Best 9 quotes in «bad things happen quotes» category
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...accepted that bad things rose out of thin air, in the middle of normal life- when you weren't even looking, even if you were being careful, or good.
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Mathematics tells us that knowledge of all infinite futures is not possible - is this why bad things happen? Has science killed God?
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When you do bad things, bad things happen to you.
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It's decidedly bizzare, when the Worst Thing hppens and you find yourself still conscious, still breathing.
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I wanted to say something to make her pain go away and make everything better. But, I realized that there was no answer. Bad things happen to good people. Rain always falls on the people who deserve nothing less than the sun.
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Shit hits the fan so fertilizer can rain.
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The good and the bad things are part of life. Accept it. The bad is a learning process, you will surpass it. If you do you will be happy and it will be a good thing.
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Sometimes you go through life and the wrong thing happens.
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Unless you refuse the bad things happening to you, you will continue to suffer with your own consent!