Best 6 quotes in «best intentions quotes» category

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    The gifts we are given in life require the best of us, not merely our best intentions.

    • best intentions quotes
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    She hated the old woman who had twisted her so in the name of love. Most humans didn’t love one another nohow, and this mislove was so strong that even common blood couldn’t overcome it all the time.

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    People usually consider an active and proactive approach as a human virtue. However, sometimes doing nothing is the best choice we can make. If an already difficult situation becomes worse as a consequence of our doing, there is absolutely no excuse for us, regardless of the fact that we acted with the best intentions.

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    Perhaps they thought they could bring to this valley only those things they loved, leaving behind all ugliness. We are not, however, a species that can choose the baggage with which it must travel. In spite of our best intentions, we always find that we have brought along a suitcase or two of darkness, and misery.

  • By Anonym intentions notwithstanding, no one can control how the media communicates a story and what the public eventually understands.

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    Some of the worst things are done with the best intentions, Petra,” August said. “You shouldn’t have done this to me.