Best 97 quotes in «balanced life quotes» category

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    The primary challenge for any aspiring public office bearer is to have a well-defined cause and diligently represent that cause until a significant impact is witnessed. Adhering to value-based leadership principles must be at the top of the priority list for public office aspirants.

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    The principles of stewardship and servant leadership challenge you to look at leadership differently. Consider these values.

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    The principles that guide your decisions as a leader must not be contradictory to your personal values. Your personal values must lay the strong foundation on which you build your leadership tenets. In becoming a principle-centred leader, these leadership values become your guiding principles and lenses for decision making.

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    There has never been a more urgent time than now for you to seek to maximize your potential for achieving greater balance in your life.

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    The speed of modern life is an oppressive thing, and the corporate world is quick to punish those with an honest heart. Qualities such as ‘nice, honest, kind, happy, relaxed, sincere, innocent’ are frowned upon as weaknesses. Yet these values are the essence of a good person. Unfortunately, if you don’t keep the balance, they can be lost like sand through your fingers.

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    There is a fine line between stubbornness and stupidity as well as intensity and insanity.

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    There is need for clarity on what your leadership role stands for and the kind of unwavering and unstoppable beliefs required. These beliefs must not be deterred by current circumstances and conditions. They must become your source of internal strength and inspiration, especially during trying times. How strong, positive and empowering is your belief system as a leader?

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    The role of political leadership in any society will remain critical to the socio-economic progression of the world. It is however worrying to see the growing number of people, including the youth, getting into politics for economic gain and not for a cause. This, inter alia, is the contaminated seed and eventual root of chronic corruption because such leadership will always be selfishly seeking gain and enrichment from their roles and offices.

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    The world is a stage. Life is an act... Just a balancing act.

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    Together Strong, United Unbeatable and the Light Will always Shine when we have meet the Balance in This Life.

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    To live a more balanced life, glance at the past, live in the present, and focus on the future.

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    True balance means taking care of your health so you can enjoy your family and friends, which then leads to an environment that is conducive for experiencing success in your career.

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    True wealth, success, and happiness can only be achieved by balancing our business life with the duty we have to our self and to our family.

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    Two key leadership excellence values worth focusing on separately are being principle-centred and being consistent. The complimentary construction of these leadership fibres can easily be misconstrued for unreasonable stubbornness, yet they form the backbone of strong, effective transformational leadership. In building the legacy advocated for, in leadership excellence brands, you must sharpen the practice of these leadership values in every area of your life.

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    Wealthy is not about accumulating money into banks/pockets, not about having multi-properties to count of the atmospheric knowns, "it is when you make others sorrounding you to live a mult - health, happier and balanced life converging to the wealth you have indeed reflecting your available resources that enhences their appreciative earnings". (Getting and Giving). Use your wealth to enrich others indeed.

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    We don't need to strive towards balance, we rather need to work on the obstacles that are preventing the natural flow of balance.

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    We're all a bit bad. We all have things in our lives that bring us shame and regret. Things that have hurt our souls or hurt the people we love. But 're all a bit good too. i reckon we're mostly good actually. And life is about trying to learn the balance, plot our place on the continuum... We're not just made up of good and bad: we're everything else too.

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    We spend our lives asking the question, ‘What do people want me to do? Who do they want me to be?’ But this is a betrayal of our inner truth. We should be investing our lives in the pursuit of discovering who we are and what we were created to do.

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    When I am in balance with the vibration of the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets I am ultimately connected to the Universe.

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    When the actions of others no longer matter, then you will have succeeded within your own mind.

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    When the objects we use every day and the surroundings we live in have become in themselves a work of art, then we shall be able to say that we gave achieved a balanced life.

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    When you become aware of the need to practice servant leadership, to act as a faithful steward and exercise good personal governance – the challenge is to align these three and ensure they fit in with your defined leadership vision, mission and values. If there is no congruence, then leadership effectiveness will be compromised because the likelihood of not practicing these sound principles will be very high.

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    When you have defined your mission, values and attitudes in the context of leadership influence and excellence, you also need to conduct a personal audit, checking how aligned they are to your current leadership practices. Where necessary, begin to make adjustments.

