Best 152 quotes in «inspriational quotes» category

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    Eleştirmenler Tolkien'ı 'basitleştirmeciliğinden', Orta Dünya'nın sakinlerini iyiler ve kötüler diye ikiye ayırmasından ötürü çok suçladılar. Tolkien gerçekten de bunu yapıyor. [...] öyküye ruhsal bir yolculuk olarak baktığınızda ise çok farklı ve tuhaf bir şeyle karşılaşıyorsunuz. O zaman karşınıza çıkan, her birinin kara bir gölgesi olan parlak figürler topluluğu. Elf'lere karşı Ork'lar. Aragorn'a karşı Kara Süvari. Gandalf'a karşı Saruman. Ve hepsinden öte, Frodo'ya karşı Gollum. Ona karşı ve onunla birlikte. [...] Bu açıdan baktığınızda Yüzüklerin Efendisi'ne basit bir öykü diyebilir miyiz? Bence diyebiliriz. Kral Oedipus da oldukça basit bir öyküdür. Ancak basitleştirici değildir. Ancak dönüp gölgesiyle yüzleşmiş, karanlığa bakmış birinin anlatabileceği bir öyküdür. Yüzüklerin Efendisi'nin fantazi dilinde yazılmış olması tesadüf değildir; bunun nedeni Tolkien'ın bir gerçeklik kaçağı olması değildir, çocuklar için yazması da değildir. Neden, fantazinin ruhsal yolculuğun 'ruhta' iyiyle kötünün mücadelesinin doğal, en uygun dili olmasıdır.

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    Ein Mensch zu sein, bedeutet nicht, irgendwo hineinzupassen oder so anzusehen wie der Rest von uns. Es geht darum, er man ist und was man bereit ist zu opfern.

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    Everybody acts like the future is so far away, when really every moment that passes is the future.

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    Expectation has brought me disappointment. Disappointment has brought me wisdom. Acceptance, gratitude and appreciation have brought me joy and fulfilment.

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    God is what God makes as God becomes.

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    Forgiveness is a GIFT to yourself

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    Friendships don't last forever, but make sure you make the most of them before it's gone.

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    God Gave Us Wings to soar like an eagle rather than flutter around like a chicken.

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    Fear is the most insidious of weaknesses. You must learn to raze it from your soul, or risk defeat in all you do.

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    Having best blueprint without all the materials won't build the house.

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    I am a rock in a sea of despair and yearning. Take hold of me and together we may form an island of hope and plenty.

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    Heroes aren't always the ones who win," she said. "They're the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don't give up. That's what makes them heroes.

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    If we could convey a smile or a reason to smile to each one we meet, we could create a world of true harmony.

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    If any man seeks greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.

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    If I could sprinkle some hopes over all of you, they would include these: I hope you each find a meatball in the spaghetti of your life; I hope your talcum powder never empties, that your spirit is like a cork and that you all live a thousand, thousand lives. Huzzah!

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    If someone tries to follow the narrow way and does not set aside who they think they are and what they think they need, they cannot follow.

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    If you are going to get out of bed and not chase your dreams, then why get out of bed at all?

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    If you can't get something to work. Make a face and try again LOL I works!!

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    If you don't script your own way once and for all, your story will be written by someone else, and your actions will be guided by other people's dreams of who you should be rather than by the bright jagged thing you really are.

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    If you don't go through the shaking, you shall never be ready for the making.

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    If you have a strong desire, you find strength to realize the dream.

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    If you have lost all things,don't loose hope, for hope sees the possibility of tomorrow.

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    If your plans are failing, search your motives. When you do things for the wrong reasons, do not expect God to back you up.

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    If you inquire what the people are like here, I must answer, "The same as everywhere." The human race is but a monotonous affair. Most of them labour the greater part of their time for mere subsistence; and the scanty portion of freedom which remains to them so troubles them that they use every exertion to get rid of it. Oh, the destiny of man!

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    If you lose faith, then you begin to fear.

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    I have very strong willpower. It makes me a whole lot happier than being surrounded with wontpower.

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    I have learned that is much simpler than perceives

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    I'll enjoy today while it's here, using the time wisely. Each day is a gift that soon becomes a memory.

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    I'II be happy when ..." Choose to be happy now. The journey counts, every single step make it count. Never loose sight of your smile.

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    I knew what I'd been when I'd found them: a terrified splinter of a girl who had been shattered a long time ago. I had nothing, and no one, and no real place to go. Maybe I was still broken and would always be--but now, at least, I was piecing myself back together, lining up one jagged edge at a time.

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    I know that many men and even women are afraid and angry when women do speak, because in this barbaric society, when women speak truly they speak subversively - they can't help it: if you're underneath, if you're kept down, you break out, you subvert. We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains. That's what I want - to hear you erupting. You young Mount St. Helenses who don't know the power in you - I want to hear you.

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    I started to experience success when I Stopped being afraid of failure. I quit making excuses of not starting, like I was to broke, to busy, Etc ... I started Succeeding when I turned those excuses of Failure into Reasons for me To Get off My Butt, Make it happen and Succeed. Success is a process. Its not a Place or thing that you arrive At or Have. It's during the Journey and Struggles that Success is Made

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    I need you to just trust me for now without knowing all the answers.

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    In that moment I understand that I have the power to create the situation right here, right now. I could walk past and say nothing, I could stop and talk, I could do whatever, and create a moment. Every moment is my moment to create.

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    In the vibration of appreciation all things come to you. You don't have to make anything happen. From what you are living, amplify the things you appreciate so that it sit he dominate vibration you are offering and then only those things that are a vibrational match to that can come to you. Then sit back and know, "You ain't seen nothing yet!!!

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    It is better to travel on the rough right road than smooth wrong way.

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    It is time for you to plan ahead and stop looking behind.

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    It is time to climb the mountains of our mind

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    It's easier done than said!

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    It's not easy, but it's simple.

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    It's okay if there isn't a God anymore, but I still want to respect something. I don't want to be the center of my own universe,

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    It's Unfair to be fair, For Life is unfair

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    Letting go facilitates the evolution of the soul.

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    I've never fully understood how Christianity became quite so tame and respectable, given its origins among drunkards, prostitutes, and tax collectors....Jesus could have hung out in the high-end religious scene of his day, but instead he scoffed at all that, choosing instead to laugh at the powerful, befriend whores, kiss sinners, and eat with all the wrong people. He spent his time with people for whom life was not easy. And there, amid those who were suffering, he was the embodiment of perfect love.

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    Let us do better.

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    Llamas are cool

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    Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass

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    Life is short. It is all about choices. Priorities vary. What is right for me, might not be right for you. Do what makes you happy

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    Long term sustainability requires relentless endurance and gratitude in all your efforts.

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    Life's nycer when it's Naughtie!

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