Best 47 quotes in «frienship quotes» category

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    We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over. So in a series of acts of kindness there is, at last, one which makes the heart run over.

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    Well, if you can accept that I’m a great big geeky fangirl, then I guess I can accept that you’re a skeptic and a realist.

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    We love ourselves notwithstanding our faults, and we ought to love our friends in like manner.

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    When famous singer is following your account, When profesional photographers, CEOs, authors, and attorneys, added you into their circle, When a popular model added you as their friend, When a famous Korean actor asked you for adding him into your circle...... You're feeling wow and amazed, but the truth is you need your real friends

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    When the moment shifts, and you realize you don't actually want to be alone, that underneath the bravado is an ache that won’t quite fade away, you’re not only aware of how lonely you are, but how much you've been lying to yourself.

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    When i rest my cheeks on our palm, i feel like the entire world is upside down and my worries are nothing before you.

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    You have to be a friend to have them.

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    When you are without friends, the next best thing is an enemy who knows you well.

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    You are a mousetrap of a friend, all soft cheese and hard springs

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    You shouldn’t have to pretend to be as excited as I am just to make me happy. If it comes to that, you shouldn’t have to pretend to be anything around me. Friends should be real with each other

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    You’re impossible.” I sighed. “And really weird. No wonder Jared likes you.” “Is that a good thing or not?” I shrugged. “You two have bittersweet panty-dropping connection.” “Gross.

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    Acquaintances are abundant, but friends are the few most valuable gems we hold dear.

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    An enemy of your enemy might be your friend. But a friend of your friend isn’t automatically your friend.

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    A friend will help ye move, Katie, but a really good friend will help ye move a body.

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    And isn't it funny how if one person speaks for real, then the other person can too? We just did that. We just became friends. It's just a matter of finding the right person and crossing that barrier together, almost like you're holding hands, but really you're holding the most tender place inside you.

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    A true friend watches you bloom and doesn’t resent the sunlight.

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    As much as I cared about him, I wasn’t a slave to fate. I could choose to ignore my feelings, strong as they were. It would be painful, but no more so than letting myself pine for my friend.

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    Black holes might be useful for getting rid of garbage or even some of one's friends.

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    Being in love with your best friend is problematic.

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    But Mrs. Brockington, old, alone, almost crippled by rheumatism, had faith and courage. She had more. She had a warm serenity, and when Ellen was with her, she almost had it too. For goodness is catching. Mrs. Brockington was further on the road Ellen wanted to travel, and because Mrs. Brockington had got there, Ellen felt she might get there too.

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    Caring for someone who hurt themselves is like pulling a live snake that is trying to crawl into fire. Even if it hurts, only a true friend will be brave enough to take the risk for hope of giving peace.Because only once will there ever be a best friend who would never give up no matter what.

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    But when you choose your family, you get to choose how it is between you, too.

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    Caro remembered how it was to lie so unself-consciously next to her best friends. Her aging body recalled the singular comfort of just being in bed next to Vivi's and Teensy's and Necie's bodies. It had been like no comfort she had ever taken from a man, not from her husband, or from the two lovers she'd had during her marriage. As she thought of her friends, she wished they could sprawl like that once more, their old-lady bodies touching, their varicosed legs thrown over one another's, toes touching, their scents mingling. The tribe, together again.

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    Friendship matters first.

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    Friendship isn't about how long you know someone. It's about who walks into your life, says 'I'm here for you,' and then proves it.

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    Friendship is one friend betraying another friend to a third friend. With a fond friendly smile. The greater the betrayal, the greater the intimacy - the greater the friendship.

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    Friendships sail like any other ship... left unattended, it will drift away

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    I Can Be Alone and it's Okay.

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    I got through it, and I wore it like a badge of honor—I Can Be Alone and it's Okay.

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    It's like when you take a trip with someone you don't know very well. Sometimes, you can get very close very quickly, but then after the trip is over, you realize all that was a false sort of closeness. An intimacy based on the trip more than the travelers.