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    Whilst personal effectiveness focuses more on your personal development goals as you become the best practitioner in your area of specialty; leadership excellence shifts the focus to your leadership development in making a difference to the greater circle within your areas of influence and beyond. Leadership excellence focuses on areas of concern on behalf of others because a leader is expected to grow from personal effectiveness to begin making a significant impact on the world around them.

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    Women can have it all - a successful career, happy marriage, and motherhood. It's not one or another. It's about being able fit it all in with stride. A strong woman can have all this because we were built for it. - Strong by Kailin Gow

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    You have to accept all sides of yourself – there’s no point fighting them – just learn how to handle them, and return to the positive, balanced being you know you can be, once the winds have blown through.

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    Time debt is as big a problem as financial debt.

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    When catering for your spiritual needs make sure that you authenticate the capacity and qualification of the person or people you allow access to your spiritual being. Being careless in this regard is as dangerous as allowing an untrained person to treat you or operate on you to address a medical condition. While the bush-doctor kills your body, the false spiritual leader will destroy body, soul and spirit. Therefore use your belief’s spiritual standard, not a merely mental or intellectual standard, to get spiritual help.

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    When bored of sitting, move! When bored of moving, sit! Balance your life or there will remain neither moving nor sitting in your life but only falling!

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    When I am in the heavenly light of my vibration, my life is in balance & harmony.

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    When one makes you happy, the other makes you worried. Its just a balancing phenomena. So be the same person what ever the situation you are in.

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    Whilst a level playing field cannot be guaranteed, one thing that is guaranteed is your fair share of challenges. It’s not a matter of IF they come, but WHEN you will encounter them.

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    Why is the world in need of a leader like you? You must lead for significant impact. As a leader, find the “cause” driving your leadership brand and pursue its resolution with passion and excellence.

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    Work-life balance is not something we can find. That’s because we use words as if this balance were a noun when in reality it’s an action verb. We cannot find balance because it’s a continual action with ongoing adjustments, just like the tightrope walker who constantly moves his pole to keep from falling

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    You have the potential to make healthy choices and balance your priorities no matter where you are on your life journey.

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    Your belief system should be positive and empowering enough to influence a strong mental state and a positive attitude that will rise up to defeat any suggestion that you are destined to fail.

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    Your leadership principles give that unique character to your leadership brand. When all your responses, decisions, choices and leadership practices are filtered through your well defined principles, you have automatically connected yourself to making the success of your leadership excellence brand more deliberate.

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    Your vision at a leadership level needs to be more global and selfless, it needs to go beyond you. Reflect and project your dream for a perfect world, even if you can only make it a great world.

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    you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility, and commitment.

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    If I ever hear a founder talk about oh this is how I have a balanced life so on and so forth - they're not committed to winning.

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    Workout. Lead a balanced life and try to have fun. It's what you make it.

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    I live a very balanced life. I am very good at delegating responsibilities.

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    You have to have a very well-balanced life to be able to perform very well.

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    A life that lacks physical exercise and activity leads to lethargy and promotes sickness of both body and mind. Exercise is important because it helps the heart, lungs, muscles and brain to be more efficient in their use of oxygen. Take personal responsibility over what you can control – it’s your life.

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    A balanced wheel gives you a smooth ride. A Balanced life gives you the pleasures of life. An unbalanced wheel gives you a rough ride. An unbalanced life gives you the griefs in life.

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    Ask yourself - Can you manage projects and meetings effectively? Do you have requisite knowledge of the business financial numbers? Can you manage conflict and change within dynamic environments? Do you have what it takes to respond to the demands of a global village? How deep is your leadership substance?

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    A hygienic environment, proper waste and sewer disposal, clean water and all efforts that destroy disease-carriers like flies and mosquitoes will reduce the spread of disease and promote good health. My home challenge for a hygienic environment is that we should be responsible enough to make sure we are safe and comfortable eating apples in the toilet and bathroom!

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    Ask yourself - How do I see myself as a leader? How do I use my personal mission and vision to create leadership focus? What does my mission or vision mean in the context of leading others? How many people are going to succeed in their endeavours, through my leadership influence? Do I expect of myself, what I expect of those who follow me? Or I have my own separate standards for the same principles I expect others to live by?

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    As love was the Sun and our Dream the Moon where we Will Find Balance?

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    Balance is not always obtainable in every situation, however, we have the option to surrender our control over the desired outcome and live more easily in the present moment . This will result in greater peace of mind.