Best 168 quotes in «inspirational religious quotes» category

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    ...all of our tomorrows are God's yesterdays.

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    A blessed hands touches sand and it becomes gold and a curse hand touches gold and it become sand. with Jesus Christ in you,you are blessed.

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    Adversity is what illuminates quagmires, but all that really matters is destiny.We cannot be blinded by present circumstances which roar like Goliath and sent shivers down the spine. That’s not what destiny holds, remember; mercy spurned is demise embraced.

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    Always remember to breathe

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    An Atheist is no different than a beliver who does evil in God's name. No different than a person speaking of any religion or holy book, but ethically dull, immoral and spiritualy corrupted".

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    As he stood there, the audience was forgotten. The past, with all its mistakes and suffering, its doubt and sin, came before him for an instant, then vanished, and his heart leaped for joy, because he knew that it was gone forever. And the future, made beautiful by the presence of Christ and the conviction that he was right with God, stretched away as a path leading ever upward, until it was lost in the glories of the life to come, while he heard, as in a dream, the words of his confessed Master, “Follow: thou me.

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    A Pioneer does not just make a way. He becomes the way.

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    And how long will your fingers be so tangled in the law that you can't live out of My grace?

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    As I look back on my life, I understand now that there were some very important moments when my unanswered prayer was actually God’s greatest blessing

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    As I stood behind you, I sensed that God was telling me to pay for your groceries, so I did. Simple as that.

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    As one acts and conducts himself, so does he become. The doer of good becomes good. The doer of evil becomes evil. One becomes virtuous by virtuous action, bad by bad action

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    Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.

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    At a cellular level of the human mind, Islamophobia is not really a matter of social stigma, rather it is a natural biological fear response of the general human mind, conditioned through countless pairings between terrorist attacks (unconditioned stimulus) and their apparent association with Islam (conditioned stimulus). Hence, Islamophobia cannot be eradicated completely, unless that pairing is severed and thereafter the conditioned stimulus of Islam is paired with something optimistic such as the heartwarming works of the 13th century Persian Muslim poet Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi.

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    But he needed to be certain before committing to something so—the word, certain, arrested his thoughts. A person can’t be absolutely certain about anything, not certainty in the sense of a mathematical proof. He wasn’t certain about Kate. He saw her, observed her, wanted to be with her. Somehow, he just knew. For reasons already set in his heart, the way he was wired, Josh knew Kate was a person he wanted in his life. She was the proof. Would it be the same way with God?

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    Dharma is not about believing in God. It’s about making the right choices, doing the right things and leading the right life.

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    As they lifted off, Aaron watched the white, puffy clouds and thought, "I'm going to die here. This is it." But God had a lot more for this child of mine, more than he could have ever imagined...

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    As we grow and go forward, our master Creator may be wooing you instinctively into a place where your intellect can flourish and your heart can rest.

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    Being lonely because of Allah is another kind of a beauty

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    Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire. - St. Catherine of Sienna

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    But there is no such being as an ordinary man or woman if by ordinary you mean what so many people mean: negligible. Each human being is so tremendous that he or she merits a reverence that is really religious. For each is a creation of God; each a mirror of Divinity; each a feature or a facet on the Face of Christ; each an object of constant care and concern to the Trinity. There is nothing ordinary in the sense that so many of us use that word, about any human being.

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    Chronology of any event worked best in obituaries. It had no place in the world of sentiment, where memories, ideas and assumptions co-existed side by side.

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    Eternity is with us, inviting our contemplation perpetually, but we are too frightened, lazy, and suspicious to respond; too arrogant to still our thought, and let divine sensation have its way. It needs industry and goodwill if we would make that transition; for the process involves a veritable spring-cleaning of the soul, a turning-out and rearrangement of our mental furniture, a wide opening of closed windows, that the notes of the wild birds beyond our garden may come to us fully charged with wonder and freshness, and drown with their music the noise of the gramaphone within. Those who do this, discover that they have lived in a stuffy world, whilst their inheritance was a world of morning-glory:where every tit-mouse is a celestial messenger, and every thrusting bud is charged with the full significance of life.

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    Everyone takes part in the mosque for one reason; to have a prayer answered.

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    Even if one gives up the concept of God, there are quite a few recognized immaterial things that one has to struggle with. Things such as thought, truth, logic, morality, purpose, and justice become a real problem if the universe is simply material. One could say that these things are imaginary, but then they would have to explain the immaterial construct of imagination.

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    Everyone has a contemplative side. Each person has the possibility for the sacred and to bring what he does in his daily life to the altar..… we’re trying to say, what’s the thread in your life? How can you find God in that work which you do?

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    Everything that God puts in our life is a lesson, even the bad experiences. Learn from them, adjust your direction, grow and move on.

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    Faith does not know that there will be a tomorrow, but hopes that there is

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    Forgiveness of sins is great, but I'd rather have the ability to quit doing the things I keep needing forgiveness for.

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    Follow your own path, and you'll get lost. Follow His, and you won't.

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    Faith is not just thinking you can do things, but believing god can handle all things!

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    Flight from God always leads downward. It culminates not in the vivacious life we imagined but in what amounts only to stagnant sleep. It's why so many people seem to exist without ever really living. In fact, they aren't really living; they're only going through the motions—rarely if ever experiencing the internal shalom they were designed to enjoy from God, because they're running from him.

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    Funny thing about the darkness... It can be defeated by the dimmest shimmer of light! So on your darkest days let even a little bit of light in

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    Give yourself permission to honor and follow the God-given desires of your heart.

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    God chooses and calls the weak. Then He qualifies them for His purpose.

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    God cannot resist love for He cannot resist Himself.

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    God didn't create you to walk around in self-defeat in any form. Neither are we fashioned to become someone's emotional slave; adhering to the harshness of their words in humility and remorse, while fearing a verbal lashing if we reject their false authority.

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    God didn't send His only Son to die on the cross so that we can hide behind our guilt, shame, and pride.

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    God had saved him from the fish cellar and that could only mean one thing. He had more work to do. (John Frith, p.64)

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    God Incidents," were moments of time when, years later, I could see that the hand of God was guiding us toward His purpose.

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    God at his best (and he always is)does not have favorite children

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    God Has a reason

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    God is always there to pick each time you fall. He's always there with a word of comfort in the midst of the storm. Trust Jesus!

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    God is a man of His word, He assures us that we'll succeed in every task, every assignment, every dream, every vision He gives us. And always uses catchphrases for us to cling on during tough times. 'Be strong and courageous' (Joshua 1:6).

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    God is love and the source of all life. Love is of God and every living creature on this earth, including you and I, represent the great care and love that God put forth in all of His creation. - Q.M. Herrera

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    God is just, the Just of Israel. Possessing God is to possess the immeasurable.

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    God is good, but God is also just.

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    GOD never sent people in trouble to help us solve our problem

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    God knows our hearts. There is no need for an idle formula or an intermediary. No need for language either: God is beyond translation.

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