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    I had always thought that I was fine with being alone. Halfway through high school, I moved from Brazil to America, and it took me forever to make friends. I had culture shock of virtually every kind, besides which I was awkward, geeky, and shy. So I ate alone, telling myself that it was fine while I watched other people have normal conversations with their friends.

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    I know he’s a realist, he’s okay with being alone, and he helps people when he thinks no one is watching.

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    I lay it down as a fact that if all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world.

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    One of the greatest evils of modern day friendship is setting obstacles for your friends then making yourself a hero by helping them defeat the same obstacles

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    It was nice. Even in high school, I’d mostly had makeshift friends forged by the shared status of outcast. It was rare for me to discuss things so easily to someone outside of my family, but somehow Jill got me.

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    Love is sensual and celestial.

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    DezPierre glowered up at Olden but graciously bowed as he introduced himself. "At your service, father of Sir Tarek. I am DezPierre of the Okbold clan. Head liason of Jolly Orchard and caretaker of Miss Alyra of Belluvita. If you cannot treat my mistress with the respect she deserves, you will deal with my swift vengeance.

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    Some pain shouldn’t be wished away so easily. It had to be dealt with, even embraced. Without the agony of the last few months, Piper never would have found her best friends, Hazel and Annabeth. She never would’ve discovered her own courage. She certainly wouldn’t have had the guts to sing show tunes to the snake people under Athens.

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    People come in and out of your life. For a time they're your world; they are everything. There's no telling how long you will have them near...It's the good-byes that are hard.

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    Și prieteniile își au viața lor. Durează atât timp cât sunt necesare creșterii a doua suflete. Vine un timp când prietenia unui anumit om e o povara; nu-ți mai spune nimic și nu-i mai spui nimic. Osmoza dintre sufletele voastre s-a sfârșit. Sunteți acum unul față de altul, două organisme complet închise. Trebuie să cauți alte organisme, alte suflete cărora să vă puteți deschide, pentru a primi sau a da bucurii, dureri, experiențe de tot felul. O prietenie care durează o viață întreagă este, pentru mine, un miracol. Poate să fie o simplă obișnuință și atunci e tristă și neinteresantă. Dar poate să fie și o ”căsătorie spirituală”, un miracol propriu zis. Unirea sufletească s-a făcut, atunci, peste granițele omenescului.

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    Sometimes being a friend is enough in its own right to inspire someone on to victory.

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    The depth of love is immeasurable, when you scale it, you will only see and experience it to the degree of your scales.

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    The subject of kissing seemed to be an awkward one. Better keep quiet about it in future. What was obviously important, was to kiss; not talk about it.

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    The pillow whistled across the room and smacked him in the face. Nicolas smiled, satisfied. If he was going to die, this was the man he wanted to die beside.

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    The view was, to say the least, incredible. And the feeling of it all - of being so small and insignificant - was a lot like the feeling I got when Burn and I would stand on the cliff in the mornings and watch the sun kiss the world awake. I felt...unimportant. I felt light, and airy, and free. I felt like nothing mattered - not my grades, not my college future, not my awful spying on the Blackthorns - nothing. I'd done nothing wrong up here. I had no responsibilities up here - not to Dad, not to Mom, not even to myself. For a few minutes, I felt untouchable. Nothing could get me in the sky, not even my problems. I watched the sun as I fell. So what, I thought, if Mom and Dad divorced? Would it really be the end of the world? This was the world - this huge thing below me, reduced to nothing more than toy-like dioramas of forests and towns. There were a hundred million problems waiting for me when I landed, but when you got high enough, all those problems seemed so small and insignificant. The sun didn't care about divorce. The sky didn't care about grades. No one cared, except me and the people in the below-world. I wasn’t a scholarshipper up here; I wasn’t a teacher’s pet, a wannabe psychologist, a girl who left her friends behind, or an attempted good-daughter. I was just…me.

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    True friendship is when you can allow and accept each other without conditions, ultimatums, expectations, demands or hidden agendas.

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    Those are the things that define us. The way we love the people around us, and the choices we make to show it. That's what makes us who we are.