Best 20 quotes in «pi quotes» category

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    It wasn’t a horror movie, Mama,” said Jody adamantly. “It had zombies, didn’t it?” “Yes, ma’am, but it’s a love story.” Rick laughed. He was amused with the young girl’s defense. “Have you seen it?” asked Jody. “It’s called Warm Bodies.” Rick shook his head. “No, I haven’t. Is it good?” Jody’s eyes brightened. “Oh my gosh! You have to see it…

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    If we look at our traditional tales, where the action before the final success always occurs three times: the last of the three times is always a little longer because it includes success: life is somehow the famous 0.142592653589793 after three....These stories are a kind of mythical Pi, that we finally 'mathematified', quantified by numbers. That's why the number Pi was and is so important. It explains the inexplicable, life, eternity, infinity, and at the same time the cycle of rebirth.

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    If you have half a nothing - sell it for a double something, resell half at double-price, and buy another something and a half - how much nothing will you have two days from then? Like three. Because three is the short version of π, and π is involved in virtually anything, in some form, if you believe what the internet tells you.

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    I’m afraid” “Of what?” “That I’m never going to be able to speak to you. Or that you give up on me before I do” “I’m not giving up on you. You’re my infinity Pi.

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    Rick smiled as he watched the waves roll toward their feet. He turned to her and said, “Since we’re going to Louisiana, I did some research and learned a few things. Did you know it’s famous for its gumbo and bayous?” Amelia’s eyes brightened. “Really? I’ve seen pictures of a bayou in a magazine. It’s so mysterious looking.” “It’s also the crawdad capital of the world.” “Crawdad? What’s that?” Rick’s eyes widened with surprise. “You don’t know what crawdads are?” She shook her head. “They’re a freshwater crayfish, similar to shrimp… only better.

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    Rick had said the perfect honeymoon was being together.

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    Rick nudged Amelia and grinned. “Hey, stick with me baby, and I’ll keep you in shape. Good food. Exercise. Fun games. You name it.” He wiggled his eyebrows flirtatiously. “And plenty of lovin’. I guarantee it.” An elderly couple sat on a bench, gazing at the scenery. The man grinned at Rick as he approached and gave an approving nod. Apparently they had heard his insinuations. Rick had spoken loud enough. “You’ve got the right idea, young man,” said the elderly gentleman as he winked at his wife. “Plenty of lovin’. That’s what we do for sure.

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    What will your family think, me showing up on their doorstep with my suitcase in hand?" "I'll carry your suitcase," he said.

    • pi quotes
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    The diameter divides into the circumference, you know. It ought to be three times. You'd think so, wouldn't you? But does it? No. Three point one four one and lots of other figures. There's no end to the buggers. Do you know how pissed off that makes me?" "I expect it makes you extremely pissed off," said Teppic politely. "Right. It tells me that the Creator used the wrong kind of circles. It's not even a proper number! I mean, three point five, you could respect. Or three point three. That'd look *right*." He stared morosely at the pie.

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    The Great Pyramid, that monument to spirituality that the Agashan Teachers hold in such high esteem, is built according to the principles of Pi and Phi.

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    Amelia was instantly distracted when she heard one of her favorite songs: What a Wonderful World made famous by Louis Armstrong. The woman singing did the song justice as she sang: I see trees of gree, red roses, too. I see them bloom, for me and you. And I think to myself. What a wonderful world! Before she could blink an eye, Rick pulled her into his arms in a waltz position. He gave her a wink and said flirtatiously, “May I have this dance, my love?” As they danced to the rhythm of the music, Amelia said, “Don’t ever stop flirting with me, no matter how old we get.” “Never!

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    After a moment, Amelia heard Rick humming as he marched down the ramp. It was a familiar tune. She raised a curious brow as she listened to him and then it dawned on her. “Singing in the Rain!” she exclaimed. “How do you know that song?” He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. “I had sisters. Remember?” And with that statement, he burst into song: “I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling’! I’m happy again.

    • pi quotes
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    Amelia? Let’s make sure we set some time aside every day for one another. We shouldn’t bring our work home with us. Okay?” She smiled. “Deal!

    • pi quotes
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    You married me for my brains? I can’t believe it.” He grinned. “Well, among other things.” “My charming personality?” He chuckled. “Not exactly. You have the nicest looking legs ever.” “What?” “Hey! I can’t help it. I guess I’m just a leg man. Personality comes in second. Brains are third.” “Brains are third?” she said in mock disappointment. “So why did you marry me?” “Hmmm.” Amelia tapped his lips. “Your sweet kisses were the main reason. The rest of you came as a package deal.” “The rest of me?” he said incredulously. “Well, at least I’m a good kisser. I can live with that.

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    A bell cannot tell time, but it can be moved in just such a way as to say twelve o’clock – similarly, a man cannot calculate infinite numbers, but he can be moved in just such a way as to say pi.

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    For example--I wonder--could you tell my jumbled story in exactly one hundred chapters, not one more, not one less? I'll tell you, that's one thing I hate about my nickname, the way that number runs on forever. It's important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go.

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    Every woman wants a cowboy.

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    Hank Knight asked questions about Jesse Rose and an item that was taken from her crib the night she was kidnapped. His questions led our lawyer to believe Hank had knowledge about the crime and possibly where Jesse Rose is now. I think he got too close to the truth. Too close to the kidnapper's accomplice. And if I'm right then you can help me prove it.

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    Her gaze locked with his and she felt her heart quicken. Slowly, he bent his head until his lips were only a breath away from her own. She couldn't breathe. Didn't dare. She thought she would die if he didn't kiss her.

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    Highly complex numbers like the Comma of Pythagoras, Pi and Phi (sometimes called the Golden Proportion), are known as irrational numbers. They lie deep in the structure of the physical universe, and were seen by the Egyptians as the principles controlling creation, the principles by which matter is precipitated from the cosmic mind. Today scientists recognize the Comma of Pythagoras, Pi and the Golden Proportion as well as the closely related Fibonacci sequence are universal constants that describe complex patterns in astronomy, music and physics. ... To the Egyptians these numbers were also the secret harmonies of the cosmos and they incorporated them as rhythms and proportions in the construction of their pyramids and temples.