Best 13 quotes in «physical appearance quotes» category

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    A waist is a terrible thing to mind.

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    A great personality is the most important beauty of any woman. Physical appearance is only temporary.

    • physical appearance quotes
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    Any love that is solely based on physical beauty, is a stranger to longevity.

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    If the only thing that your partner consistently says about you, is how good you look, then you would be in a deep trouble, because there are countless of beautiful people all around the world. In other words, your partner would easily be distracted by someone who looks better than your physical appearance.

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    In the parchment-colored light from the front window, she appeared disconcertingly young despite her presence of manner. She was as clean and well-scrubbed as a schoolgirl, her maple-brown hair pinned in a neatly controlled chignon. Her slim form was clad in a severe unadorned dress of forest green that verged upon black.

    • physical appearance quotes
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    Don't judge people by their physical appearances if you truly want to get to know them. Just watch their frequent footsteps and you would surely know their true personalities.

    • physical appearance quotes
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    Severin wasn't handsome in comparison to the Challons- of course, what man would be?- nor was he handsome by strictly conventional standards. But there was something about him that women seemed to like. West was damned if he knew what it was. Severin's face was lean and angular, his build lanky and almost rawboned, his complexion librarian pale. His eyes were an unevenly distributed mixture of blue and green, so that in strong lighting they appeared to be two entirely different colors.

    • physical appearance quotes
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    Have you ever been tempted to adjust your appearance, your attitude, or the way you behave in an attempt to fit in with someone. You may think you admire this person, and that's the reason you are considering alterations that are very unusual for you. But could it be, that you actually fear this person? Not in the physical sense - but perhaps you fear that this person won't have a high opinion of you if you behave like... well, like yourself? If so, take back your identity. Be proud of who you are, and don't let anyone intimidate you.

    • physical appearance quotes
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    There is absolutely a big difference between getting a date and getting a husband. Being overly materialistic can get a lady some dates, but an impeccable character will surely get her a husband of a lifetime. Men that know what they truly want in life, as well as how to treat a lady like a Queen, tend to look for women with great character, and not women that hide behind their materialistic illusions. Every female can afford a makeup and other accessories, but not too many females have good manners. Therefore, it is quite a difficult task to get a good husband by depending on your physical appearance alone, because a lot of ladies are already using the same strategy. So why not dare yourself to be different and take a positive route?

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    The long hair fits my physical appearance, but the short hair fits my personality.

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    Todo en él era viejo excepto sus ojos.

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    I think that being happy makes the biggest impact on your physical appearance.

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    No matter your race, level of education, gender, age, religion, cultural beliefs, physical appearance, social status, financial status and more, always remember that you are as important as everyone else.