear designer watches back into the 1800's these were regarded as too girlie and only Wedding Watches women wore them . Men had a wristwatch on a sequence which they saved in the wallet of their vest that was known as a fob purse . Be aware of in the used movies , there would be somebody standing up at the train station getting his watch on a gold chain from his fob wallet checking the time, today the fob wallets will always be on the vest of men's 3 piece suits. It wasn't until somebody tied one of these watches to his wrist with a sheet of string so he could held trail of your time and carry on working that he questioned a watchmaker to earn a wrist watch he could wear on his wrist , a couple of lugs were connected to the edges of the watch along with afastening was placed on thus he can put on it . Refferece Other Link :- Download Now

    • sunglasses quotes
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    With his sunglasses gone and his scarf hanging down, there was no denying that he had no flesh, he had no skin, he had no eyes and he had no face. All he had was a skull for a head.

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    In the Black Palace, in the capital city below, the man know as the Patron – Martel the Mighty, ruler of this dark world - had packed his coffers and was now also, presumably, making good his escape. For the Corsair elite and ruling class – those whose hands were literally dripping blood, profiteering from the bloodshed and violence that terrorized dozens of worlds - escape was the only option left and he would not be the only one to mount an escape attempt, nor be the only one to succeed. For years to come, there would be countless bounties offered on missing prominent Corsairs that had slipped through the net, with the occasional report of so-and-so being spotted on some or other rim world, presumably sporting a new beard and a pair of sunglasses – which might have raised a few eyebrows in the case of the many female Corsairs.

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    He couldn't keep his eyes off her face, wished she'd take off those damned sunglasses so he could see the eyes he'd known so well.

    • sunglasses quotes
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    I had an interview once with some German journalist—some horrible, ugly woman. It was in the early days after the communists—maybe a week after—and she wore a yellow sweater that was kind of see-through. She had huge tits and a huge black bra, and she said to me, ‘It’s impolite; remove your glasses.’ I said, ‘Do I ask you to remove your bra?

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    Mapema, kabla ndege haijaondoka na baada ya kuagana na maafisa waliomsindikiza, Nanda aliingia katika ndege na kutafuta namba ya kiti chake. Alivyoiona, alishtuka. Msichana mrembo alikaa kando ya kiti (cha Nanda) akiongea na simu, mara ya mwisho kabla ya kuondoka. Alivyofika, Nanda hakujizuia kuchangamka – alitupa tabasamu. Alivyoliona, kupitia miwani myeusi, binti alitabasamu pia, meno yake yakimchanganya kamishna. Alimsalimia Nanda, harakaharaka, na kurudi katika simu huku Nanda akikaa (vizuri) na kumsubiri. Alivyokata simu, alitoa miwani na kumwomba radhi Kamishna Nanda. Nanda akamwambia asijali, huku akitabasamu. Alikuwa na safari ya Bama kupitia Tailandi, kwa ndege ya Shirika la Ndege la Skandinavia na Maxair kutokea Bangkok; sawa kabisa na safari ya kamishna.

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    Did you know that when Dave Navarro first met Carmen Electra, rumor has it that he was so taken with her beautiful eyes that he went out and bought over a hundred pairs of sunglasses for her to wear to cover her eyes whenever she left her house so no one would fall in love the way he did?

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    Sun glasses are the unofficial celebrities’ uniform.

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    She says screens are the cigarettes of our age. They're toxic, and we're only going to realize the damage they're doing when it's too late.

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    Sunglasses are more useful to a blind man than freedom of speech is to a man who does not think for himself.

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    You can't even communicate in English. Real life is not a series of levels.

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    Well, whatever happened here today...' he said, turning back to Popescu and donning his own sunglasses so he could discreetly cast his gaze over her figure,' was only the beginning.