Best 5 quotes in «real estate agents quotes» category

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    You need to have a Why Having a “Why” whatever it is, becomes food. It makes your dreams become more urgent.

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    The authenticity in your story, the authority in your delivery and the personalization of your presentation will make you that much more real.

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    Agency is full of challenging conversations. If you are uncomfortable with discussing your fee with clients, then you're probably not the right person to be representing them.

    • real estate agents quotes
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    Attending classes and reading books are like watching football on television. While each will acquaint you with the game, an armchair quarterback remains unskilled at actual sport. To become skilled at real estate sales, you must actively engage in its activities. To hasten success, practice what this book preaches; doing so will yield more touchdowns than bloody noses.

    • real estate agents quotes
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    All real estate agents should be put on a decommissioned naval frigate which is then towed out into the deepest part of the Atlantic and sunk. It's rather unfortunate that, in recent years, real estate agents have become comedy betes-noires. Rather like lawyers or used car salesmen. Every time they mention their job they probably get people amusingly making the sign of the cross at them or are subjected to some good-natured, humorous ribbing. This has the effect of distorting what I'm trying to say here, which isn't in the nature of a smiling roll of the eyes and a "Tsk, real estate agents, eh?" but rather "All real estate agents should be put on a decommissioned naval frigate which is then towed out into the deepest part of the Atlantic and sunk.