Best 746 quotes in «love hurts quotes» category

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    We talked for four hours. I don't remember most of it, but often a little moment in an unrelated conversation or alone on the street will trigger a memory of it that I didn't know I had. So I know it's all there somewhere.

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    We talked for four hours. I don't remember most of it, but often a little moment in an unrelated conversation or alone on the street will trigger a memory of it I didn't know I had. So I know it's all there somewhere.

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    We talked about all the decades to come and how they would never be enough.

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    We were left with nothing because of a love like acid that ate its way through our entire family.

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    We were destined to collide but the river of misunderstanding left us at the opposite banks.

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    What happened to the Misstery of Romance? She’s been turned out and sold to perform Pornographic acts. So where is her Happy-Ending?

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    We've all loved someone way too freakin' much.

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    What I cannot touch, remains a memory. I am blinded by an imagined light. A remembrance of what can never be.

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    What good does it do you to love?

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    What I cannot tough, remains a memory, I am blinded by an imagined light. A remembrance of what can never be

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    What is it that you contain? The dead, time, light patterns of millenia opening in your gut. What is salted up in the memory of you? Memory past and memory future.

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    What is love? Imagine a helium balloon tied down and then you cut the ropes on a windy day. That is love.

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    What do you think Amy Poehler is doing right now?

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    What is love, Mikayel? Isn't it the most irrational of all human emotions? And the one most forbidden?

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    When dealing with love and relationships you can't read a book as one, if you are on different pages.

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    What was he thinking falling in love with her again, opening himself to another world of hurt when she left—knowing she would leave? She was a lawyer, working in the big city, used to fancy things, a fancy life. She didn’t fit in his world anymore.

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    When Hamid dropped Lata off at her house at nine that night, he felt hollow. The touch of her soft body was sheared from him like bark from a tree, and he spent the entire night tossing and turning.

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    When he remembered, his indrawn breath pulled her scent into his mouth, coating his tongue with her taste. He swallowed that delicious flavor as his heartbeat sped.

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    What you call love on your side may be called lust on another's side.

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    When I first saw you, you were like . . . ' He shakes his head, tugs gently on my hair. 'A rainbow. I always knew you came with a storm.

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    When it happens it happens instantly. It's like diving into a pool of warm silky water, like flying through the air on invisible wings, like shedding an old skin and growing a new one. When you fall in love the spirals of your DNA unwind and rewind in the opposite direction. What was black becomes white.

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    When it happened I was terrified. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I was a cliche. I looked at myself in the mirror and in my eyes was a look I had never seen before: confusion, mystery and, yes, happiness. I had fallen in love.

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    When it comes to love triangles and duels to the death, you should always cheat. - Fairy Werewolf vs. Zombie Vampire

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    When She Needs a Reminder of Your Birthdate, Make Sure Not to Remind Her That She was Once a part Of Your Life

    • love hurts quotes
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    When she sat down on the tile next to him, unafraid, his kaleidoscope senses drank in the years that had been printed onto her mind before she was old enough to remember, and he told her a story, projecting into her darkness sensations of light and color and shape, butterflies swirling like silk-spun gold out through a window that opened to a big green field in the days before the bomb.

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    When it comes to love, Princess, rules blur, and traditions fade,

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    When you allow the wrong person in your life We have all done it once it’s a hard pill to swallow. Once you realize who you allowed into your life, that’s when the hurt settles in. some will fool you into believing they are caring and respect or in fact are in love with you. Truth be told they were looking for something from you. When you find yourself there do whatever you need to do to make you whole again. Do not get mad, or hate them just accept the fact they never had your best interest in mind. If you fell in love with them you cannot just turn it off. Love them enough to walk away with your head held high. life is always a learning lesson take whatever they put you through and learn from it whatever you learn use it for your own good.

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    When true repentance occurs and lifestyles change, God can do marvelous works of restoration. Denying sin, however is not a characteristic of a repentant heart.

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    When two broken hearts meet, they find their missing part in each other.

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    When you are so transparent, they can not see you.

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    When you betray your own heart, you suffer for life. Always be true to your heart!

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    When we first split up, he called me a stalker, but that's like an emotive word, "stalker", isn't it? I don't think you can call it stalking when it's just phone calls and letters and emails and knocking on the door. And I only turned up at his work twice. Three times, if you count his Christmas party, which I don't, because he said he was going to take me to that anyway.

    • love hurts quotes
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    When you are ready and qualified for love, love won’t be ready for you , when you’re not ready for love mentally and emotionally , love will keep on knocking on your doors day and night , 24 / 7 … this is the way life and love treats a noble heart ..

    • love hurts quotes
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    When you build a wall to protect yourself against one person be warned--everyone is now out there except for you.

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    ...when you're hard and unyielding your words score me with lines - I hate lines - I want curves - curves are happy like a snowman ...

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    When you screw someone's life, the least you can do is leave the person alone.

    • love hurts quotes
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    When you feel that he doesn't value you anymore, this would be the right time to let him go.

    • love hurts quotes
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    When your life is in turmoil and your not sure what to do, look deep inside your soul it will guide you thru.

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    When you show her that you love her so much and that you can’t live without her, she will start looking for someone who will treat her like trash, she’s addicted to being insecure

    • love hurts quotes
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    When you knew you would break my heart why did you do all in your power to make me fall in love with you?

    • love hurts quotes
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    Why do I feel like my heart is ripping in thousands of pieces, taking with it every shred of soul that I still have?

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    why our story have no ending?

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    While love lasts it should be relished, gobbled up like ice cream, explored as the conquistadors explored the unknown continent. But when love evaporates, when love hurts, we must learn to let go of the idea that love is forever.

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    Why would you care about someone who won’t care about you

    • love hurts quotes
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    Willingness to possess is the beginning hurts.

    • love hurts quotes
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    Which was worse, telling a person you loved them when you didn’t mean it? Or loving them and never telling them at all?

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    Why waste time for a love partner, while you've already wasted a lot of time for your self.

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    Why should I care ? I lost my passion for love after you killed our love my love

    • love hurts quotes
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    Worte werden nicht ausdrücken, was ich für dich empfinde, du warst meine Liebe, du bist immer noch meine Liebe und du wirst immer in meinem Herzen sein. Du bist meine Seele

    • love hurts quotes
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    With your absence I have realised that hoe the once, warm comforting streets have suddenly turned to become so cold and dark